
Last Stand✅✅

Cold_works · 奇幻
3 Chs


Ahh, ahh, i opened my eyes breathing heavily as i noticed a familiar ceiling. Confused at everything that was happening i quickly stood up and looked in the mirror and saw a familiar face, a dark blue hair and a pale white skin as i chuckled to my self like someone just back from an isolation center.

Hahaha I'm really back, i can't believe it just then i heard a voice from the other side of the door in my room .

Young master steve, can i come in? I recognized the voice as it was the voice of my maid lilia she who gave up her life for me to run when a gate opened up in our barony.

That's right let me talk about those bi**hes called constellation's . About ninty year's ago a bright light shone in the sky and a crack appeared causing a dimensional rift which caused monsters to invade earth and a lot of life's were claimed but constellation's descended granting humans the ability to fight back through receiving a constellation stigma and the appearance of system screen came about so humans were able to fight back and after fighting for fifteen years humans were able to emerge victorious and peace was brought so we thought till the constellation [Dark Heaven] appeared and humans tried fighting against [Dark Heaven] and the human he bestowed his stigma but we all lost, yup he bestowed his stigma on luis Alfonso and while all this happened those constellation's didn't intervene and said it was the fate of mankind, fate my a**, i have to prevent that from happening again as i resolved my self and turned to the door

Yea enter as the door opened and a petite girl with burnt brown hair about my age entered wearing a maid uniform and closed the door behind her.

Young master the lord and lady are waiting downstairs

Lilia what day is it today as she looked at me dumbfounded and replied, today is the eighteenth day of the sixth month of the sun calendar as i quickly remembered that today was supposed to be the day i received a stigma in the church.

Ahh if i remember previously i received a stigma from the [Little Dawn] constellation, that stingy fu**er didn't give me quest's to get stronger and thus causing the fall of my family, it won't repeat itself as i turned to lilia, go down and tell my parents that i would be down in ten minutes and i have something to discuss with them as she bowed and exited the room i stood up and looked through the window and saw the vast green lands of the aderick barony as i steeled my determination to not let that tragedy repeat itself as i went to prepare myself to leave for the church.

A medium sized room not decorated too much but very decent and there sat a dark blue haired man and a beautiful woman with a lush red hair they both looked like they were in their forties as the man opened up a conversation

What's talking him so long to get ready and turned to the maid standing at the his side holding a young girl of about nine years old, lilia go back and call steve as the maid was about to reply the woman interrupted him telling him to hold on a little bit and during their conversation they heard a voice call them.

Mom, Dad, as they turned to look at their son who was looking at them with teary eyes as they immediately rose from their seat's and the woman ran towards him looking concerned she asked, steve is everything okay are you hurt anywhere.

No I'm just happy he replied.