


Young master Damien's pet

"Who touched you?" he asked, his eyes brooding down at her and when she didn't answer, his voice thundered in the room, "WHO?" The butler who stood near the wall spoke shakily, "Sir, it was Mr. Reverale," Damien's face turned sour, his jaw ticking in anger he turned his face to the side where the butler stood behind. "Bring the man here." "N-now?" stuttered the butler. It was the time of night. Damien who hadn't broken his eye contact with the girl in front of him, pushed his hand against the wall which now rested beside his beautiful girl's head. Turning his body, he first looked at his butler who had his head bowed. With great courage, the butler came to meet his Master's eyes, "Do you have any other better time? Or should it be after I wring your neck?" Damien asked calmly tilting his head. Not a second later, the butler ran out of the room to return back with Mr. Reverale after twenty minutes. "Damien, are we having a late tea party?" Mr. Reverale came to greet but the master of the house had other plans. Spotting the knife that was stuck to the apple on the table, he reached for it to pull it out. Just as Mr. Reverale went to exchange a handshake with him, Damien took hold of his hand to place it on the table. In one swift movement as if he were chopping onions, he chopped the four fingers of the man off his hand making him yelp and cry in pain. "No one touches what is mine. I am sure this will remind you the next time you even think about touching her," sighed Damien as if he were tired of telling people to keep their dirty hands off his belongings. Meet Damien Quinn, a pureblooded vampire who is a complete narcissist, brash with his words and stingy even though he is rich who haggled when he bought a slave from the black market. On the other hand, meet Penelope who believes she is a 'guest' for a few days at the Quinn as she is intent on escaping from the odd vampire who needs therapy. ~ Discord: https://discord.gg/K63uVqN

ash_knight17 · 奇幻言情
761 Chs

He Stole Me From My Deadbeat Husband

[COMPLETED.] [Side Story released!] [Mature Content.] “That baby is mine, and so are you,” He declared, pointing at Kate’s belly while his deep green eyes gazed at Kate, like a viper ready to strike. Kate couldn’t believe that he– Henry Grant, her new boss eight years younger than her, was the father of her unborn child. “We should be together by default. But I will give you a choice. Go and suffer with your deadbeat husband, or come with me, I will show you the fun you’ve missed.” ===== For the past five years of her marriage, Katherine “Kate” Woods, 32, had always believed she was infertile. She was unable to conceive a child and her deadbeat husband Matt always insulted her for it, calling her a useless woman despite never finding a job himself, forcing Kate to be the sole breadwinner of their family. Yet, he still had the nerve to cheat on her with her own sister! Heartbroken, Kate escaped to her office late at night with four bottles of strong red wine. To her surprise, she wasn’t alone. A handsome young man stood in her office, watching her. He refused to give her his name, but offered to keep her company for the night. With lust and booze coursing through her veins, Kate readily abandoned herself to her basest, most repressed instincts, seducing the nameless but willing visitor. In her drunken stupor, she boldly declared, "If my husband wants to sleep with every woman on earth, then two can play that game." She didn’t care if they did it raw, as she always thought she was barren. Only to find herself staring at a positive pregnancy test a month later. Kate Woods, the supposedly ‘barren woman,’ was pregnant. The stranger had accomplished in one night what Matt could not in five years. - Now that Henry has given her a choice, would Kate leave her deadbeat husband and jump into the sea of uncertainty with this young man? Or would she stay with Matt, her husband who cheated on her for the sake of their families? - Official Commissioned Cover. - Contact me: Instagram: @ForeverPupa -

ForeverPupa · 现代言情
524 Chs

Letters to Romeo.

[Mature Content. No Rape] 'All it took was breaking one rule that she was not supposed to' He was the bad boy with tattoos. She was the good girl with glasses, and she was his. — When Julianne Winters decides to move to the dormitory of the reputed University, she has everything planned so that she can complete her graduation and leave the place. But her plan is quick to catch fire from the moment the eyes of Roman Moltenore from senior year lands on her. And his appearance screams nothing but TROUBLE. "What rules?" Julianne asked with a frown as she read through the page. She was sure she hadn't seen any rules of the campus mentioned on their website. # 4. No using cell phones. # 12. Students should not roam outside the campus after eleven in the night. The further she read, the more bizarre it turned out to be. Her friend turned the page and then pointed at the last rule # 29. Listen to Roman Moltenore. "This is made up. Look, the last one is even written in pencil." Julianne couldn't believe that her friend from the next dorm thought she would fall for it. "And no phone?" "It is important you abide by all the rules. Especially number twenty nine," said the girl in a serious tone. "Remember not to get involved with Roman. If you happened to see him, run in the other direction. There is a reason why it is written down here." With the rules of the campus, she resorts to sending handwritten letters to her uncle. But who knew it would end up in someone else’s hand! 

ash_knight17 · 奇幻言情
332 Chs

Él me robó de mi marido inútil

[Contenido maduro.] —Ese bebé es mío, y tú también —declaró, señalando la barriga de Kate mientras sus profundos ojos verdes la miraban, como una víbora lista para atacar—. Kate no podía creer que él, Henry Grant, su nuevo jefe ocho años menor que ella, fuera el padre de su hijo no nacido. —Deberíamos estar juntos por defecto. Pero te daré una opción. Ve y sufre con tu inútil marido, o ven conmigo, te mostraré la diversión que te has perdido. ===== Durante los últimos cinco años de su matrimonio, Katherine "Kate" Woods, de 32 años, siempre había creído que era infértil. No era capaz de concebir un hijo y su inútil marido Matt siempre la insultaba por eso, llamándola mujer inútil a pesar de nunca encontrar trabajo él mismo, obligando a Kate a ser el único sostén de la familia. ¡Sin embargo, aún tenía el descaro de engañarla con su propia hermana! Con el corazón roto, Kate escapó a su oficina tarde en la noche con cuatro botellas de fuerte vino tinto. Para su sorpresa, no estaba sola. Un guapo joven estaba de pie en su oficina, observándola. Se negó a darle su nombre, pero se ofreció a hacerle compañía durante la noche. Con lujuria y bebidas alcohólicas corriendo por sus venas, Kate fácilmente se abandonó a sus instintos más básicos y reprimidos, seduciendo al visitante sin nombre pero dispuesto. En su estupor ebrio, declaró audazmente: —Si mi marido quiere acostarse con todas las mujeres en la tierra, entonces dos pueden jugar ese juego. No le importaba hacerlo sin protección, ya que siempre pensó que era estéril. Solo para encontrarse mirando una prueba de embarazo positiva un mes después. Kate Woods, la supuesta 'mujer estéril', estaba embarazada. El extraño había logrado en una noche lo que Matt no pudo en cinco años. —Ahora que Henry le ha dado una opción, ¿Kate dejará a su inútil esposo y se lanzará al mar de la incertidumbre con este joven? ¿O se quedará con Matt, su esposo que la engañó por el bien de sus familias?

ForeverPupa · 现代言情
524 Chs

Sold to a Prince!

In the land of magic and beasts, Sylvia was betrayed by her family and sold off as a slave. She was expecting the worst, but fortunately, it was a handsome prince who had ‘bought’ her! Who doesn’t love a charming, benevolent, and kind prince, not to mention ridiculously handsome? But, little did Sylvia know that the charming handsome prince was no angel but rather a devil in disguise! The calm, kind and good-hearted Sylvia found herself slowly changing under the devil's influence but worst of all, she found herself becoming more and more addicted to the two-faced devil who harbored dark and dangerous secrets. But could she ever fully trust the shameless devil? Or was he just one of the many who desired her hidden powers? Let the games begin! ....................... Excerpt: "Are you getting ready for your engagement, my sweet kitten?" The devil's familiar voice drawled, making Sylvia's entire body tingle with an unfathomable need. She gazed into his dark coal black eyes, lost within them, as he rubbed her lips with his thumb. This man... This man in front of her alone had the power to make her knees weak and her heart crumble. "Heh. Being silent, are we?" The devil chuckled, his hand moving away from her lips to the back of her head. He clutched a handful of her soft silver hair and pulled her closer to him, capturing her lips with his. Sylvia snapped out of her trance and commanded her body to push the devil away but her traitorous body only yearned for him more and she wrapped her hands around his neck instead. The devil's lips curved upwards, his grin widening in satisfaction. His hand then moved down to her gorgeous engagement gown laced with diamonds and rubies which came undone as soon as he touched. The laces, the veil, the flowers, the jewelry, everything was ripped to shreds, leaving behind only herself. An entire morning spent on getting ready and dressing up gone to waste just like that! "You!" Sylvia glared at the shameless devil angrily. She had given him an inch but he went for the mile! She pushed him away with all the force that she could muster, pinning him against the wall, imprisoning his rude mannerless hands. "Heh? Why are you angry, my darling? Aren't I helping you? Why waste your time attending the meaningless engagement, when you already know that you belong to me and me alone?" "Go to hell! Who said I belong to you! I belong to no one." "Is that so?" The devil leaned forward, gently knocking his forehead with hers. "Shall I leave then...?" He whispered, his warm breath caressing her cheeks. Sylvia's face instantly reddened as she couldn't resist the devil's sweet temptations anymore... She gave into the man's wicked allure and pressed her lips over his, stopping his mouth from taunting her and teasing her any further. ....................... Instagram: yolohy_webnovel Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/yolohy Discord: https://discord.gg/5CvPuX6M88

Yolohy · 奇幻言情
229 Chs

Picked Up A Husband For Farming

The miracle doctor, Xu Qing, accidentally fell into the water and died. When she opened her eyes again, she found herself having transmigrated into a farming novel. Then, she felt excruciating pain in the lower half of her body. Xu Qing looked down in disbelief. As a thirty-year-old unmarried single woman, she was in the midst of giving birth to a child! Staring at the three babies who were barely breathing, Xu Qing almost went mad. Why did she suddenly become a mother of three? Her father exclaimed, “How dare you give birth to b*stard children before getting married?! We don’t have a daughter like you. Scram!” Before Xu Qing could even catch her breath after bearing children, she was chased out of the house by her father. Fortunately, her mother pitied her and secretly gave her an acre of land to aid in her survival. With no options left, Xu Qing picked up a hoe and started farming. ‘Hey, that unconscious mister over there, please die somewhere else! Don’t dirty my corn field!’ After dragging the unconscious man to a side, Xu Qing suddenly remembered that she needed help taking care of her children. This man would do! Later on, Qiao Yanhui knelt down before his angry wife with an aggrieved look on his charming face. He had one child on each arm, and another clinging to his head. He looked up at Xu Qing pitifully. “Honey, it’s the effect of my family genes. I can’t control my genes from producing so many babies…” “Out! Get out now!” Xu Qing kicked him aside. Who knew that the man she picked up turned out to be the father of her children. Had she known, she would’ve left him to die in the corn field.

Wuxia · 综合
420 Chs

The CEO's loser wife: Rebirth of the villainous queen of alchemy

COMPLETED. Transmigrating into a poor and mistreated young lady's body, what will the craziest alchemist of the seven realms now do? Excerpt: He stood there, soaking wet in the pouring rain, earnestly looking at her. He gazed at her, as if she was his entire world. But, only to be mercilessly cut down.... “Me? Falling in love?! You have got to be kidding me. I would rather dominate this world.” Grinning, he took her hands and kissed them gently. “You can dominate me first sweetheart.” Taken aback by his sudden straight forwardness, she abruptly withdrew her hands. “No thanks” He looked deeply into her eyes and smiled gently. Not deterred by her words, even a bit, he smirked. “Your lips are saying no. But your heart betrays you, my dear.” Getting more and more flustered, she took a step back, widening the gap between them. She looked at him mockingly to hide her panic, “Oh and since when did you have a telepathic connection with my heart.” Heh... He let out an amused chuckle. Closing the distance between them again, he took a step forward and lifted her hand, pointing at her watch’s display. “I always did have that my dear. But in this case, see your heart rate just spiked.” ....................... Instagram: yolohy_webnovel Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/yolohy Discord: https://discord.gg/5CvPuX6M88 ....................... I do not own the cover art and it will be removed upon request.

Yolohy · 奇幻言情
252 Chs

The Sweetest Temptation

FORBIDDEN FRUIT…..IS THE SWEETEST. REVERSE HAREM! NO RAPE! [Mature content: R-18+] Cold, charming, and mysterious bad boy Rhys is the guy your parents warn you to stay away from, with his sexy accent, tattoos, flirtatious smirks and dirty remarks. Drowned in the past he can’t escape; he has no time for love until he meets her. She is so gentle, so delicate for his dark and cruel world. He knows he should leave her alone but he couldn’t, he wouldn’t. He is a selfish bastard and he takes pride in it. When the opportunity to get closer to her arises, he breaks his own rules to offer her a deal she can’t refuse. A day of freedom. After that they wouldn’t look for each other again. One year later, he meets her again. The woman he had never forgotten, whose soft lips and doe eyes had haunted his dreams. Fate was so cruel and twisted that the object of his darkest desire is now going to be his sister-in-law. Engaged to his older brother Damien Niarchos-The leader of Country ZY mob family to ensure peace between the two families. Every monster has their weakness. She’s his. His obsession His addiction. His forbidden fruit. ** Sweet, shy, and introverted despite being the only daughter of the most feared mob boss in the country, Beatrix Quinn is a romantic who is waiting for her Prince Charming to rescue her from her overprotective father and brothers. But instead of a Prince Charming, she gets a bad boy whose touch sets her soul ablaze. She never thought the guy she met one year ago whom she had given all her firsts is going to be her brother-in-law. Despite him being the only one who makes her feel Beautiful Protected. Truly wanted. Theirs is a love doomed to fail from the beginning. ______________ ______________ Excerpt: "Why can’t I let you go even when you’re not even mine.” He said against her neck between kisses, his hot breath making her skin shudder. “R-Rhys..we can’t.” she stuttered with a flush on her face. Rhys chuckled, it was low and slightly menacing. “I know little mouse, I know.” Note: There is no blood relationship between Male leads. One is adopted. Volume 1 completed [MMF]—2 brothers X 1 woman—Mafia arranged marriage Volume 2 completed [MF]— Boss X secretary

Chichii · 现代言情
307 Chs

Married To A Big Shot

The Story of a Scorned Woman and a Big Shot. A few years after stepping out of the limelight, Elena Huang confidently returns in full swing with revenge running thick in her veins. Elena almost lost everything in the past. Thus, she now plans to worm her way into the life of the most eligible billionaire bachelor of City H, all in hopes that she can use him to solidify her status and seek revenge on those that betrayed and hurt her in the past. But something falls out of her meticulous plan. The Big Shot she was after also happens to be the stranger she had a one-night stand with when she was at the peak of losing herself entirely. What would Elena’s reaction be when she finds out that the man she had been looking for, had been in her line of sight all this while? On the other hand, unknown to her, the elusive Mark Wang remembers her from the passionate night they shared and has since gained an interest in her. Fascinated by her, will he accept her desperate proposal and help her climb the social ranks again when he finds out her intentions? But at what expense? And when Mark’s messy past comes threatening to disrupt their present-day affairs, will they be able to move on together? Most importantly, will Elena finally learn what genuine happiness truly is? ******* ~EXCERPT~ “Mark, if you help me, I promise I will do anything for you in return. Just as long as cheating is not involved.” “You will do anything I want?” Mark probed, his eyes glittering as he focused on her. He now seemed more interested in her promise than in whatever it was she wanted from him. “Yes, I give you my word.” Mark stared into her eyes and seeing how desperate she was, he leaned back into his seat and tapped his fingers on the table. “Careful what you promise, Darling, I’m not a good boy.” “I don’t care,” Elena replied with determination in her eyes. “I’m not a good girl either.” ----- Official commissioned cover by Artist Laylee: @Laylee_hiu Contact me on Instagram: @authorpaschalinelily For firsthand Announcements, join my discord server: https://discord.gg/GywPN7X

Paschalinelily · 现代言情
325 Chs

The Mate You Give

Wealth, fame, power, Alpha Davien is the stereotypical playboy who has both the looks and commitment issues. Leading one of the most powerful packs in the whole of New York, life couldn't be much better for him. That was, till his father made an announcement that changed his all so perfect life. With his father stepping down from chairman and their company merging with their number one rival. Davien was left with no choice but to agree to a marriage between himself and the heir of their rivals to preserve the peace and keep his inheritance. Infamous for rejecting three mates in a row, Davien is certain that his so called marriage would end as miserably as any other of his entanglements. However, on the night of his engagement party to Silvia, the eldest daughter and heir to the company, a surprise guest arrives at the event. Kian Saint. The nineteen year old rebel son of the rival company, rumoured to have gone to prison abroad and was deported. Tension rises when Davien and Kian both discover that they're actually each other's mates! Determined not to lose his inheritance, Davien offers Kian a large sum of money with the intention of rejecting the mate bond. Things go south when Davien hears what Kian has to say... "Do I look stupid? Why should I accept this small amount when I can become your husband and have all your money to myself?" Conflicted, he tries to approach Silvia but is left stunned at what she has to say. "I'll admit, I'm a bit shocked myself, but I'm glad Kian has a mate! As long as you keep my brother happy, I won't run your company into the ground." Left with no other choice, the playboy Davien marries an omega seven years younger!

Riceballs_25 · LGBT+
267 Chs