
Late NPC Villain

Koo Hyun-seong, South Korea's best [Winter War 3] nertuber. He died as a result of a sudden heart attack. When he reopened his eyes, he was reincarnated as Pelas, the villain from [Winter War 3], whose death was confirmed. He makes a decision I decided to survive in my second life by writing everything I could! "I'll show you what happens when the dead put their lives in danger!"

Arnnok · 奇幻
47 Chs

< Episode 25. Knights of Pelas. >

Pelas asked Havertz.

"Habertz. Do you know what Edan's successor's test scores are?"

"Yes. I did find out in advance."

Pelas was amazed.

After all, there seemed to be no butler as strong as Havertz.

Havertz unfolded the paper he was wearing at his side and recited the contents written on it.

"There was a report that the little boy brought a total of 30 tails of gray wolves as trophies."

"Hmm. What we brought..."

"Ten orc axes."

"One orc is three knights. And one gray wolf is one knight, right?"

"Yes. Master."

"So can I count one orc as three gray wolves?"

"Even if you calculate it like that, there is no big problem."

"It's exactly the same rate as the loot I brought."

"That's right."

The five sacks of lost loot were regrettable.

However, it would be useless to try to wrap my head around the past.

It would have been more efficient to prepare for the next one.

"If there is a tie, what will happen to the test?"

"There are two ways."


"Yes. The first step is to take the test again. In that case, we will set up an expedition again and go on an expedition."

"second is?"

"Another method is to see the match in sparring between successor candidates."

"Ooh. That sounds like fun."

Pelas personally found the second method more intriguing.

It was difficult to move back and forth on the expedition, and now that Aria was present, it was a bit like leaving her alone and going on an expedition.

And the biggest reason is that even if I fight against a guy named Edan, I don't think I'll lose.

No, it looked like he could win.


When Pellas became interested, Havertz supplemented the explanation.

"First, each of them selects two knights from their own knights. The three, including the successor candidate himself, selected in this way will compete one-on-one with three opponents, and the one who wins two wins first becomes the heir. Other than that, there are no other rules."

"It's simple."

"Yes. On the day set by the head of the family, the candidate for successor and the knights under his command engage in sparring with unsharpened swords. The sparring is done in one round, but if the opponent gives up or the head of the family judges that the result has come out and ends the sparring, the winner is the winner. is determined."

"Perhaps Ethan wants the second method too?"

"I think so too. The little boy is also quite aggressive."

Pelas closed his eyes for a moment and was lost in thought.

After winning the battle against the last orcs, his level reached 16.

After fighting so many enemies, it was a riot in an instant.

The gap created by the difference in level in the Winter War series was quite large.

Even if it was a one-level difference, there would be a gap that could not be filled even with temps as the second half went on.

If it's Pelas' level now, it's a higher level than Robben's before.

The problem is that I don't know the exact level of the opponent...

Pelas opened his eyes and opened his mouth.

"Habertz, what level of knights led by Edan..."

The moment Pelas was about to speak, an urgent knocking sound came from outside.

thump thump!

"Felas-sama! Pelas-sama! This is Robben!"

Pelas paused for a moment.

"Haberts. Open the door."

"Yes. Master."

Havertz immediately opened the door, and a sweaty Robben stood in front of the door panting.

Pelas frowned.

It didn't seem like it was a good thing.

"Roben? What's up?"

"Bocchan! I think you should come out for a while!"

* * *

Fellas followed Robben down to the gymnasium, and his annoyance soared.

Ethan was there.

Along with the knights lined up behind him.

And on the other side of Edan, all the knights of the expedition that had been with Pelas were banging their heads.

"What is this doing?"

Hearing his voice, all the eyes of the knights lying on the ground turned to Pelas.

Pelas also scanned their faces.

Of course, they were all familiar faces.

Besides, aren't they the ones who once shared the crossroads of life and death?

Pelas let out a deep sigh and spoke softly.

"Everyone stand up."

Even at that word, the knights flinched and could not stand up easily.

Robben yelled at him.

"You guys! Didn't you hear what the young master said to stand up!"

Only then did the knights stand up from their places.

Pelas was holding back his rising anger.

After failing to take out his anger on himself, is the best thing he does is take it out on the knights who followed him instead?

His gaze was coldly directed at Ethan.

But Ethan didn't back down either.

"No matter how big brother you are, this kind of behavior is difficult. Knights have the discipline of knights."

When Edan said a word, a knight standing half a step behind Edan shouted.

"That's right, Mr. Pellas! No matter how much you say you're the eldest son of Count Dimeo, a knight has a knight's law. You can't make the situation complicated like this!"

Pelas's eyes rolled slowly and were fixed on the knight raising his voice.

And then he quietly opened his mouth.

"shut up."


The knight felt a chill run down his spine in that gaze full of life.

Seeing his knight die in an instant, Edan made a pitiful expression.

Ethan shook his head once more and spoke to Pelas again.

"Brother. In Count DiMeo's family, the order of knights is clearly divided. It's a tradition that has been handed down since the first head of the family. Even older brother, shouldn't he be like this?"

Pelas was really annoying in many ways.

That guy named Ethan is uttering polite words in front of people, and when he fights with orcs, those brave knights are becoming jjigguri.

Fellas had listened to Robben on his way here.

Edan's knights first quarreled with the rank knights who were guarding the loot.

There's no way you guys could have caught an orc, and they said they stole it from an orc's tomb somewhere.

Until then, it was said that the average knights had been patient.

However, one of Edan's knights spoke ill of Pelas, and it seemed that a small skirmish broke out.

And Edan appeared and subdued all the regular knights.

In the meantime, Ethan continued to say what he had to say.

"The members of my knights are official low-level knights with their own affiliation.

Pelas looked over Edan's articles and turned his gaze to Edan.

"Uh. It's not something that can cheer you up."

"...What did you just say?"

"No one can cheer up my knights. Except me."

"My knight? Ha! Where is your brother's knights in Count Dimeo?"

There was no

Until now.

It was the will of Count Egor, who had no intention of giving his eldest son a knighthood.

However, a little while ago, in a private meeting with Count Egor, Pelas had asked for one last favor.

He asked for permission to establish an official knights order with the knights who followed him, and to promote all of his knights to lower ranks.

And he said he would lead the knights himself.

Count Egor gave permission after thinking for a while.

It was because he had faith in Pelas's appearance that was different from what he is now.

So, Pelas was able to take the rank knights who followed him directly into his bosom.

I was going to announce this in a slightly better place, but with the situation going this way, I had to say it now.

Pellas turned around and shouted as he looked at the rank knights who had gone on an expedition together.

"Listen up! You are the Knights of Pelas DiMeo from now on! Be strong so that no one can treat you carelessly, and be brave so that no one can look at you carelessly! This Pelas DiMeo allows!"

At his sudden cry, Ethan's expression became stunned.

Huck, he refuted, suddenly regaining consciousness.

"Isn't it something that you can decide so carelessly..."

He couldn't follow through with his words.

It was because of the replies that the knights of Pelas had made their throats explode.

""I will do my best!!""

As soon as their reply faded, Ethan shouted again, with a blood clot in his neck.

"This is not a matter for you to decide!"

Pelas only slightly turned his head in response to his cry.

"Noisy. Extras."

"Ext...what? Anyway! I put up with it a while ago! But I can't stand it now! Brother!!"

At the throat of his blood, the knights of Edan drew their swords.

conductor! Cha deputy!

Seeing this, Robben screamed.

"These guys! How dare you pull out a sword for safety!"

Robben also immediately drew his sword.

In response to his actions, even the knights of the Pelas Knights drew their swords.

conductor! Cha deputy!

The atmosphere changed like the middle of a battlefield in an instant.

Rather, it was the knights of Edan who were confused.

They were the ones who intended to draw their swords first, strike them in the face, and scare them.

That method was also Ethan's preferred method.

They thought that the method would work this time too.

But things went strangely.

The knights of Pelas did not blink an eye, and suddenly changed their eyes at the risk of their lives.

Their facial expressions looked like those of a beast right before it lashed out with its teeth.

'Try to touch Pelas at least a little bit. I'll give you all the slaughter!'

All of them had faces that looked like they were saying that.

But now I can't back down.

Edan's knights were busy noticing Edan.

On the other hand, the knights of Pelas only glared at the nape of their opponent.

The spirit of those who have gone through a life-and-death crossroads is completely different from those who have only undergone training and safe hunting like flowers in a greenhouse.

Ethan, too, felt that things were not going the way he had hoped.

'I'm sure my kids' skills are higher...!'

Even though the momentum was different, it was so different.

His instincts were calling out.

If we fight like this, we won't be able to win.

Someone has to step up and stop it now so that they can live.

And it felt like Fellas too.

If we fight now, we can win!

However, even if he caused bloodshed and won, he would not hear anything good, so he raised his palm and stopped the knights.

When Pelas' order was given, the knights of Pelas untied their beast-like eyes and retracted their swords.

Edan's knights let out a small sigh and withdrew their swords.

"Take it in moderation and disappear in front of your eyes. My knights aren't so formidable that you can mess around like that."

"...Even if that's the case, brother-nim, you can't decide how to create an order of knights."

"I'll decide?"


"I've already got permission from my father. If you don't believe me, I'll go see you and ask you."

Pelas turned to look at the knights before Edan could even answer.

"let's go."

""yes!! Mr. Pellas!!"

Pelas led the way, and the knights followed him.

It was Edan who felt as if he was facing Count Egor's Silver Lion Knights.


Ethan could do nothing but watch their back until they disappeared.

< Episode 25. Knights of Pelas. >end