
chapter 8

Narration by Ms Felicia Ada.

I gasped awake!

"Oh, my God!"

I jumped out of the bed, knocking Margaret onto the floor.


"Sorry," I said as I helped her up.

"Felicia? What's wrong?"

"It's happening! I'm changing again!"

"You've got to relax. Just breathe slowly. Don't think about changing. Think about something else."

"How can I not think about it? It's already started. My body is on fire! My heart is racing! It hurts!"

Margaret grabbed my arm

"Look at me. Try to focus on my face."

I stared into her eyes.

"That's it," she said, "just try to calm down."

Margaret's eyes seemed to glow red.

"Don't be afraid," she said, "I won't hurt you."

"Your eyes," I said, "they're changing color."

"I can control it. Now just focus on me."

As I continued to look at Margaret, I noticed her skin was turning pale and her teeth were getting longer.

"Margaret, you're changing too!"

"Damn," she said, "this is a bad time to need blood."

I tried not to think about the pain.

"Try to relax," Margaret said, "Please darling, calm down."

"It hurts," I cried, "it hurts so bad!"

I felt my snout growing.

"Margaret," I howled, "Help me!"

"Shh," Margaret whispered, "Don't think about the pain. Just listen to my voice."

"I'm trying," I whined.

"Good," she said, "just keep listening."

I had completed the transformation, a wolf once again.

"Margaret, I am hungry. We both need a victim. Let's go hunting."

Margaret smiled at me, her canine teeth were still long and her skin was a pale white.

"I was hoping you would say that."

Just then a scream came from outside the cabin.

"Well," I said, "Sounds like we won't have to hunt far."

We both raced outside the cabin and we saw the source of the scream.

A small girl was being chased by a large group of zombies.

Margaret laughed.

"I wonder what zombie blood would taste like." 

I was thinking the same thing.

The girl screamed and ran towards us.

"Help me," she cried, "Save me!"

The zombies were getting closer.

The girl was terrified.

"Please, help me!"

I leaped in front of the girl.

The zombies were closing in.

Margaret leaped in the air and landed on top of one of the zombies. She sank her teeth into his throat.

The zombie roared and clawed at Margaret.

Margaret ripped the zombie's throat open and drank his blood.

I bit into another zombie and ripped off his leg.

The girl was watching us with fear.

We killed every single zombie that had come after the girl.

As we looked at her, her eyes were filled with terror.

She backed away from us.

"Stay away from me!" The girl screamed as she ran away.

"Should we follow her?" Asked Margaret.

"No," I said, "Let her go. Those zombies tasted so good. Now I'm full. Let's continue to Beelzebub's castle."

"Very well."

After we had gotten ourselves back together, we walked around the landscape and headed north.

Suddenly a loud boom filled the air.

"What was that?!"

"I don't know," said Margaret, "it sounded like a cannon."

"This way."

We both ran in the direction of the sound and we saw a group of soldiers fighting each other.

The soldiers were wearing armor and holding swords and muskets.

They were firing at each other.

"Those are not zombies," said Margaret, "they are normal human beings. How did they get here?"

"I don't know," I said, "but they look like they're going to kill each other."

We both watched the battle.

One of the soldiers charged at another soldier and swung his sword.

The soldier blocked the attack and countered.

The soldier was knocked back.

He was injured, but he got back up.

The two soldiers were evenly matched.

I looked over at Margaret and I saw the desire in her eyes.

"I want blood," she said.

"I know what you mean."

The two soldiers continued to fight.

They were both getting tired.

Finally, one of the soldiers fell to the ground.

"Yes!" Yelled Margaret.

The other soldier took his chance and stabbed his opponent.

Margaret and I ran towards the scene.

"Wait," I said, "you can't feed on a dead man. His blood would be cold."

Margaret bit into the dead man's neck, ripping his jugular open. Blood sprayed all over her mouth and face.

"Yummy," she purred, "This blood is so fresh and warm."

"You're sick," I growled.

Margaret grinned at me, her face covered in blood.

"Maybe, but you want to feed too, don't you? Being a werewolf gives you a taste for meat, doesn't it?"

She was right, I did.

I leaned down and bit into the dead man's shoulder, drinking his blood.

The blood was so delicious.

I chewed on the flesh.

The meat was delicious.

"Yummy," I moaned, "This is the best meat I have ever tasted. You were right, being a werewolf gives you a taste for meat. We should feed on them all."

"No," said Margaret, "we need to conserve our energy. These men are already dead. Besides, I'm full."

"Very well, we can keep moving."

We continued walking north and eventually came to a large black castle.

"We made it," said Margaret, "we're finally here. We should go inside."

"Okay," I said, "but we should be careful."

"Of course," said Margaret, "come on."

We both went through the front door of the castle.

Inside, the castle was very dark and creepy.

"Where do you think the book is?"

"I don't know," said Margaret, "but it's somewhere in this castle."

Suddenly, we heard a strange noise.

It was a sound like someone whistling.

"What was that?"

"I don't know," said Margaret, "Come on, let's keep looking."

As we walked around the castle, the whistling grew louder.

"Who is there?!" I called out.

"So someone has come to see me," said a voice, "I've been so lonely. It's nice to see a couple of beautiful women. Why have you come to my castle?"

"We have come ask for a favor. We're not dead, but we were brought here to hell by a cult. We were told that you have a spell book that could help us."

"You have come a long way," said the voice, "Normally once you are in hell, you stay. However since you both have great beauty and your souls are still intact, I will grant your wish. There is a small price however."

"What is the price?"

"I will preform the spell, but you both will have to give me a gift."

"A gift? What kind of a gift?"

"The gift of love."


"Yes," said the voice, "for a long time, I have been very lonely. My love was killed and her soul was taken by the devil. I have not known the touch of a woman in many years. In order for the spell to work, you both must give me a kiss."

Margaret groaned.

"Very well."

I wasn't so sure about this, I was only attracted to Margaret; she was the one who gave me pleasure.

"You must both kiss me at the same time," said the voice, "If the kiss is not mutual, the spell will not work. Are you both ready?"

"I guess so," I said.

"Very well," said the voice, "Come forth."

I held onto Margaret's hand and we both walked forward.

As we walked, the castle began to shake.

Suddenly, a large figure appeared in front of us.

"Beelzebub," said Margaret.

The creature was covered in a thick black smoke, but his face could be seen.

"Do you accept my terms?"

Margaret turned to look at me.

"Are you sure about this?"

"It's the only way to get out of here," I said, "I'm willing to do it."

"Alright," said Margaret, "let's do this."

"Very well," said Beelzebub, "Come closer."

I felt my body shaking, but I continued to walk forward.

"Now, place your hands on my shoulders and lean forward."

I did as the demon told me and placed my hands on his shoulders.

Then I leaned forward and kissed his lips.

I could feel the heat from his body.

His lips were warm and soft.

Then I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my waist.

"Now," said Beelzebub, "Give her a kiss."

Margaret's eyes widened.


"Yes," said Beelzebub, "Now."

"You want to watch us kiss?"

"Yes," said Beelzebub, "that will give you a boost of energy that will carry you back to earth. Now, do it."

Margaret turned to me.

"Felicia, I'm glad it's you. This will be a lot more comfortable for me, since we have bonded. Come, let me hold you close to me, so that we can give Beelzebub a good show. I have no doubt, that the sight of a vampire and werewolf kissing will give him some satisfaction. It might even make him climax, and that's what he wants."

She put her arms around me and pulled me close to her.

"Take me Margaret! I'm all yours!"

Margaret kissed my lips.

Her tongue entered my mouth and she explored my mouth.

She moaned as she pressed her body against mine.

Her breasts were pressed against mine.

Her hips were grinding against mine.

My hands moved to her ass and squeezed it.

"Oh," said Beelzebub, "That's very good."

Margaret continued to kiss me, and I returned her kiss.

She was moaning and gasping.

I felt her hands move to my breasts.

"Yes," said Beelzebub, "Now I'm hard."

Margaret and I stopped kissing and looked at the demon.

His cock was erect and dripping.

"Very well," said Beelzebub, "You both have kept up my end of the bargain, now I will keep up mine. Come, let us go to the library."

"A library?"

"Yes," said Beelzebub, "that is where the book is."

Margaret and I followed the demon to the library.

There was a large table with a book sitting on top of it.

"This is the book you seek. Now, I will cast the spell. Both of you stand on the platform."

Margaret and I stepped onto the platform.

"Now, the spell requires that both of you say the following words: 'I want to go back to the mortal realm."

"I want to go back to the mortal realm," we said.

"Very well," said Beelzebub.

There was a flash of light and then everything went black.