
Ch.31 Finally done

We were in bed I was caressing Josie, she was sleeping soundly and I just looked at her and I wanted to read her mind, but I couldn't make myself do that, I then got up and went to the balcony and saw the city in front of me.

I am growing tired of this city, the people and the person that I hate most right now is my Aunt Linda, I opened up to her and told her my problems and she promised that she won't tell anyone, but it seems that she can't keep her trap shut, first she told Uncle then Josie.

After I told her that Josie is the most important person in my life and now I am paranoid that she may have told her about Hope as well, I want to get out of this city as soon as I can. I was thinking that when Josie came from behind she was wearing my shirt and asked "What happened?"

I turned around and sighed and said, "Can't sleep, tomorrow is a big day."

She then smiled and put her hands around me and said "I can think of a few things to help you sleep~" She then kissed me.

I then said "As much as I'd love to do that tomorrow is going to be exhausting. So I need both of us to be in good condition, we will literally be walking amongst Angels, and they hate me and I am worried that they may try and do something."

She then touched my face and said: "You don't have to worry about protecting me, Lucas, tomorrow we are crowning your dad as a God, you are not alone anymore, you have a family, they share the burden you have." I nodded.

She then took me by my hand and we got in bed, she then faced me and hugged me and fell asleep, I slept while I was looking at her, I felt calm in her embrace.



The suit from the tailor came in the morning, I was wearing a simple white shirt and buttoned it up fully and I was wearing a skinny black tie. On top of the shirt was a stylish vest with 6 buttons, it has a narrow v-line, which allows for the top to remain visible even when the suit's jacket is buttoned up.

The jacket was a perfect fit. It has an elaborate houndstooth pattern which gives the suit a sporty, yet stylish look. The 5 buttons of his single-breasted jacket are all buttoned up except for one, playful touch to a classy look.

The jacket is longer at the back, it has a vent at the back, there's a pocket on either side and there's a breast pocket that has been left empty.

I was wearing pants that have the same black color as the jacket, but a slightly different pattern and they make an ideal combination with his shoes. I was wearing a modest pair of plain-toe bluchers. To top it all off I was wearing a refined belt.

Josie wore her dress and she looked at my suit and I was tying a tie and she said: "You look great in this one. This is one of the greatest suits you own."

I chuckled and said, "Well, it's my father's tailor, if there was a good tailor in Mystic falls *sigh maybe I should employ one."

Josie sighed and said, "No, you already have too many suits why do you need more."

I said, "You are exaggerating I don't have that many suits."

She said, "Two cupboards full are not enough for you?"

I then stuttered and said, "Yeah but they are old?"

She sighed and said, "I am not dealing with this right now, I need to get ready."

I was surprised and asked, "You are not ready still?"

She said, "Yeah I need to get my makeup done."

I then turned around and walked up to her and said "Well, well, who would have known that my witch was this beautiful even without makeup." I then held her.

She looked at me and said, "Just let me do the makeup, we'll be late."

I smiled and said "Then let's be late. I am more tempted to take you right now..." I then kissed her.

She then said, "We seriously need to go."

I kissed her again and then sighed and said "You are right,"

I then let her go and said "Please don't make me wait."

She then smiled and said "Five minutes."

After her makeup was done, we flew to Lux, I have already sent my car to Mystic Falls. We landed in Lux the place looked like it was more a party than a coronation, although I liked this setting more. I then saw that the whole damn place was swimming in Angels. I looked at them and said to Josie "Do not leave my side and do not talk to anyone you don't know." She nodded.

We were and found Eve and Mazikeen and I said "You two look positively Gorgeous."

Eve said, "I see that you inherited the silver tongue as well."

I smiled and said, "Well, Josie has been the only one who has seen the use of it." They looked at Josie and she looked embarrassed and elbowed me.

I then asked, "So when is the thing getting started I don't want to spend any more time among them here than I have to."

Mazikeen said "Absolutely right, these people are looking at us like we are beneath them."

I smiled and said "I am not going to lie but you both are my favorite Aunt out of them all... So what can I get you to drink?"

Eve said "Appletini." Makizeen "Rum neat" I then looked at Josie and she said "Margarita?"

I smiled and said, "Today is a very special day why not."

I then went to get the drinks and I saw Daniel there and I asked: "So when are you coming to Mystic Falls?"

He sighed and said, "I am not, I will stay here, Amenediel said he will help me with everything."

I shrugged my shoulders and said "Ehh, good enough I guess... How is your Daughter?"

He said, "She is fine, it took some time to make her understand as to what was going on but she is fine now."

I asked, "What did you tell her?"

He said, "I just told her I need to be undercover."

I said, "I think you need to find a more elaborate lie than that father tells me she is too smart for her own good."

The drinks were then ready and I took them and I said "Have a good life Daniel and I hope that I don't see you again."

I then stopped and said, "Ah, one more thing."

He asked "What?"

I said, "If you turn someone, tell them that if they kill you, they will die as well."

He looked at me and said "Wait! really? Then what happens if you die?"

I said, "If I die then everyone I turned die... okay then have a good time."

As I was talking the drinks to them I saw Linda talk to Josie, I walked to them and gave them the drinks and said "Here you are."

Linda then saw that Josie also had a drink and said "Are you sure?"

I looked at Linda and said, "Oh, come on Linda it is a special occasion, I believe we can look the other way."

(An:- * means that the conversation is happening telepathically)

She looked at me and I said "* Aunt Linda, it seems that you told Josie to talk to me about Hayley." "So how is Charlie?"

She said "He is good" "* It is necessary that you talk to her about something serious like Hayley."

I said, "So he is still falling or something?" "*I have already told her that I killed her. What more do you want? Do you want me to tell her how I killed her?"

She said "Yeah, he is I am a bit concerned actually" "* Then what are you so afraid to tell her?"

I said "Well, kids need to fall to learn how to walk" "* Okay fine I will talk to her I promise, but you are not to talk to her about this again."

She said, "Well, now that you say that I think you are right."

I then smiled and said, "You lovely ladies talk I am going to go and see why is it talking soo long for my father to come out." Linda looked at me and I went up.


I then went up and found father and Amenediel and I said "Are you ready can we get on?"

Amenediel said, "Why are you so worked up?"

I then looked at him and said "Maybe it's because Aunt Linda is hell-bent on destroying my relationship with Josie."

He looked at me and said, "What are you talking about?"

I said, "I opened up to her and talked to her and now she is trying to get Josie to talk to me about Hayley."

Father asked "What are you hiding? Did you not tell her you killed her?"

I said, "No, I told her that a long time ago, it is something else."

Uncle asked, "What can be worse than killing someone?"

I said "I am not talking about this. Father, can you hurry up please?"

He said, "Lucas, you can't rush perfection."

I then sighed and said, "Just come down quickly, please."

I then handed the blade to my Uncle and went down and after a few moments the thing started and Father and Amenediel came down and they started their nonsense and whatever, I wasn't interested then Father showed them the sword and they were all aboard the Lucifer express.

My job was done, I then went to my father afterward his speech and he said "I believe you are here for the wishes?"

I smiled and said, "You are correct, soo do we do it here or upstairs where it is quiet."

We then moved upstairs and father pour some drinks and said "I believe you want to get out of here?"

I said, "Yeah, as soon as possible."

He then gave me the drink and said "Well, I did want to spend some time with you but it does seem that the school is about to start and since Linda poses a somewhat threat to your little relationship. So what is it that you want?"

I said, "Very well, I want my mother to be upgraded from Limbo to Heaven."

He said, "Will, be done as soon as I become God, next?"

I said, "I am getting the Azreils Blade."

He tossed me the blade and said "Alright done. What is the last one?"

I said, "If I or my kin are in trouble or they demand something you will grant them anything they want."

He said, "oh, come on you think I won't give my grandkids anything they want anyway, dig something big."

I then said, "Can you help me in saving Hope?"

He said "Uh, I wish I could but... I can give you something that may help." He then tossed me the piece of neckless.

I asked, "Why are you giving me the Flamming sword?"

He said, "Well if you can figure out what it does then you will be able to save Hope."

I then said "Acting all mysterious already?"

He then walked up to me and hugged me and said "You have a family now, Lucas and we all love you... come to us if you are in trouble."

I then said, "Thank you, father."

I then went downstairs and found Josie and she said " Where were you?"

I said "I was talking to my father. Why?"

She said "Nothing since we didn't get to dance at the Miss Mystic Falls, I was hoping we can dance now?~"

She then took me by my hand and we went to the dance floor and the Dj played a slow song, I then took her hand and placed my hand on her waist, and we started to dance.

I just looked her in the eyes and it was blissful, I was at peace my worries went away as soon as I was with her. Whenever I am with her everything becomes calm and peaceful. It was like there was only the two of us.

After that we spend some time with my family we ate and talked for a while but after spending some time at the party we decided to make an early exit before it was night, we reached our hotel and we took our bags and we flew for Mystic Falls.

We reached Mystic Falls in half an hour I landed in front of the Campus, we entered the Campus and we saw Lizzie and she saw us all dressed up and she said: "Oh, my god, you both are back." She then hugged Josie and looked at me and said "At least tell us before you decide to kidnap my sister" she then said to Josie, "I love that dress, where did you get it? And where are you coming from all dressed up like this?"

She chuckled and said, "Oh, it's a long story and we both are tired... well I am, we will talk latter."

We then went to my room and got changed and I said "Hey I am off to meet your Dad at Mystic Grill."

She then said "Oh"

I asked "What?"

She then walked up to me and said, "Oh, nothing I was just wondering that since we never did it here, you may want to... you know?"

I then smiled and said, "Well, we will have plenty of time after I come home." I then kissed her and said "Bye."

I then went to the Mystic Grill, the guy liked to hang out there. I then saw him he was sitting with a dark-haired guy with sharp facial features and black eyes. I then walked up to them and said "Prof. Saltzman"

He looked a bit angry said, "Sit down."

I then sat and asked, "Who are you?"

He gave a condescending smile and said "Damon, Damon Salvatore."

I then remembered and said, "Oh, the other brother, you became human right?"

He said "Yep,"

I then asked, "How are you doing now that you are human?"

He said, "Listen, kid, I am here because Ric told me that you have a good story so how about you tell me your story and I will tell you mine?"

I said "That is a good deal. Order us some drinks Prof. the story is a bit too weird without drinks."

After a lot of drinks...

Damon then said, "Hold on so you are the son of Lucifer, the devil, you are a fallen angel, you killed your Uncle and Aunt, made your father the new God, and now own one of the weapons that can kill anything?"

I said, "Well, yes, except for that mud-golem. That thing needs to have a body to kill and right now it is a pit in which is my friend Hope and I have to figure out a way to use my Flaming sword to save her somehow."

Prof then asked, "Then why did you need Josie?"

I then asked, "If I tell you I missed her would you believe?"

He said "No."

I said "Bloody Hell"

After a lot of drinks...

Prof. said, "So you created an immortal like Silas?"

I asked "Who is Silas?

After another round of drinks...

I was quite buzzed then said "That is the whole story. now tell me do you have anything that can help Hope?"

He said, "I didn't find much... but maybe we should start with the fla-ming sword you have"

I then sighed and said, "Well, too bad cause I don't even know what this thing can even do and my father has started to act all mysterious."

After many drinks and now I was drunk, I reached home but I saw something very interesting, I saw Hope.


Hello readers,

I hope that you liked the chapter, the Lucifer arc is over and now we are back to the Legacies part.

Please also join the discord server some people already have and know about some upcoming stuff about the FF and had also helped with this very chapter.

I would like to thank DevinelyChaotic and TheLonelyGod they have helped me with this chapter.

Please leave a comment on the chapter if you liked it or not and thank you to the people who voted.

Xread, Daooflife, hopemickelson, animes, eternalD, SnowofBlood, Jeremiah, PRLXThanatos, Darklord1, evilandgod, shadowlord, daniel, madhavan, james8, Vampgod, H4k1m, Daoistaie2DE, Maxwell, Alexie, Daoist, Maxime, kuroko, Horuskk, Darkknight, Shinbih, Winglessdragon, spartan, Draag, Evilandgod, soundingwizard, Burningpie, Akshay, Lin, Rion, Ashfer, Jaylenfisk, Invisible, Gustavo, DaoistzmxNSW, Daoistcelestial, Drago, Sokkenai, fantasy wisher, 2spoons, thedead, Dracius, Zerol, Thousandvenomsnake, thesleepyshadow, Hisaph, kingslayeralex10, Daoistcelestial, eL1x, Kumari, theedead, dravenmiller, Anternabilis, thelonelygod, the dreamingshadow, hunter, Sedalia, hypnosthegod, mesian, Akshay, hisaph, Dietyof chaos, theasuradragongod, uzulegend, overshotprince, aeternabilis, capt.bontakun, prince George, Hyperphoenix, Darklordfrost, Sebastian, Darklordfrost, greatnovellover.

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