This is a story that is taking place in the TVDverse in the legacies timeline. The whole world is AU so anything goes. English is not my first language so there can be some errors and I will rely on you the readers to help me fix those problems.
I was flying towards L.A. in search of answers. I never really cared for who was my father but due to recent events, I need to find who he is. My mother never let me feel the absence of my father, my mother never really denied me any answers about my father.
But the thing was I never wanted to know who he was. I had only asked her what kind of person he was and my mother told me he was an honest man who was misunderstood by most people. I had always felt that she was enough. But now I need to know.
A few days earlier
(In the Hospital)
As those words left Josie's mouth I was devastated I asked "Where is Prof. Saltzman?"
Josie looked worried and said, "He is outside why what happened?" She looked at me and I looked worried and she asked "Is everything okay?"
I said looked at the box and said "I need to talk to Prof.Saltzman now."
She looked worried and asked, "Is there something wrong?"
I said, "Yes, but I first need to talk to Prof. Saltzman."
She nodded and went to get Prof. Saltzman he came in after a few moments and I said to Josie "Can you leave us I need to talk to him alone?"
She was confused but Prof. Saltzman urged her to leave, she left reluctantly then he closed the door and the blinds and he asked "What is going on Lucas? How are you in this state?"
I said "That is not that important right now. Hope is consumed by Malivore."
He said "Who is Hope? There is no one named Hope."
I was frustrated and said, "Come closer." He came closer and I touched his hand and returned his memories of Hope.
As he got his memories I also read them and I sat down and said: "So she sacrificed herself huh?"
He choked up and said, "It was her choice."
I asked, "So we are not telling anyone?"
He said, "No, we can't let her sacrifice be in vain."
I stood up and said, "This is some bull*****, there has to be some way we can bring her back?"
He placed his hands on my shoulder and said, "And we will find it but we can't let anyone else know about this."
I wanted to refuse but I said "Fine, Prof. but can I ask why are you removing yourself from the position?"
He looked at me and removed his hands and said "I messed up Lucas. And it was the honour council's decision."
I said, "We all mess up sometime Prof. but this just not right."
He sighed and said, "Well, that is in the past now, anyway what happened to you I thought you were supposed to be indestructible or something like that."
I paused and said, "I am but I was stabbed by a hell forged demon blade specifically made to kill celestial beings." I then remembered and asked, "You have that thing right?"
He was stumped and said, "Yeah, it's in the back of my car." He then processed the information and asked "So an actual hell exist?"
I said "Yeah, angels, heaven, demons all of it. Why are you having a hard time believing this?"
He said, "I thought that Cade was the devil and only his hell existed."
I said, "Who is cade?"
He then explained who cade is and everything and I explained what attacked me and who saved me.
He said "Huh... and I thought that I know some stuff."
I said, "Yeah, this is very weird."
He then said, "But don't you think it is weird that your uncle came as soon as you were in trouble?"
I said, "It does seem a bit suspicious but who knows he could be watching out for me or something?"
He said, "If he was looking out for you why did he come after you were stabbed and after you defeated that demon?"
I said, "Yeah he is getting shadier by the minute."
He asked, "So what are you going to do?"
I said, "What else I can do I need to go to L.A. to get some answers."
He said, "Are you going to tell Josie?"
I sighed and rubbed my forehead and said "I don't know if I tell her she will want to come with me and I can't put her in such a dangerous situation."
He asked, "So are you going to tell her?"
I sighed and sat down and said, "I don't know."
He sat next to me and said, "Please don't tell her Lucas, if she knows what you are up to she may want to come with you."
I looked at him and asked, "So I should just leave?"
He looked at me and said "Lucas sometimes we have to lie to the people we love to protect them. And I know you don't like to lie but I urge you to do it this time." He then got up and left.
And I was sitting on the bed wondering what to do and then Josie came in with some tea and sat down next to me and asked "Tea?"
I nodded and she gave me the cup and said "Look Lucas I know you don't want to lie, so I am not going to ask you what are you hiding or what are you going to do? But what I will tell you is that come back safely."
I looked at her and smiled and said "Thank you and I promise I will come back safely."
She then told me what happened in the two days I was out, Triad broke into our School, Her life was in danger and was saved somehow. How Mg's mom was a bad guy and how Ralf was losing control of himself.
After I got discharged we went to the school and I packed my bag and Lizzie, Josie and Mg came to see me off. We were standing in the Airport and Lizzie said "Have a safe trip."
I said, "Thank you."
Mg said "Don't do something crazy in L.A. man there are some hot chicks out there." and saying that rewarded him with Death glares from Josie.
Josie then showed me a ring it was a silver ring with a black pearl on it and it had some runes carved on it and she said: "Since I can't come with you, this may give me some peace of mind."
I took the ring in my hand and looked at it and asked, "What does it do?"
She walked closer to me and looked at me and said, "It senses pulses and transmits it to mine." She showed me her's. I smiled and wore it.
I then held her closer to me and kissed her and said "I will miss you every day I am away from you and I will try to come home to you as soon as I can." She then kissed me and we kissed like no one else was there.
And Lizzie said, "Aww you two are soo cute, but you are making us uncomfortable."
We both stopped and laughed and I said, "I will miss you as well."
I then went ahead and boarded my plane. As the flight took off I was anxious to get some answers. Whose son am I? Who wanted me dead? Is Micheal someone I can trust?
(Back to the present)
After an 8 hour of flight, I reached the city of Angels. I had some trouble with the baggage claim and I then went outside to get a cab and the airport was filled with beautiful looking people. I mean I have never seen this many beautiful people in such a large number ever, after waiting for some time I got a cab and went towards my Hotel room.
I looked outside the cab and the city of L.A. was beautiful. It was vibrant, full of life and energy. The cab guy then asked, "First time here?"
I smiled and said "Yeah."
He asked, "Are you here to become an actor?"
I said, "No, I am here to meet my family."
He then looked disappointed and said, "Too bad kid you got a good face."
I smiled and said, "Thank you for the compliment."
He laughed and said, "Kid don't talk like that to anyone here, they may think you are from the boonies."
I was confused and said "Ahh... Thanks I guess?"
After he dropped me at the Hotel I went inside and checked in and I called Josie.
Josie asked, "Hey, where are you?"
I said "I have landed and now I am checking in my hotel room"
She asked, "How was the flight?"
I said, "I just mimicked others and I was fine."
She said, "Okay then get some rest we will talk later."
I reached my room and went inside. I had gotten a deluxe suite it had a great view of the city, a large bed and a Jacuzzi and everything. I went ahead and took a bath and relaxed and thought about what was I going to do and then I heard a knock on the door.
I took the blade with me and saw through the peephole and it was an old black man in a grey sweater and I was confused and I asked: "Who are you?"
He said, "I am your Grandfather."
Hello readers,
I hope that you liked the chapter, and the next chapter will mostly be about who what and why and stuff like that.
I would like to thank all the people who have left reviews on the novel I am very sorry that I didn't do this before.
Thank you to:- Thelonelygod, therouguegod, Frizepize, ghost-wolf25, Deity of Chaos, DaoistzmxNSW. For giving reviews on the ff. I hope that you all stay with me and we can make this ff even better than it it. Thank you to all of you.
Thank you to the people who voted.
Xread, Daooflife, hopemickelson, animes, eternalD, SnowofBlood, Jeremiah, PRLXThanatos, Darklord1, evilandgod, shadowlord, daniel, madhavan, james8, Vampgod, H4k1m, Daoistaie2DE, Maxwell, Alexie, Daoist, Maxime, kuroko, Horuskk, Darkknight, Shinbih, Winglessdragon, spartan, Draag, Evilandgod, soundingwizard, Burningpie, Akshay, Lin, Rion, Ashfer, Jaylenfisk, Invisible, Gustavo, DaoistzmxNSW, Daoistcelestial, Drago, Sokkenai, fantasy wisher, 2spoons, thedead, Dracius, Zerol, Thousandvenomsnake, thesleepyshadow, Hisaph, kingslayeralex10, Daoistcelestial, eL1x, Kumari, theedead, dravenmiller, Anternabilis, thelonelygod, the dreamingshadow, hunter, Sedalia, hypnosthegod, mesian, Akshay, hisaph, Dietyof chaos, theasuradragongod, uzulegend, overshotprince, aeternabilis, capt.bontakun, prince George, Hyperphoenix, Darklordfrost, Sebastian, Darklordfrost, greatnovellover.