
Kunlun Divine Punisher

I am the Divine Punisher of Kunlun I am feared not only by unorthodox sects of Kunlun but also by the orthodox sects I am the nightmare of all those who sin Or at least I was all of that But now, "Who is this ugly old man and why is he looking at me like that? I don't want him to look at me like that" But now I am a toddler or at least in a one ======================= Hello guys, Author here This is my very first novel English is not my mother tongue so there are bound to be some mistakes, but I hope you can ignore them and give my novel a try. The first twenty chapters are a bit about the settling down of the mc after which the prologue will end and the first arc will begin. Until then, please give it a try. Also, there will be one chapter every day for now, but if I gain support, the chapter count might increase. Read it and let me know if I should change something in it. Thanks, and enjoy reading. Also, the cover does not belong to me so the owner can let me know and I will remove it.

Dark_keeper · 奇幻
80 Chs

Chapter 79

1st person Pov:

The monster was running towards us with its claws raised. Except for me and the archer, everyone moved forward to counter it. The mages maintained a safe distance from it while the tankers although slow, charged straight at it. Galpin was just behind the tankers.

Just from this, I could tell their strategy. The archer shot an arrow at the monster to distract it. Sure enough, the arrow didn't do any damage because of its high resistance but still managed to attract its attention.

One of the tankers used this opening to attack its legs with his heavy shield while the other one was ready to receive a blow for that tanker. The shield attack didn't do much damage but halted the monster's movement which allowed the mages to cast their spells.

The earth user conjured earth spikes under its feet which although failed to pierce it, still injured it. The ice mage froze the ground just then. They managed to completely stop the monster. Galpin just then jumped in the air with his sword raised high and attacked its head.

Too bad the monster raised his arm to protect his head and the attack failed. Galpin landed on his feet, but he was still in the monster's radius, and sure enough, the monster didn't miss this opportunity. It raised its arm high to claw at Galpin but before it could, a fireball exploded in its face which allowed not only Galpin but other to retreat as well.

"Great job boy." The archer beside me said. Had I not intervened, Galpin would have surely been gravely injured if not died. What surprised me is that even though the monster is of a lower level than Galpin, it's still making things difficult for him. Not to mention, that there are seven of us.

I only nodded to the archer. Since he could not see my face, he only smiled in return. He's wrong though. I didn't save him because of a good reason. There are still more than three minutes before the drug starts taking effect. Until then, not only Galpin, but all of these guys are useful.

There is also the fact that the monster is too strong for me to kill. And I'm afraid that even with my full speed, I can't outrun it. The only choice is to kill it right now with the help of these guys. But that does not mean that I will let them remain uninjured. Especially Galpin. He is the strongest here and even with suppression from the drug, he won't be an easy opponent.

More attacks were executed like the earlier one. The tankers started gaining injuries and the mages started feeling nauseated. It was probably due to their mana reserves draining. Even Galpin had accumulated a lot of injuries. Only me and the archer were completely fine.

Well, completely fine is not the word I would use. About two third of mana is already used. And that monster bastard. Even though he is injured heavily, he is still fighting. But it seems he is on his last legs. And there is still about one minute before the drug starts to take effect. It seems things won't be so hard after all.



[Mermen general is using the skill 'Berserk']

[All of its stat will increase by 30 percent temporarily]

Suddenly these messages started appearing in front of me when I saw a head flying from the corner of my vision. It was the head of a tanker. The monster suddenly roared loudly and attacked the other tanker. Even though we were all stunned at the sudden increase in power, the attack brought us out of this state and Galpin used the shield of the fallen tanker to disrupt its attack before it could land.

The attack was still successful though as an arm was separated from the tanker's body. This was bad. Tankers are useless in their current states now. So, there is no one left now to take the monster's attacks. I guess I have no choice.

"Use your magic to freeze its arm. Concentrate mana so it holds for a few seconds." I shouted to the ice mage who was standing a little ahead of me. He turned his head a little surprised but still started casting the spell. "It would take a few seconds. Distract it." The ice mage said.

The archer beside me shot his arrows. Three at once. Though they didn't pierce the monster, they were still able to distract it. Galpin was dragging the wounded tanker away from the monster so he couldn't use this opportunity to attack. I however didn't. I immediately shot five medium sized fireballs at it.

But as always, there was not much damage. Still, he was on fire because of the scale of the attack and that managed to keep him distracted and also keep his attention from the ice mage who was standing still while casting his magic.

Soon he finished and launched his spell. He was successful to land it and the monster's arm started freezing. Since the mana was concentrated, he wasn't only frozen from the outside but internally as well. Galpin appeared in time to utilize this advantage and slashed his sword filled with mana at the frozen arm of the monster.

The ice shattered along with the arm of the monster. The monster screamed in pain and immediately attacked Galpin with his other arm. Galpin was able to dodge it and immediately retreated. "Can you do another one?" I asked the ice mage who was breathing heavily, and his complexion was considerably paled. His mana was heavily depleted, but I needed another attack like that.

"I can but it won't be of the same scale." He said in return. I only nodded to him, and he started preparing for it again. This time the monster was wary of the ice mage and turned its attention to it. Even though it was now heavily injured, it started running in his direction.

The archer immediately fired arrows at the gaping flesh of its shoulder. This time the arrows pierced, and he screamed in pain but kept running while ignoring the pain. But I didn't let him. I shot ten fireballs at it while its attention was on the ice mage. The balls it dead in its wound and its face.

The balls on the face didn't do much damage but the burning pain from the fireball at its exposed flesh made it stop. At this same time, the ice mage completed his spell and looked at me. I immediately pointed at its ribcage. He nodded and while he attacked the monster I shouted, "Once its chest is frozen, try to keep it busy as long as you can."

The effects of the drug were about to kick in. The archer is already straining his eyes to focus on his aim. I don't have much time. I don't have much mana either though. Only one big shot left. I have to use it well. I created a fireball and started adding more mana to it to make it bigger.

The ice mage's attack fell again, and it froze the monster's chest area. It was obvious that the ice was not much deep this time seeing that it was thin on the surface. Still, it was enough to halt the monster. The monster tried to break the ice with his palm but the archer and Galpin didn't let him. The earth mage also kept creating earth spikes to annoy it.

My fireball increased in size until its heat was felt by everyone. Everyone gazed at me with astonishment. These idiots. Now is not the time to marvel at my skill. But before I had to shout, they got back to it.

Now there was another problem. The fireball won't penetrate the monster's chest. So, I started changing its shape and started turning it into an oval shape and aimed its pointed end at the monster. Seeing that I was ready, Galpin and the rest also released their skills to immobilize the monster for a moment.

As soon as I saw an opportunity, I shot the fireball at the monster's chest. The fireball hit it squarely in the chest and exploded. Because of the large explosion, the dust was raised, and no one knew if the monster was dead or not.

[Congratulation on your victory]

[Exp cannot be gained]

[Due to such a large achievement, 10 stat points have been granted]

[2000 gold obtained]

I heaved a sigh at these messages but became attentive again. It wasn't finished yet. Not for me at least.

[Flame dagger has been equipped]

"I can't see through the dust cloud so be on guard. It might not be dead yet." The archer said from beside me. I only turned my head in his direction and said, "The monster is the last of your worries." I said as I stabbed him in his heart. He was confused at what suddenly happened. Even when he coughed blood, he could not understand what happened. "Or maybe it is your last worry," I said the last words he could hear.


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