
Chapter 24

Name: Lavinia

Race: Demon

Class: Vampiric

Age: Immortal – 74days.

Crystal Essence: [Pink]- Lvl.8— 39.41ESQ

[Available Essence Points— 0]


Agility: 25


Perk: {Reais Smite}, {Blood Rush}, {Wave Shot}, {Crimson Blink}, {Inspect}

Soul Bond: Curse Marked; Master Henry Vanavil


Lavinia paces about the compact room, pressing her handless arm to her growling stomach. It's been this way ever since Ulx left her in Seraph's charge and despite her many complaints nothing has changed.

She tosses a glare at Seraph cross-legged on the long and extremely comfortable chair, her hands busy themselves with the smallest hooks Lavinia has ever seen and a ball of colour Seraph calls 'yarn'. Seraph's single eye tracks the movement of rapid flowing fingers pushing the hooks through the yarn in repetitive movement.

Another violent growl erupts from Lavinia's stomach and she paces over to the metal door sealing the room and taps her head against it, gritting her teeth at Seraph. It's becoming difficult to withstand the hunger and simply not eat Seraph and her yarn, but it's clear what happens if she does, if she harms any Trirax or denizen of Corym.

Yet at the same time she isn't allowed out of the city for a well-deserved hunt either— her imprisonment is still well underway despite the veil of friendship and kindness Ulx touts. In the end, Lavinia throws herself unto the long chair, it's strange fabric manages to be smoother than any bit of fur she's grown on her own. She spreads her legs and arms in waving motions, feeling up every bit of the chair her body can occupy as she stretches away the hunger.

"Ugh, do you have to do that every time you sit? Can't you just…sit?" Seraph nags.

Ignoring her Lavinia rotates herself upside down so her head of hair spills to the floor and her feet wiggle all over and invade Seraph's space all the more. She stops playing with the yarn, letting a low growl as she glares at Lavinia.

Made up of four thick metal walls, the room is made for a team of three as Lavinia had seen them. Jonn sleeps restlessly on the top bunk—a metal construct with a flatbed of clothes for a mattress— and complains that the lantern of DazzleFlies blinds him in his sleep while Seraph takes the lower bunk, keeping a watchful eye on Lavinia who rests between the floors and the long chair. Most times Lavinia wakes to her eye brimming with Essence, anticipating a wrong move on her part.

Lavinia stares into the warm orange light of the DazzleFlies, the Trirax rarely ever use fire for light, not as Lucy and Ken did. Instead their lanterns are filled with flies Jonn has to feed and at times replace as they die off. Their light isn't as blinding from the floor, the dirt ground itself is covered with one of Jonn's prized possession; a brown and black carpet of incompressible fluffy patterns. She enjoys it almost as much as the long chair.

At the front of the door, three bags brimming with clothes sit. One for Seraph, Jonn and one for Neibor who Lavinia has effectively replaced. Among the many fabrics to wrap around herself, including the ones spun from Seraph's yarn, Lavinia ends up with another multi-coloured shawl, cleaner and longer than the last, as well as some fluffy black shorts to combat her withering fur. The shorts are measured for Trirax legs, specifically Seraphs and so it wraps tight around her thighs and barely reaches her knee.

The doors heavy groaning marks Jonn's arrival but more importantly, food. Lavinia flips over to a ready crouch causing Jonn to cling to the welded corners of their metal barracks. He hands a shiny bag brimming with stick meat for Lavinia to snatch while hiding a separate bag behind his back.

Crashing the door shut behind him he breathes, "Deran threw in the cheap ones for free, just your bag though, don't know how you stomach that stuff."

The cheap kebabs in question happen to be particularly blood soaked flesh that managed to have a bit of blood in every bite despite having being fried. Lavinia cherished it. It may not be a fresh hunt but it's the best thing she's had here and reminds her of the stubborn tug of flesh.

Jonn stretches past Lavinia ravaging her meal and over to Seraph and they sort each other from a variety of non-bloody foods she has no interest in. They devolve into a range of conversation Lavinia lightly pays attention to, she's observed this pattern over the course of her stay and predictably, Jonn starts with reports on 'the kin'.

"Quiet out there." He says, pinching out of something that looks like a soft brick, "The walls tight too, Robold sent me back the moment he saw me coming but I got a good look, it should be back up in a dozen days or so."

Seraph hums through a mouthful of something loud and crunchy, taking a moment to swallow before following up, "And the Primes?"

Primes, Demon Lord, Lord Crimson. Lavinia scrolls through an ever growing list of words, titles and phrases that tell of power well beyond hers. Something tells Lavinia that these titles would know more about Henry, his curse and the strength she'll need to remain free.

Jonn answers with a grimace, "Still boycotting. Even when we've all been attacked, everyone is hurting because of this."

Seraph nods as concern riddles her— as it always does when they talk and eat. She sighs, wipes her mouth and hands and picks up her yarn again. Jonn continues in a whisper, "Ulx must be desperate."

Even without her name mentioned Lavinia knows she's the next topic. Seraph groans a shrug, "So were you…to escape, leave me behind." She doesn't follow him into the whisper and he recoils as if spat on.

Snorting he tossing lanky arms in the air, "What would you have done? Take on a vampire? Ulx is desperate because she will make sure we're not tossed; he's only doing this for our survival!"

Not waiting for a response he clambers up to his blinding top bunk, ruffling clothes over himself.

Seraph rolls her eyes with a twist of her hook, "Isn't that charming? Defenders of Trirax, the surviving Ulx and his goblin Jonn." She groans at the disgust of her own words.

Silence reigns for a moment as Lavinia licks the last of her sticks dry. She sets back over her mane, splaying herself star-wide over the carpet and stares into the warm hearth of the DazzleFlies. Her eyes shut for a blissful rest.

"I'm not the only coward." Jonn shatters the quiet.

"Say it again!" Seraph screams.


Off her feet in a bound Lavinia marches in short stride to the door and bangs, glaring loathe at the two, "Outside."

Seraph smirks and sizes her up as if anticipating this very moment, "No? You can't go an-"

Flaring her Essence in a single, condensed burst Lavinia bares her teeth, "I can't kill you but I can bring you close."

"You're not allo-"

Flexing her claws Lavinia smirks, "Ulx wouldn't mind, I'm too useful to lose, right? Now, outside."

Jonn and Seraph share a grim look.

Thanks for reading!

Tim_Saiancreators' thoughts