
War Part Seven

Naesrio was ticked at this point. He felt as though he was being insulted by Agaki's show of bravery. He leapt out of the crater and flew at Agaki.

Naesrio immediately felt the air around him become overbearingly cold. There was no wind, and the air was so heavy that it might as well had been solid.

"Your tricks won't work on me human!" Naesrio covered himself in a thick pink aura so that he could bear the cold air.

Agaki dodged his attacks and fought him one on one.

Naesrio was much stronger physically, but Agaki could just barely match his speed.

Agaki wrapped his limbs and torso in dark energy as reinforcement.

Naesrio forced Agaki to land on the ground. He kept rushing him with his godly strength and power.

Naesrio stepped back, clapped his hands and hit the ground with them.

Large boulders of rock came up out of the ground, glowing with pink energy. He sent them Agaki's way.

Agaki just started running towards Naesrio. Any rock that neared him eroded away to bits.

Naesrio growled and fought Agaki some more in hand to hand combat.

Agaki jumped away after a while and clapped his hands. "Original Style: The Greatest Illusion!!"

Agaki covered the rest of his body in dark energy including his face.

Naesrio started shooting a volley of high powered energy blasts.

Hundreds of them.

All of the blasts that went Agaki's way eroded, just like the rocks did. He jumped into the air towards Naesrio, aiming at him with a spinning kick.

Naesrio outstretched his hand to block the attack, but Agaki's foot went through his hand and hit his face. It was the first solid hit any of them got on Naesrio other than Kuro's L-Speed hits.

Naesrio growled and attacked again. This time all of Naesrio's attacks passed through Agaki, while Agaki continuously hit him in the face and body, doing major damage with each hit.

Naesrio slid back from another one of Agaki's kicks. He wiped blood from his mouth. "Blood?! A single human managed to get me to draw blood?!! Me!!" he thought.

Naesrio was pissed now. He held up eighteen World Destructions over his head. "This entire country can go to hell!!" He charged up even more, making all of the World Destructions full sized, meaning just one of them had the power to destroy an entire country. All of them together could do significant damage to the entire planet.

Agaki clapped his hands together and placed them on the ground quickly. "Earth Art: Dark Temple of Light!!"

Pillars of rock rose out of the ground, twelve of them, around Naesrio. They were large and wide, each pillar about a hundred feet tall and twenty wide. A roof and walls were then built around Naesrio as the pillars finished growing.

"This won't stop your country's destruction!!!" Naesrio yelled from the inside.

Inside of the dark temple all you could see was the red glow of the eighteen World Destructions.

A floor rose from underneath Naesrio. Then, two large stone doors rose from the ground and closed, finishing the temple.

The stone turned pitch black from dark energy. Then, markings of a foreign language written in light ran all over the dark stone, on the walls, the ceiling, and the doors.

Naesrio was confident in his ability. "Your rocks are nothing to my destruction!!" He let the World Destructions go every which way, hitting every wall along with the ceiling and floor. They detonated.

From the outside, a bright red glow could be seen from the cracks of the door.

An earthquake shook the land purely from the pressure of the temple shaking violently. But it was containing the energy.

Agaki still had his hands on the ground, trying to keep everything together. "Come on... come on!! Keep... going!!!"

Kuro stood up. "I didn't know Agaki could do something like that! I need to hurry up and get back over there, he needs us!"

Kyo looked at Kuro's body, which was almost done healing from using Form L. The cracks were closing up, and his skin tone was nearly back to normal.

Form L destroys the user's body in exchange for power while the body constantly tries to repair itself.

If anything, Kuro should be dead after using it once, but his body's cells are supercharged from his lightning energy, so his healing time is cut tremendously.

"I should be out there too." Kyo thought. "I'm abandoning the friends I still have..."


In Arbok City, Akasan still had to face Kaos, who seemed to have lost his mind.

"They look down on us like insects, like a plague to this planet. So what are we then? Who am I?!" Kaos exclaimed.

Akasan's markings emitted Sirius energy. "It doesn't matter to me how they look at us. They'll all see me when I beat them to the ground!!"

Kaos stopped talking for a moment. Then he started laughing. "Beat?! Beat who? You can't even beat me shrimp!"

Akasan reached for his sword, but he remembered that he didn't have one anymore. It was shattered by Ryuga. He readied himself. Now that his Sirius energy awakened itself again, Akasan no longer felt fear towards Kaos. He was completely focused on defeating him.

Kaos gave him a crazy wide-toothed grin. "Hey, hey... I like that look in your eye... you might actually be worth killing now!!" He lunged at Akasan, who moved back just in time.

Kaos rushed him, unleashing a barrage of super fast punches.

Akasan got punched a few times. He wasn't able to block them all.

Kaos kicked him towards another building, but this time Akasan recovered mid air and landed on the building's side. He jumped off of it to give him a boost towards Kaos.

Akasan charged up his fist with energy ready to hit him, but Kaos just avoided the punch completely, grabbed Akasan's face and then plunged him head first into the ground. "How do you like that?! Does it hurt? Huh? Does it? Let me know!"

Akasan grabbed Kaos' arm with both of his hands, struggling to get himself free.

Kaos smiled and pushed him deeper into the ground. Then he saw Akasan's markings moving up to his face and near his eye.

Akasan had unlocked the Eye of Creation a second time.

Kaos was surprised, though he still continued to push Akasan deeper into the ground again with another crack of the pavement. "Hey, hey!! I've seen that eye before, what is it, where'd you get it?!"

The Eye of Creation started glowing, and Akasan started to get Kaos' hand off of him.

"What? He's getting stronger? That eye's dangerous!" Kaos thought. He lifted his free hand and threw a punch.

Akasan caught it with his right hand. With his left hand still on Kaos' arm, Akasan pulled it off of his face, bent both his legs, and kicked Kaos into the building closest behind him. He then got up, catching his breath.

Meanwhile Kaos walked out of the hole in the wall with white-rainbow colored energy coming from his body.

Akasan could tell his demeanor had drastically changed. His face went from mentally insane to a more serious and calm stage.

Kaos clapped his hands together and then held them half way out with his palms facing up. A tornado of white-rainbow energy came out of his hands. The distorted sound of a beast roaring could be heard from it.

Akasan saw glowing yellow eyes from inside.

Kaos lifted his right arm and swung, and in unison, the tornado of energy extended a long arm as well to attack.

Kaos made six arms.

Akasan quickly had to start dodging back and forth.

Kaos' energy was destroying everything around him. The arms slashed cleanly through concrete and stone.

Akasan jumped on a skyscraper and started running along its side, being chased by an arm cutting the building in half. "I really wish I had my sword right now!!" he said.

As Akasan jumped off the building before it collapsed, a blue sword formed in his hand out of his energy. "Huh? Ohhh, so that's what the Eye of Creation is for! Cool!"

Akasan landed on the ground and started fighting back. He cut through the arms of energy as he ran towards Kaos.

Kaos growled at the sight of Akasan tearing through his attacks. He made more arms, ten of them now, and all of them headed for Akasan simultaneously.

"How about a steel wall?" Akasan asked himself. To his surprise, a thick metal wall came out of the ground in front of him, blocking the arms from reaching him directly. "That'll work!"

Akasan started running up the side of the wall, which was growing taller as he ran.

Kaos' arms chased him around the side of it, trying to reach him, but Akasan was too fast.

When Akasan got higher than Kaos' tornado of energy, he made the wall bend into a platform, going horizontally now. He jumped off of it and slashed downwards, a blaze of Sirius energy trailing after him.

There was a lot of friction between Akasan's and Kaos' energy. His sword was grinding through the tornado. But eventually he split it all the way in half. He tried to hit Kaos with the blade, but Kaos caught it between his hands and snapped it in half, then kicked him away.

Akasan watched as his metal structure decomposed into energy and disappeared. His sword regenerated itself and turned into a real sword with a black blade. He examined it. "I asked for something that wouldn't break... I guess this is it?" He swung it through the air a few times. "It's longer than my old one... and heavier too."

Kaos scowled at Akasan. "This kid... is he becoming a god? These aren't human powers... why him... why couldn't it have been..."

Kaos yelled out in frustration. He ran at Akasan, fighting him hand to hand.

Akasan could now see his attacks much clearer with the Eye of Creation. He could better see the weaknesses in his form and his openings.

Kaos was being cautious of Akasan's sword. He covered his arms with energy so that he could better block the attacks.

Even if Akasan could see Kaos' imperfections, that didn't mean he didn't have his own.

Kaos managed to catch him off guard with a left kick to the side, knocking Akasan off balance. As he fell, Kaos re-aimed his leg for Akasan's chest and kicked him super hard.

Akasan was knocked into the front stand of a market.

Kaos felt accomplished for a moment until he felt the gash in his stomach. He fell to one knee grimacing in pain. "When did he cut me?! It was before I kicked him? I can't tell. It happened too fast for me to see."

Akasan got himself out of the pile of fruits and vegetables with a limp.

Kaos was leaking blood from the cut in his body. He stood back up. The jewel in his chest started glowing, and the cut slowly healed itself as if nothing happened.

Kaos took a breath. He groaned. "You're such a pain."

Akasan managed to get back in a fighting stance. "I can't let you destroy everything. All of our fighters are either out of the city, injured, or gone. I'm the only one left. I have to beat you."

The jewel in Kaos' chest glowed some more, this time it was sending some blue fluid through his veins. You could see it pumping from his chest throughout his body. The veins near his eyes became visible through his skin, and his eye color turned from gray to bright blue. The rest of Kaos' body's skin grayed just a little, but his muscle mass swelled some as well. Like he was on steroids.

"I don't know how special you think you are, but I was supposed to become a god. And I'm going to prove why I deserve to be. I won't let you reach that goal before I do." The look in Kaos' eyes became crazed, even more than before. "I'd rather skin myself alive."


After a few minutes, the earthquake shaking the wastelands finally stopped.

Agaki had succeeded in containing Naesrio's attacks. He stood back up to catch his breath as the temple disappeared.

Naesrio stood there inside of a forcefield, perfectly safe. He had a vein pulsing on his head. He yelled out, the ground started shattering apart from his rage.

The cracks in the ground started glowing pink.

Agaki jumped away. A large pink aura surrounded Naesrio. He glared at Agaki, then disappeared and quickly appeared over him.

With two hands Naesrio smashed Agaki into the ground, the impact causing a small quake.

Agaki was groaning in pain.

"Can you tell?" Naesrio asked. He disappeared and reappeared over Agaki, grabbed him out the crater, tossed him into the air, then punched him a thousand times in a just a few seconds. Then he shot his leg at Agaki's chest, blasting him into the air. He waited for him to fall back down and hit the earth.

"That's your illusion isn't it? You have to be able to see me attack you in order for me to pass through." Naesrio grabbed the top of Agaki's head. "Hmph." He sent a knee into his body but it passed through.

"Again?" Naesrio said.

Pink energy came out of the ground behind Agaki and formed into a clone of Naesrio.

The clone made a small World Devastation. "Your death awaits you." it said.

A flash of blue.

Kuro flew onto the scene at amazing speed and crashed into Naesrio's clone, pushing him to the ground. He had one knee on the clone's back, out of breath. "No more of my comrades are gonna die on my watch."

The clone vanished and Kuro stood back up.

Naesrio smiled condescendingly. "I'm not giving you your friend back."

In a flash, Kyo and Ako appeared on each side of him, weapons inches from his face.

Kyo looked at him with a fiery intensity. "Let him go, or we'll kill you right now."

Naesrio looked back at Kyo. "Or...? There's no such thing as 'or' in war... do you really think any of you can actually kill me?"

Naesrio then looked at Ako. He raised his free hand towards her. "I'll just kill this one..."

His arm fell off as soon as he raised it. His eyes widened. Naesrio looked behind him.

Kuro shook the blood off his blade. He was in Form L, but his energy was more intense this time. The purple lightning aura around him burned like fire.

Naesrio let Agaki go to grab his arm. He flew up in the air holding his wound, blood falling out of it. Naesrio grit his teeth.

The sight of those humans, looking at him like he was the weak one.

Naesrio yelled out in rage. His body's muscle mass tripled in size. The energy radiating from his body blew away even the clouds in the sky. "I, am, a GOD!!!"

Kyo and the others were getting blown back from the pressure.

Blood spewed out of Naesrio's wound. Then the muscle inside swelled, and out came a new arm.

Naesrio's energy turned from pink to black, and his spiritual pressure became hundreds of times stronger than before. His entire body started turning a glowing black, then his muscle mass slimmed back down to slightly larger than his normal.

His energy stopped rushing, and his skin turned snow white, while the other colored parts of his body turned jet black. He opened his eyes, and the Eyes of Destruction spun slowly as they glowed their burning red.

"Be honored." Naesrio said. "You four are the first to see me in this form. But..."

Naesrio eyes narrowed out of distaste for the humans below him.