
Chapter 194 - Battle in the coliseum of the goddess (2)

I walked down a long corridor, observing the light at the end. As I approached, the sounds of whispers and applause echoed from all directions. Exiting the corridor, I put my hand to my face, trying to shield myself from the intense light.

As my eyes adjusted, I took a good look around. The place really resembled a coliseum, or perhaps a football stadium? Actually, it seemed like a fusion of both. All the seats were taken, and in front of me was the ring where I would battle against other participants.

As I approached the ring, the applause grew even louder. Although I was already expecting it, this event seemed truly important. Moreover, there was also a relatively elevated place that stood out. Up there, you could see an extremely strong Demi-human. Next to him were several Demi-human women, and behind them, some children.

Among them was Leona, but in the seat in front of her, there was no woman. Considering the arrangement of the place, the man is probably the king, the women are his wives, and behind them are his sons and daughters. I didn't really care much about it, but Leona's father seemed to have at least eight children, which, honestly, was quite a lot.

Putting that thought aside, I turned my gaze back up, specifically to where Leona's father was seated. No matter how I looked at him, his entire being exuded strength. Seeing him this way, I could confirm that I definitely couldn't defeat him with just my physical strength.

Furthermore, although it was a silly thought, still, looking at Leona's father's sons and daughters made me wonder if I would have so many children in the future. Counting how many girls I have, probably all of them would want to have a child with me... right? I really don't know.

I mean, I remember several moments when, in the heat of the moment, they expressed the desire to have a child with me while we were having sex, but did they say that sincerely or was it just in the excitement of the moment? Probably, I would have to ask them later.

Once I pushed that thought out of my mind, I turned my gaze back to the front. Climbing into the ring, my opponent also became visible. It was a female Demi-human, and if I guessed her species based on the ears, she would probably be a kangaroo Demi-human. Honestly, she was really pretty, and as always, her clothes showed quite a bit of belly button and legs.

"Ladies and gentlemen, first and foremost, I want to say it's a pleasure to welcome you to our annual tournament at the Goddess Coliseum. Although the rules are quite simple, I'll explain them again in case anyone has forgotten"

While distractedly looking at my opponent, a voice echoed through the venue. I couldn't identify where it was coming from, but I found it quite intriguing. Anyway, I was wondering when we should start, but I believe the voice will initiate the match. Keeping that in mind, I continued to listen attentively.

"The fights will be sequential, and we don't have an exact number based on strength, as the numbers are randomly assigned. Therefore, just like the first participant might end up being the final winner, they could also be the first to lose"

The voice said in an enthusiastic tone.

"The final winner will have their wish granted by the king of Anima himself. Whether it's wealth or an arranged marriage, as long as you win, it will be possible"

Saying that, the voice stopped for a few seconds, creating a kind of tension. Shortly after, she spoke again.

"Furthermore, as everyone knows, the duel is observed by the priestess of Anima. Her eyes are the eyes of Felrotha-sama, and in case of any transgression being discovered, the punishment will be quite severe. Therefore, please, act according to the rules"

As soon as he said that, I turned my gaze to where Leona was sitting before, but she was no longer there. I looked confused between the seats trying to find her, but it didn't take long for me to discover her whereabouts.

In a place I hadn't noticed, which gave a view of the entire area, Leona, in a white outfit, appeared while applauding the crowd of Demi-humans waving to her. Honestly, that Leona was completely different from the one I knew beating people in an alley, her whole being exuded dignity. Her hair was delicately adorned, and overall, she was extremely attractive.

"Now, competitors, hold your positions"

I was really wondering when exactly Leona had moved, but I decided to put that aside for now, as I would need to focus my full attention on the fight.

"Prepare... begin"

As soon as the voice said that, I focused my gaze on my opponent, but suddenly, she disappeared from where she was. As she disappeared, I quickly felt her again behind me. Before I could react, however, a strong pain hit my neck. When I realized it, I was being thrown out of the ring. Although I wasn't sure, I probably blacked out from her attack.

Quickly, I spun in the air and put my feet on the ground, slowing down my speed. Shortly after, I pressed my two hands on the ground, stopping completely.

(This really surprised me; her feet are extremely strong. It's been a while since I cared about surprise attacks, as Shade always blocks them. Who would have thought that it would hinder me now?)

If I were to compare, she is certainly much stronger than Baji. This thought made a smile appear on my face. Anyway, I just had to get the hang of it again. Also, considering her pose along with her initial attack, she is clearly focused on attacking with her feet, using her high speed.

Well, considering her race, I think that would be obvious. Even with all her speed and strength in her feet, I still didn't feel like I was going to lose. I'm probably physically stronger than her, although I'm not confident in being faster. Anyway, I could probably balance this fight.

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