
Lazy Vampire Servant

a satirical love story that has bits of fansty mixed in within it.

Matteo_Manuel_2023 · 奇幻
70 Chs

Chapter forty three

"So why are napped again?" Bai Cha inquired.

"They desire to gain something in exchange for our being." Khan remarked, "Is that an assumption or a statement at this point?"

"Possibly they only intended on Haru and we happen to be a witness as well." Feng Jie commented, "Much to the oblige we are his only friends at this point, despite our first year of schooling."

"Sorry guys, for getting you wrapped up in this mess." Haru chuckled, "I didn't imagine our vacation to take a turn for the worse, rather the least worse of it as well."

"I highly doubt that, it would've been worse. We could be held upside down and drained our blood and used to feed a demon soul and end up dammed in Hell for all of eternity." Feng Jie explained, "That is the worse of the worse."

"What a way to make the conversation drab and utterly depressing as well." Bai Cha commented, "Can't you say something light hearting for once."

"That's your job, not mine." Feng Jie snorted, "If you haven't caught up on the clear script at this point as well?"

"How simplest indeed." Khan smiled, "In any case, we do need to escape before worse come to worse, my elder brother isn't the kindest when comes to these sorts of affairs."

"I fear death is upon us." Feng Jie muttered, "His highness is smiling, severely smiling."

Haru chuckled, "In any case, I know nothing too horrible has happened. Best years of life if I don't say so myself."

"Hatchling you've barely lived a hundred years." Feng Jie remarked, "Don't hold yourself too high yet, regardless of the mood in this state as well."

"So then, that brings upon the highest question of all. Who in the bloody name of God kidnapped us all?" Bai Cha inquired.

"That would be me." The maid spoke, "I'm the maid, or rather Grand Pope Alexia, of the Church of Light. Demon bastards."

"By Lucifer's left cock." Haru spoke, "I didn't see this coming at all!"

Foreshadowing? No at all! Ahaha Ah! In any case, hasn’t this caught you by the hook yet?

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