
L'animal de compagnie du jeune maître Damien

作者: ash_knight17
Fantasy Romance
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What is L'animal de compagnie du jeune maître Damien


"Qui t'a touchée ?" demanda-t-il, ses yeux fixant les siens et quand elle ne répondit pas, sa voix tonna dans la pièce, "QUI ?" Le majordome qui se tenait près du mur parla d'une voix tremblante, "Monsieur, c'était Monsieur Reverale," le visage de Damien s'assombrit, sa mâchoire se contractant de colère, il tourna son visage vers le majordome qui était derrière lui. "Amenez l'homme ici." "M-maintenant ?" bégaya le majordome. C'était l'heure de la nuit. Damien, qui n'avait pas rompu son contact visuel avec la fille devant lui, posa sa main contre le mur qui reposait maintenant à côté de la tête de sa belle fille. Tournant son corps, il regarda d'abord son majordome qui avait la tête baissée. Avec beaucoup de courage, le majordome vint croiser le regard de son Maître, "Est-ce que tu as un autre moment pour cela? Ou devrait-on attendre que j'aie envie de t'étrangler?" demanda calmement Damien en inclinant la tête. Pas une seconde plus tard, le majordome sortit de la pièce pour revenir avec Monsieur Reverale après vingt minutes. "Damien, avons-nous une fête du thé tardive ?" Monsieur Reverale vint saluer mais le maître de la maison avait d'autres plans. Apercevant le couteau qui était planté dans la pomme sur la table, il le saisit pour le retirer. Au moment où Monsieur Reverale tendit la main pour lui serrer la main, Damien prit sa main pour la poser sur la table. En un mouvement rapide comme s'il coupait des oignons, il trancha les quatre doigts de l'homme de sa main, le faisant crier et pleurer de douleur. "Personne ne touche ce qui est à moi. Je suis sûr que cela te rappellera la prochaine fois que tu penseras même à la toucher," soupira Damien comme s'il en avait marre de dire aux gens de garder leurs mains sales loin de ses affaires. Rencontrez Damien Quinn, un vampire de pur sang qui est un narcissique complet, brut avec ses mots et avare même s'il est riche qui a marchandé quand il a acheté un esclave sur le marché noir. D'un autre côté, rencontrez Pénélope qui croit qu'elle est une 'invitée' pour quelques jours chez les Quinn car elle a l'intention de s'échapper de l'étrange vampire qui a besoin d'une thérapie. ~ Discord: https://discord.gg/K63uVqN

9 標籤

Love Drunk

The reluctant groom... Jacques Henry Cole or Jack was turning thirty soon and he needed to get married in order to inherit the family business according to his father’s last will and testament. Everything’s been prepared for his wedding, but there’s one big problem: There’s no bride – not that he bothered finding one. The impulsive bride… To stop her father from retiring from the job he loved to take care of her, heiress Alexandra Lee or Alex suddenly declared she was getting married and that her husband would take care of the business. She did find someone suitable to marry, but there’s one big problem: She caught the groom cheating the night before the wedding! The clock’s ticking and they needed to get married! “When life gives you lemons what do you do? Have it with tequila of course! Drink it straight up just as long as you're sure where you'll end up... For troubled heirs Jacques Henry Cole, and Alexandra Lee, it's in the same place: TOGETHER" ============= THIS COULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED! HOW? WHEN? WHY? "We're m-married?" Alex almost choked on her words. Her blue eyes popped out of their sockets as she stared at the incriminating piece of paper wherein it's stated that she and Jacques were now lawfully wedded. "B-but h-how did this happen? I c-can't remember anything!" Panicking, she stood up, her eyes transferred to Jacques in alarm, but the latter waved her back onto her seat which she followed without protesting since her legs wobbled. "Why are you so spooked? We decided to get married anyway so it doesn't matter that it's already done with, right?" he reminded her reasonably. "R-right," Alex agreed absentmindedly before she stood up again, perplexed. "I mean no! What kind of people get married and forget the ceremony?" she blurted which earned her a thoughtful look from the equally forgetful groom. "Ehrm…drunkards like us?" Jacques offered and Alex rolled her eyes in frustration as she collapsed and leaned back on her seat, her hand zeroing on her temple which began to throb. Right! Who else could pull this stunt other than a stinking drunk couple like them? Please support by voting! START DATE: June 1,2020 update schedule: MW [2 chapters a week] [author is pregnant] Join Love Drunk's discord here: https://discord.gg/Vv7uPrN or get me coffee here for my effort? https://ko-fi.com/schreient

schreient · 现代言情

Shadows of Time: Legends from Forgotten Lands

"Shadows of Time: Legends from Forgotten Lands" is a captivating collection of tales that takes readers on a journey through the realms of forgotten lands, where shadows of the past intertwine with the mysteries of time. Within the pages of this book, you will encounter enchanting worlds and legendary characters that have long been lost to history. Each story unveils a hidden tale, carefully preserved in the whispers of ancient ruins and forgotten artifacts. From the desolate ruins of a once-mighty kingdom to the ethereal forests inhabited by mystical beings, these legends transport readers to realms where magic and adventure await at every turn. Through the lyrical prose and vivid imagery, you will witness epic battles, encounter mythical creatures, and delve into the depths of human emotions. The legends contained within this collection are rich in symbolism and explore themes of love, sacrifice, redemption, and the relentless passage of time. As you immerse yourself in these tales, you will find yourself questioning the nature of reality and pondering the lasting impact of forgotten histories. "Shadows of Time: Legends from Forgotten Lands" is a testament to the enduring power of storytelling and the ability of legends to transcend time. It reminds us that even in the darkest corners of history, there is wisdom to be discovered and echoes of forgotten tales that still resonate with meaning. Prepare to be captivated by the evocative storytelling and the mythical realms that await within these pages. Embark on a journey through the shadows of time, and unlock the secrets of the forgotten lands that have been patiently waiting to be rediscovered.

annormal4 · 奇幻
6 Chs

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該作品30日內的更新頻率為每周 21 章節。
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