
Kora In Dream World

Kora, 14, ends up in the hospital after an accident. When she wakes up, she is in another world that is nothing like her world. While trying to figure out how to return to her family, she meets new friends and people that change her determination of wanting to go back home. --I work on this novel just as a hobby with UkUs-- Updates on Tuesdays and Saturdays (EST)

lilly11223 · 奇幻言情
17 Chs

Prince Loki (Pt. 1)

Aren't you prince Loki??? ...is what Kora wanted to say but she decided to keep it to herself.

"I'm what...? Don't give the patient too much medicine for now by the way."

"Y-you're a kind man...thank you for the help and o-okay I won't give him too much."

Kora helps the patient drink the medicine. She takes a peek at Prince Loki.

Now that I look more closely, although he's wearing a big brown cloak, his golden eyes and golden hair that he's trying to hide is still visible! It has to be him...

The patient starts coughing, still struggling to breathe.

"Maybe I should open the windows? It might be too stuffy in here."

Right before Kora opens the windows, Prince Loki stops her. He grabs her hand and tells her not to open the windows.

There are different patients in here with different symptoms. Some patients may feel better with fresh air but to others, it may worsen their condition.

"Sorry, I didn't consider that! But, what about him...? The line to the Medics is so long...I'm afraid he can't wait until his turn."

"I'll try."


What does he mean by "He'll try?" Don't tell me he's going to try to treat this patient...

Prince Loki looks over at Kora.

"I've never taken medical lessons before. There's nothing much I can do for him but I'll try my best to help."

Loki places his hand in front of the patient's face. A surge of light comes out from his hand. A gentle breeze of air blows towards Kora. It was so gentle that if Kora was even an inch further away from where she was currently, she would not have felt anything.

"Woah...what is this?"

"I'd call it...special treatment, I guess?"

Kora's eyes are filled with excitement. "How did you do that!?"

"Do what?"

"The thing you just did with your hands. It was like suwa! Poof! Sawawa~! And then I felt a breeze of air!"

"What the heck is--"

Loki covers his mouth. He tries to hide his laughter as he could not keep it in anymore.

"--No, nevermind."

Kora looks at him confused.

"Are you okay...?"

"Well, no. I almost got killed by your 'suwa! poof! sawawa~!' Hahaha."

Kora looks down, embarrassed.

"B-because I didn't know how to describe it! And hey! You still haven't told me what you did."

"What do you think I did?"

"I dunno..."


"I don't know...I can't think of anything. Can I get a hint...?"

"Really? Expand your imaginations."

Loki looks at the patient.

"Hurry, you should get in line. This won't last long. You need treatment from the Medic."

Kora helps support the patient by offering her hand and walking the patient to the line. She looks back towards Loki.

"I still can't think of anything. Maybe it's some supernatural experiment you did?"

"Yeah, your right. That's it."

"Wait, seriously?"

"Yeah, why not?"

Loki stands up, ready to leave.

"Hey! You're teasing me, aren't you? It's not the correct answer, right?"

"Be careful, don't let the patient fall."

"Oh, sorry! Are you alright? Sorry about that..."

Kora looks back again but Loki is already gone.

Did he already leave? In the end, I still don't know what he did back there.

Now that I think about it, what was he doing here in the first place...Ugh, I'll have to safely guide this patient to the line first before I can go find him though.

"Please stay here and wait until it's your turn, okay? I'm sure the Medics will treat you. I will get going now, goodbye."

I wonder where he went--Oh! He's just standing at the front door. I thought he already left.

"Um, you...Oh, wait." Kora looks around and whispers, "Your highness?"

Loki glances at Kora.

"Kora Yorps. You're not from around here."

Should I tell him? I would have to explain everything from the start...and I'm not exactly sure how to explain my situation to him...

"If you're trying to come up with a lie, you can stop. A citizen from here wouldn't be wandering around with bare feet to the palace asking guards for directions."

"So you remembered me..."

"I remember every single person living in this kingdom that I have seen before."

Loki stares at Kora coldly.

"And I have to say, I don't remember your existence or that name of yours at all"

He's looking at me with those cold eyes again...like when we first met. So it wasn't just my imagination when I thought it felt awkward when we met at Emili's bakery after all...He's suspicious of me.

"Why didn't you just lock me up or something if you find me suspicious?"

"Well, I can't just go arresting young children because they look suspicious. Also, I don't have any solid evidence that you are a spy from Frendrilk. Actually, I wasn't able to get any information about you at all."

"To be honest...I actually have no idea how I got here...really."

"Are you kidding me?"