
Lazy Vampire Servant

a satirical love story that has bits of fansty mixed in within it.

Matteo_Manuel_2023 · 奇幻
70 Chs

chapter sixty-one

"Feng Jie, the photo is the reason we're traveling on this train in the first place right?"

"White tea, your becoming more and more sharper."

"I don't understand what your concerned about, it's just a collar."

"A collar that should've been gone. It's been over three thousand years, I wonder if someone trying to revive something they shouldn't."

"What are you talking about?"

"Hmm, I wonder if Chief will pick up."


"Ah Jie! Why are you calling?"

"Someone sent me a photo, a concerning one, for once—-I might show worry upon my face which breaks my character temperment heavily well."

"Oh, that….I must've sent it to you when I was drunk….do you want to investigate it for me? I'm kinda busy here, my kids are so cute!!!"

"Your affection towards children are well known, Chief."

"Call you later."

"Who was that?"

"The demon lord of course."

"Haru, and Feng Jie spoke at the same time. Is Hell freezes over yet? I adorn it as a vacation spot."

"Khan! This is serious. How could a demon lord sound so nice and kind?"

"He likes children. You, Haru and Khan are children in his eyes. Naturally you would've never seen his actual temperment then."

"What exactly are the collars?"

"They suppress one's power, and turns them into slaves. It was created by a group of humans who called themselves "Head Order" to put it simply."

"What's with the costume change? Why does it seem like a action packed movie now? Why is everything—-forget it, I'm tried. Going to bed, this is too much for me!"

"I forget to mention this train is haunted—-by ghosts."

"Ahhh! Ghosts."

"Ahh! A human with makeup on! How ugly!"

"Bullshit, see how I beat you to death!!!"

Feng Jie in a lowered voice. "You really know how to pick them, nephew."

"Know how to pick them as well, Little uncle."

"Ah? What did you two say?"

"Ghost; behind you—-"

"With a frying pan."

"Cheeseburger sounds good right now."

"Khan, never do that again."


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