Its the Last day of school but will it ever end? Or will it keep going in replays!! A horror story etangled between nightmares where lines between realties and the living get blurred.
I could feel fear as if it was standing right behind me holding my neck, making me watch as the creatures climbed on each other, trying to get to the bridge first, trying to get to me.
In a few seconds only the screams and cries of the creature grew to a level that no human can tolerate, I wanted to cover my ears and run from there but somehow it felt like someone was trying to push me off the bridge in this pit of nightmare.
With all my strength I broke free as I saw one of the creatures finally jumping up and getting grips on the pillars, shrieking and crying more, it started climbing up.
Without looking back, I ran off the bridge into the forest, trying to find the wooden rods rooted on earth but to my luck I found none, even these pine trees looked different, they looked darker and older but rotting with corruption.
Avoiding everything I ran and ran with my calves giving up but then I knew I was being hunted. The wailing of a creature chasing me, its shrieks going louder and louder. I tried to find my cell and other things but soon realized I had none. All my things were gone, vanished.
The more I ran into the forest, trying to get away from it the more the shrieks of that creature grew louder as if it was now playing with me as if more than that he knew my pin point location. I knew I was making a lot of noise; I knew I needed to hide myself.
Now it felt like this whole gray night was screaming, thirsty for blood. The trees felt as if they were moving, confusing me. the chilly wind filled with rot was enough to pass any normal human out.
But not today, today I wasn't giving up. To save myself I dashed across the woods, into an opening of a cave, the entrance of the cave in fact was small but I was able to squeeze in but my leg was caught b that creature, where it grabbed me tightly enough to not rip it off but strong enough to pull me out of the cave. It wasn't able to get in.
I saw the hands changing into thin human hands, weakening the grip, I took my chance, hit the hand with a rock and ran and crawled into the maze.
I was crawling, my knees and elbows all scraped bleeding especially from the marks that creature left on my leg but I had no time to stop because I can hear the cries of the creature in the cave now searching for me.
It was able to smell the blood and see it but I didn't understand at its speed why hasn't he hunted me down.
I took my chance and decided that the best way ahead was to go back from where I came so I started crawling backwards with the cries of the creature becoming feint.
For a moment it felt like the caves were moving and expanding because soon I was able to walk bent down.
The smell of the pine forest entered my nose and I ran towards the opening and passed out from all the exhaustion.
I must have been there for hours because the police found me worrying, thinking I was in some kind of danger. The look on their faces was of relief.
When I got back everyone had already left only Vivaan and the co-ordinator was at the hotel.
They informed me of what had happened, a version of the story that Ishita was mauled by a mountain cat, which was common in these parts as an incident that happens with unlucky ones.
They thought I was also chased by the mountain lion and passed out of exhaustion. I accepted their version of story because I had no recollection, all my memories were blurred out and it was like I was missing something.
When we got back everything and everyone seemed pretty sad because we had to attend the funeral of Ishita, I came to know there that Vedanth and Ishita were in fact twins but didn't look alike at all. Everyone was crying, I tried to but it was like I didn't know how to cry, my eyes were all dry. Others thought maybe I was still in shock.
But to be honest there should be a reason to cry. I said to Ishita walking back home from the funeral, she agreed with me. when my home came, she requested me to accompany her to school daily as her dad didn't have time anymore, I agreed.
The next day when Vivaan, me and Ishita went school together, Vivaan was still sad and quite bummed up but I knew it wasn't related to the funeral, he wasn't a person to dally on things unnecessarily. But he had this strange request that he wanted to go to school early because of practice and his teammates will pick him up from tomorrow. I thought it's fine because in any case I still had company.
Now you know what happened on the trip and now I think you are ready to know what happens further on the last day of school when I get my memories back.