Sakura just wanted this war to end, for her teammates to be able to smile together again. Instead, she wakes up in another dimension, loses her ability to swim, and becomes shrouded in more mystery than she cared for. Now she aims to travel the Grand Line, with the oddest crew mates and their eccentric straw-hat captain, in hopes of uncovering answers. But there are forces that conspire at every turn. Will the kunoichi be able to handle the life of a pirate?
"Join my crew,"
"No thank you,"
"It'll be fun,"
"I said no Luffy,"
"Join us!"
Sakura had honestly thought it was a sleep-deprived joke Nami was making, but the next day Luffy was on her case about the matter and seemed determined to get his way. Though she was doing her best to keep her composure. Sakura wanted to learn more about this world and had been trying to hold herself up in the girl's cabin to read the small selection of books but Luffy wasn't having it and chased her up on deck. She had been trying to avoid seeing the swordsmen as well but he hadn't paid any mind.
"Luffy for the last time, I'm not going to become a pirate," She was walking to the other side of the ship, with Luffy close behind her.
He pouted, puffing out his cheeks. "Why not? What are you going to do then?"
"I'm going to try to find a way back to my village,"
"But I thought you said you didn't know how to find your way back home right?"
"No, I don't," She couldn't even properly remember how she got here.
Luffy chuckled, "You're just like Zoro,"
"Hey!" The swordsmen called from the other side of the boat, he had been enjoying a relatively blissful nap until everyone became rowdy.
First Luffy tried to take some of the tangerines, but Nami sent Sanji to guard them and that turned into a commotion for over an hour. Usopp had another mishap with his concoctions and then Luffy had taken to chasing Sakura around the ship all morning trying to convince her to join the crew while Nami kept trying to pry him away from Sakura.
"I want you to be our doctor. Why don't you want to sail with us?"
"Nami said that you're going to sail a sea that's been considered a pirates graveyard,"
"Yeah, the Grand Line! Sailing's going to be great, so come along! We need a doctor," The last statement was something she agreed on, but even so, Sakura had no intention of trotting along with this odd group of pirates.
Sakura sighed. "I can't believe he has a bounty,"
For all of Luffy's unusual quirks, Sakura found yet another interesting thing about him. Last night while waiting for Zoro to finish drawing her water, she had found the picture of him laying around the meeting room of the ship, with a wide smile and the back of Usopp's head. But it wasn't just a picture, no it was a wanted poster. And that's how Sakura learned that this world's currency was referred to as Berries. And that Luffy was worth 30 million, and wanted dead or alive.
'They really are pirates,' Sakura couldn't correlate this group's hospitality and kindness to pirates' behavior. She considered herself to be biased since she only heard stories of pirates. But their title was basically to define criminals of the sea.
"What did he do to earn that bounty?" Surely it must've been something terrible, but somehow she couldn't see any facade behind the jovial demeanor of the captain. And she had kept her guard up for any indication of hostility, but he had none towards her.
"Took down some of the worst pirates in the East Blue, and pissed off some marines," Zoro chided ducking into the room.
Something Sakura realized she disliked, while the rest of the crew were practically walking bells she could hear a minute away, the swordsmen stepped lightly. She didn't know if it was deliberate or not. And she did not enjoy the surprise.
"That's amazing," She wouldn't know any of those so-called worst pirates, so she didn't ask. "Though Luffy is easygoing, considering his accomplishments. Must be the type who only gets serious when he needs to,"
"Yeah, I had the same impression of him when we met. But I know better than to judge by the cover," He was looking directly at her while she was keeping her gaze supposedly fixated on the poster.
"Something you want to say?"
Zoro folded his arms, "If you really can't remember anything, how do you plan on getting home once you're off this ship?"
She wouldn't have the answer to that question, but she couldn't go sailing with these pirates forever either. What could she do though? There was no way to formulate a plan in such an unknown world.
Waiting for someone to rescue her crossed her mind much to her disdain, however, she was considering all possibilities. that was the furthest chance though since she didn't know if anyone could even get this dimension to rescue her.
'And I can't just sit around and wait,'
"I'm not sure, I'll just figure it out as I go," Sakura shrugged. This swordsman was sharp and he was still wary of her, even though her appearance usually fooled a lot of people into thinking she wasn't a threat.
Nami's voice called everyone back up to deck. Sakura followed, looking out into the distance. She was relieved to see the sight of land in this endless sea.
Luffy was grinning from ear to ear, "That's Loguetown. Where the king of the pirates was born and executed,"
"You're interested in that history huh Luffy?" Though from what Sakura understood it wasn't that many years ago the event happened. Gold. D. Roger was born in Loguetown and his execution was there as well. Hence the reason the town was dubbed 'The town of the beginning and the end,'
"That's because I'm gonna be king of pirates too,"
Sakura was looking forward to this visit as well, it was a chance to get to know this world a little better. And hopefully, come to understand what she could do in it.
Finally, he had made it to land. An island with a Marine base just as he hoped. They were so close to the Grand line that it was a leap but he had made it.
Nursed well after his comrades and fellow marines found him drifting and picked him up.
He has passed out from severe dehydration but once he woke up, he immediately called for the one in charge of the base.
The man who entered the ward was one of the most reputable marines. Well known for his accomplishment of keeping Loguetown, the once regular pit-stop for pirates safe. Even some of the townsfolk considered him a monster, but that was a good thing. Because the marines needed monsters to fight monsters.
"I heard you called for me soldier,"
The man was towering with a powerful presence that made the soldier's heart jump in fright, his eyes piercing, a trail of smoke traveling from the two cigars he held firm between his lips when he spoke.
"Captain Smoker. I have to make a report to headquarters about a sunken marine fleet,"
"Was it the storm?"
"No sir," He swallowed heavily. "It was a girl….no it was a monster,"
Sakura realized that when they docked the ship the crew had deliberately scouted ahead and looked for the most secluded space in the harbor. It didn't take long to drop anchor and jump off, but before anyone could leave they had a meeting about what was expected. Luffy had the biggest bounty in the East Blue, and because he had just recently received this there would be a lot of attention on him, although the captain had an off-land expression, trying to stare into the distance of the town.
A large sign standing between two planks holding onto front buildings greeted them, 'Loguetown'. High brick buildings, narrow cobblestone roads filled with pedestrians, and bustling markets. The structural markings of the buildings were white brick, pointed arches for the roofs and windows as well as rib vaults creating open spaces and halls in the buildings.
Everyone had their agendas and was impatient to get their errands done. Sanji wanted to go shopping food supplies as well as indulge a bit before they left. Usopp spoke about getting equipment, and Zoro was looking to buy swords with money he hesitantly had to borrow from Nami. And Luffy only wanted to find the execution platform of Roger, like it was a tourist trap.
He was so excited that he ran off before they could agree on a meeting place.
Sakura was going to say her goodbyes to the crew here, but Nami dragged her along the unfamiliar streets, "Come on Sakura, let's go shopping,"
"But I should get going," Of course, she didn't know where she was going to go. However, she didn't want to slow down the group in their affairs. "Besides I don't have any money-
"I'll take care of it no worries, besides you need new clothes," She had taken to borrowing some of Nami's but they sat awkwardly on Sakura who was shorter than the orange-haired pirate in height and different in proportions. Like the shorts that hugged her waist and the tank top that fell more like a sweater.
Sakura quirked her eyebrow at the proposition, "No worries? Didn't you just say you were charging Zoro 300% interest for that loan he took out?" And that was supposedly her friend.
A deceitfully sweet grin stretched across her face, "Yeah, and if I charge you that means you can't leave until you pay me back,"
"Okay I'm going," Sakura turned to go down the next street and Nami pulled on her arm, laughing.
"I'm kidding! But come on, why don't you join us? You said yourself you can't remember how to get home right?"
"And if I sail a sea like the Grand Line I'm probably not going to be able to even if I do remember," She was a shinobi she did not belong on the sea. Aside from that Sakura wanted to get away as soon as possible because though the period had been short, she had been guilty of contemplating Luffy's demand more seriously than she should have. There wasn't anywhere for her to go in this world. But agreeing to join them would mean becoming a pirate.
However, Sakura hadn't dismissed the idea of finding a way back to her world either. But the facts were only Kaguya could open the gates to other dimensions and this was a whole other version of earth, another universe perhaps was more accurate.
'What did she do to Sasuke and Naruto?' Why only send her away and not the others?
Her head began to throb with such intensity she wavered in her steps and had to crouch down, Nami leaned over to comfort her. "Sakura, hey…."
This wasn't something she could find the answer to in a day, or maybe even ever. It was Kaguya that brought them to those dimensions and it was her who sent Sakura here. It had to have been. Sasuke, Naruto, and Kakashi might still be trapped in the other dimension or maybe they figured a way out?
It's not like she could help them, maybe the same was visa versa right now. She signed up for a war not breaking the laws of physics for interdimensional and other world travel!
"Sakura, are you okay?"
She looked at Nami, reminded that she had the option to sail the seas while in this world.
The looming promise of danger in the Grand Line wasn't something that made her fear anything, despite it being more unknown to her than a child who had time to listen to tales of that sea.
This would set her on a course, in an unknown world while she attempted to find a way to return and it would give her companions for a while.
Despite refusing Luffy's offer, it wasn't that she couldn't do it when nothing was stopping her, on the other hand, it was conflicting since she didn't know what that would mean in looking for a way home.
'Don't want to accept the odds that there might not be a way home,' The question is why would Kaguya send her to this other earth? Was it a random occurrence? Did she intend to show up and finish Sakura off? Did Naruto and Sasuke succeed in taking her down?
There were too many unidentified variables for Sakura to make a clear choice in any of this.
"I'm okay, my head's just throbbing. Maybe memories trying to resurface," Sakura sighed. "Amnesia isn't the easiest diagnosis to determine, especially degree of damage or recovery time,"
"Least you still got that medical knowledge backed up," Nami said trying to lighten the girl's mood.
"I suppose that's one way to look at it, even though I know absolutely nothing about this world I'm in,"
"Isn't that more of a reason to have friends by your side?" Nami asked.
"I don't know about that, the life of a pirate?"
"Heh, heh,"
"How does this look?"
"Splendid, it suits you wonderfully miss!"
When the curtains were thrown back from the dressing room for the tenth time, Nami appeared in another outfit of extravagance and elegance. This time it was a thigh-slit red dress and an animal skin scarf. This was the third clothing store Nami had dragged Sakura to and by now she knew how this was likely to go.
"Come on Sakura, try on some of these,"
Sakura sat on one of the benches, hunched over, arms folded and cheeks puffed. "No thanks, not really my style,"
Too formal, too flashy, and way too pricey. It seemed that Nami was set on putting Sakura in debt to her.
The shopkeeper was wringing his hands together excitedly as he piled on and on the clothing she had worn. "Would you like me to ring you up?"
Taking Sakura and leading her out like a dog on a leash, Nami called without so much as a glance "No thanks, too expensive for my taste,"
Sakura could hear him trying to hold back the urge to scream and she had to laugh when they were out the store doors.
"Nami, you looked great in all of that but do you think those kinds of clothes are going to last long on the open seas exposed to the elements? Not to mention exposing you to the elements?"
Nami stuck out her tongue, "I think it's good to do a little window shopping,"
"Then maybe stop being the mannequin?"
"But how else will I know what looks good? And we still have to find clothes for you,"
Sakura had tried to convince her that she would be fine with what she was wearing but Nami sneakily pointed out that the clothing was just on loan. Since Sakura hadn't been able to find anything suiting to her, plain and simple, Nami seemed to take that as an invitation to drag her around to every different boutique and clothing store, starting with the tackiest or most expensive gaudy kind that Sakura couldn't pull off or wanted to put on.
"Nami, can we find a thrift store and just get me something there,"
"Okay, don't forget the 300 percent interest,"
Her jaw dropped. "You're going out to sea again, I won't be able to pay you back,"
"Not unless you come with us,"
Sakura' quirked an eyebrow, "You're almost as adamant as Luffy,"
Before they docked, Nami had taken Luffy to the side and promised that she would try and get Sakura to join the crew. Nami saw the benefits of having a medic around, even in the short time she had spent with her new friends. They tended to entice danger and the Grand Line was full of it. Nami was certainly the only one with any medical knowledge, she figured that out when they had the scurvy incident and when Zoro thought he could treat a giant gash on his own without stitches.
Sakura also claimed to have no idea how to get back to her village, which meant she was alone. And they were just going to drop her off here. While she said that was what she wanted….
"Sakura, what are you going to do from here then?"
The pink-haired girl became lost in thought at the question, not scrambling for an answer but like she was trying to slowly digest it.
"If you come with us, at least you won't be alone, or do you remember where to find your village?"
Sakura couldn't bring an immediate answer. This was another version of earth that she was completely unfamiliar with, only spending a few days in it but it was on the sea.
"I don't remember, but I'll think of something eventually," But Sakura had thought about it. Making decisions like this would usually take time for an ordinary person but she wasn't, her whole job description included making quick decisions and weighing her options in a matter of minutes or even seconds.
Everything was nothing but unknown, yet she knew her decisions would affect her in the future.
"Alright, let's go ask some locals if they know a good thrift store!"
Sakura squirmed, tugging at the tightness of the fitted tank top, the straps were too thin as was the fabric. Wouldn't make for durable if she had to fight. "Where did you get this the kiddies section?"
"It suits you. You're quite toned," Nami playfully poked the portion of her exposed stomach, causing Sakura to flinch back. At least it was better than when she blatantly groped her in the tube top. She had taken Sakura to a store where the clothing was more on the casual and reasonably priced. As Sakura understood now that she knew the currency.
"I'll take the tank but it's going under the shirt I want," Sakura managed to find a bright red top, fairly loose and the top would cover the v-neck. And Sakura also found long dark tights to finish off with.
"Let's try on one more-
Sakura backed away and grabbed the carts full of clothing before going to the counter, while she had found about three outfits Nami had over ten. "No, no, no, no I beg of you. Please just get these and let's go!"
Nami had finished her shopping an hour ago but had turned Sakura into her own personal dress-up doll.
"Will this be all?" The woman at the counter craned her neck to view the pile of clothing.
Nami grinned, "Yes please, that'll be all,"
"Let's find a place for lunch,"
"Okay," Sakura grumbled. She was in the mood for something to eat.
"Excuse me, do you know a good place to eat?"
The woman answered, "Three blocks down there's a place with some of the best seafood dishes around. Since you're asking, I take it you girls aren't from around these parts?"
"Nope, we're just visiting, '
"Not pirates are you young ladies?"
Though the woman said it in a joking tone, Nami was trying to keep her posture relaxed as she lied, "Of course not. But I am kinda surprised there haven't been any signs of pirates around here. I mean Loguetown is close to the GrandLine,"
"Loguetown used to be a hangout for pirates heading to the Grand Line," The woman explained while she packed up their clothing, "But ever since Captain Smoker took over, every single pirate who's come into this town has been caught and incarcerated. They even say that Smoker has devil fruit powers,"
Sakura sucked in her teeth lightly, "Oh, wow,"
"So there's a marine base near here?" asked Nami.
"A couple of blocks down,"
Nami and Sakura shared a look. Luffy had a bounty on his head already, meaning the marines would be aware of his appearance. And anyone in association with him would be considered a pirate.
Nami had finished her shopping and now that she had enough time to survey, Sakura had decided now was the best time to depart. This unusual world was going to need investigating, and she was finally able to do that now on land. However she didn't want to arouse suspicion and considering that she already came aboard land from a pirate ship, Sakura wasn't on the best track.
With amnesia and clueless about how to return to her world, she needed to learn more about this world so she would be able to adapt and stay out of trouble.
'I need some time,'
Nami was talking about how the air had changed suddenly and that a storm was promising to come.
"You're sure it's going to rain again?" There were some clouds in the sky, but nothing alarming.
"I'm sure of it, the air's changed,"
"I can't feel anything though,"
Nami sighed, "I need to get those idiots, if a storm hits we'll be stuck here and that'll be a problem,"
"You're thinking about what that shop owner said about the marine?"
From what Nami explained, because of Luffy's bounty, they were officially recognized as criminals and the marines, who were the security and upholders of the law would always pursue pirates. It didn't matter what acts they committed, just having a skull painted on the flag of their ship was enough to mark them.
"You sure you don't want to stay around a little longer?"
Sakura shook her head at Nami, "I think it's time for me to head off on my own, besides if I see Luffy again he'll probably be trying to coax me into joining,"
"Coax is putting it lightly,"
"Tell everyone I'm grateful for the help, and I hope that you'll be well on your journey,"
"Thanks, Sakura," Nami was visibly disappointed but kindly waved as the pink-haired girl took off on her own.
The eyes she felt on her was intense, Sakura didn't glance back, assuming it was coming from Nami as the direction indicated.
He couldn't breathe. As if the air refused to push into his lungs after he caught sight of her walking through the town like a civilian. She was here in Loguetown. Going about like a regular girl in the district. His blood boiled thinking that she was walking around so freely. He couldn't bring himself to confront her though. Remembering the ships that sank into the sea and the cries of his comrades gripped him with terror.
'I must find captain Smoker!'