
Last Luna

Belladonna is the last werewolf on earth, thanks to a freak event where a wolf was spotted man kind armed up and hunted werewolves down. On the run for the past two years Bella met a man also in the run from the law named Nicolas and starts to trust him, but she gets grabbed by a criminal organization not for the massive bounty in her head, but Tony, the mob boss, wants to use her as a means of negotiation, a tool to threat his opposition, in return Tony offered her protection, a warm bed, and her days or running was over. Nicolas in the meantime still tried to rescue her and met a man named Deno, who was sent by his siblings to kill Bella but he instead decided to protect her and told Nicolas he's actually a vampire and one of four lords that has no weakness accept for the bite of a werewolf. Anastasia Le Blanc, the vampire countess wants Bella dead at all costs. the last of their eternal rivals being alive holds back a grim plan they have for man kind. It is up to Deno and Nicolas to help Bella become a Luna, the fabled female alpha spoken of only in legend now. But can Bella become a Luna without a pack? Will she be brave enough to face the vampire lords? Or will she stand back and allow the vampires to have their way with man kind? Humans have hunted her down and caused her nothing but agony...

SaberTrueno86 · 奇幻言情
231 Chs

Why did you stop?

Tony took the red handkerchief out of his top pocket and wiped the blood off his knuckles "This was your last warning Robert! Where's my money?"

The man spat on his own white carpet then looked at him "Tony, we had an agreement, you coming here into my house and threatening me! That's break of trust!"

"I waited for months punk! Its a million bucks and I can't stand waiting for that amount any longer! You're the one who caused friction in our partnership the day you asked for a postponement!"

Robert smiled "You got brave haven't you Tony, I don't care how big you are, you know I ain't afraid of you"

"Well you should be" he said stepping back looking at Deno.

The vampire held his chin assessing the man in the chair "I'd say he's not quite battered in marinade yet Tony, mind if I give it a whirl?" Deno asked lifting a fist.

Tony frowned, a streak of blood ran down the side of Robert's face, then shrugged "We don't want to overwhelm her right?"

"Yes, maybe so, but considering she's still extremely drawn back into herself I think we should properly swamp her nose with that scent" Deno said stepping in front of Robert.

"If you say so" Tony said.

Deno took a nice look at the man's face, held a fist up and guided it slowly around, choosing a target that will allow the best bloodshed, then drew back and struck him over his eye.

Deno's ring caught that bridge and a healthy amount of red sprayed over his face making him grunt.

"You bastard!" Robert said blinking at the blood.

"Oh I'm not done yet my fellow man" Deno said grabbing his shoulder and struck him hard and repeatedly in his gut until he coughed blood.

Deno stepped back nodding "The meal has been basted in paste, ready to eat"

Robert still coughing heard this and squinted up "What?"

Tony took stage again "As I said, last warning, where can I get my money?"

Robert only spat at his shoes.

"Very well, I'd like to introduce you to my friend, and she's very hungry"

Bella's ears twitched upon those words and she pushed the door open, putting up a face to scare someone's death into him as she came in glaring at Robert.

"What the!? What the fuck!?" The tied down man screamed trying to back away but Tony held him in place.

"She's my new partner, and if you don't comply, I'll ask her to eat you"

Robert glanced at Tony, then at Bella, she still snarled coming closer, first bipedal, then lowered on her front paws to bow her back up, her fur standing erect like the quills of a porcupine.

"F-u-f-u... Fuck— Tony! Are you crazy!?" Robert screamed.

"No, but she's clearly hungry"

Bella smelled that whiff of blood in the room, it tingled her sensors and told her of prey, but she saw the red streaks over his face, his face, a human, and that's the only thing that made her mouth stream with saliva, but not attack.

She came even closer grinding that piercing glare into his eyes, rose in front of him, snapped her jaws and roared to his face.

"Oh— fuck! Tony! Get this dog off me!!" Robert screamed.

Deno felt that skip in his chest, that's right, insult her, get her angry you asshole!

Bella grabbed his collar and drew him away from Tony, her canines and gums glimmering with wetness she opened her jaws more and more, slowly, already that scent of blood tasted her tongue and she felt the heat of this screaming man's breath against ther inner mouth, it made het hungry, for some reason she wanted to bite at him! She wanted to taste!

"Daddy!?" They heard the voice of a child.

Bella snapped her jaws shut and darted her gaze when a girl barely six came into the room, but seeing the wolf made her scream.

The mother was short behind and grabbed the girl, she must have hidden somewhere but the poor girl cared so much about her father she escaped the clutches of her mother and made it to danger before mommy could grab her again.

Bella didn't like this, the sad stories of children made to fear her rushed her memories and she got angry, Tony said nothing about a child in the house!

She roared at the mother who screamed alongside her daughter then fled back where they came from, Bella let go of the man in the chair and slowly headed in that direction.

"Fuck—! Okay okay! I promise I'll have the money tomorrow! I swear!" Robert screamed "Please don't let her harm my family!"

Tony flicked his fingers "Okay partner, that's enough"

Enough...? Bella smelled the scent of that child, like lamb tastes better than sheep, the younger they are the softer the meat, she gave Tony a whipping snarl and headed to that door still.

"Belladonna! That's enough!" Tony said.

"No, let her go, she's finally doing what a wolf should, following her nose to prey" Deno said but Tony bellowed in disagreement.

"Not a child!" He yelled but Nicolas already stepped into that door blocking her.

"Bella" he said calmly and she blinked grizzlying to her rear paws.

"Back away..." She said with a bare snarl.

"This isn't you..."

His words made her realise her actions and she lowered her fury, suddenly feeling ashamed of herself.

Nicolas thought on his feet quickly and looked at Robert "You shouldn't bring your child into business! You're a poor father!"

"I... I was, it was just" Robert uttered but Bella turned on him and roared to his face.

"Yes! Yes I'm sorry!"

She stood back.

Tony, his men, Nicolas, everyone was rattled accept for Deno, Bella kept her leer on Robert but Tony cut his restraints and left for the door "I'll see you tomorrow then"

"Yes! Yes I promise!" Robert said.

Tony left along with his men, Deno grunted following, Nicolas walked to the door but saw Bella still staring at Robert.

"Come Bella, its over"

She harfed and trotted past him out the door, one last glance Nicolas saw Robert wetted himself, tears rolled over his cheeks.

"Don't fuck up now Robert, you could have lost your family tonight, no money is worth that"

"I told you! I get it! Now fuck off!"

Nick snorted and left.

Outside Tony's men already climbed into their vehicles but Bella was standing one side with her back turned, Deno has folded his arms and it seemed only Tony realized how close they came to a wolf killing a child.

"Why did you stop?" Deno asked making Bella turn a snarl to him "You were on the right path! You want to tell me Nicolai had you leashed!?"

"Back off!" She said.

"No! You're not a wolf pup! You're a Husky! A Husky pup! Useless!"

"Do you want to see how useless I am!?" She roared at him.

"You really think I'm afraid of you Omega!? You're not nearly half the wolf capable of taking me down! So show me if I'm wrong!"

"Guys!" Nicolas said but Bella already charged.

Her claw swung but Deno effortlessly went under it bringing a fist up to plow into her gut, she heaved a yelp and backed away, yet this only made her see red.

Roaring she swung again but Deno grabbed that incoming claw and stopped it dead, this is where she realized the true strength of a vampire.

Deno drew her off her feet and swung her over, ending with her back to the ground heaving as the air left her lungs, then he swung again and threw her into a tree close by making it quake raining its leaves all around them.

"Enough!" Nicolas yelled coming between Bella and Deno.

"No! Step aside Nicolai! This wolf is stubborn as a mule! I need to educate her!"

"In due time Deno! Please you'll only break her further!"

"Break her!? Is that her excuse!? She's broken!? A true omega would never have attacked me! She's not broken yet!"

Nicolas balled his fists "Fine! You'll have to come through me to get to her then!"

Deno scoffed "Are you serious!? Do you understand what I am!? Have you not seen how I just tossed a werewolf like a doll!"

"I don't give a fuck! Stop hurting her!" Nicolas screamed.

Deno clicked his tongue "Very well, then I'll get through you first!" He said and marched to him.

Nicolas drew a first back and struck his face but Deno's head didn't even twitch, Nicolas stood back shaking his fist but tried again none the less, Bella lied where she fell watching Nicolas repeatedly hit Deno but it was like hitting a scarecrow, the man barely felt it.

"Enough!" Deno said eventually and grabbed his throat "Maybe if I make you suffer we can get the true wolf out of her!" He yelled lifting Nicolas clear off the ground.

"Stop!" Bella roared "Stop please!"

"What!? No! You must come save you mate wolf! I won't just drop him if you beg! Werewolves don't beg for mercy!"

"I'm not begging! I'm asking! Please I'll admit I'm still young! I have a lot to learn! Let him go and I'll do anything you ask!" She said getting to her feet.

Deno stood leering at her, in his grip Nicolas hung dangling, then he groaned letting him go.