

A boy who's travelling in various anime, novel, movies universe, in in that journey, he'll meeg various boys who will make him succomb to his desire. The desire to be dominated. All the variouse worldsand Universe are not mine. This just a fanfiction. My fantasy.

WhiteAngel3 · 奇幻
5 Chs

Chapter 2 Waking Up

(Boy's POV)

'Where the f*ck am I?' I thought while looking at my surroundings. I am travelling in what seem like space. I'm travelling in fast speed. I can only see the stars like lines because of the speed.


[Multiverse Travelling Agency Initiating...]






"Fu*k!" I shouted because of the suddeness of the sound. "What the f*ck are you?"

[Hello, Mortal, I am the President of the MVTA or Multiverse Travelling Agency, Winston R.]

[You have been chosen by the "Only one" to travel the various universe in multiverse]

"Wait, wait. F*ck, why am I the one who's been chosen?" I asked the screen that appear before me.

[We, of the MVTA do not know what the "Only one" thinks.]

[We, of the MVTA are the only responsible in ensuring your safety in travelling the universe.]

[Initiating 'Random Wheel of System']

[Please, roll the wheel]

A random wheel materialize in side of the screen. It contains various words like, Animal System, Kingdom-building system, Points system.

"Wait, what do you mean by travelling in various universe?" I asked.

[It means, your travelling to various worlds. Anime, Novel, Movies. You can enter their world.]

"Oh? I guess that's fine." I said. "But wait, can I go back to Earth?"

[Yes, but it require various requirements, because Earth is the home of various cosmic being. It's the world that has it's own concience, So it can retialiate.]

"Oh. That's fine, I guess." I said. "Roll the wheel." I ordered.

The wheel besides the screen starts to rotate. It passes in various words. Minutes, Hours, Day passed. It finally stop.

[Sex System has been acquire.]

{Please choose your prefer partner:




The screen showed. 'Sh*t, sex system? prefer partner?' I thought.

[Please choose.]

"Um. I choose boys." I shyly said. 'Back on Earth I am a closet gay.' 'Yah, I know, you should be yourself.' I thought to no one. 'But no, the older I get, the more I realise that society is not centered around you. Society is how you survive and adapt to those around you.' 'Well I guess its just my environment.' 'Well, this is my second life, so I should be able to be myself now.'

[Ding! You have acquire the 'Sex System [BL]' ]

[Please choose your desired universe.]


Hero Academia Universe.

Assasination Classroom Universe.

Oggy and the Cockroaches Universe.]

"Wait, what are the criteria in choosing a universe?" I asked the MVTA screen.

[Every time you go to a universe, you'll acquire some quest that you need to complete, thats when you can go to the other universe.]

[Every universe you choose, you can designate what timeline you want to born in, and what background you want.]

"Ohh. Well, I choose Hero Academia." I said.

[Choosing Hero Academia Universe...]

[Please Choose a timeline.]

"I want to be 2 years older than the main cast." I said.

[Please choose your background.]

"I want to be born in an upper class family, but I want to be orphan. Only my family in Earth can be the only family I can love and treat as a real family." I said.

[Ding! Timeline and Background has been chosen.]

[Ding! MVTA duties are done]

[Ding! MVTA wishes you, Goodluck!]

I heared for the last time before I lost my conciousness.

To be Continue: