
War Part Five

Naesrio sat in the dark, deep in thought. "Both Necra and my little brother died..."

He stood up and left the room. He walked down a long hallway that was open to the outdoors on the right hand side.

"Ryuga... the little bastard probably got too worked up and got himself killed."

Naesrio stopped walking. He thought back on Nyx's warning about underestimating the humans.

He looked outside into the moonlight. There were four moons.

"Perhaps I've misjudged those humans. As weak as he is, not just anyone can simply kill Ryuga so easily."

He continued walking. "No matter. If no one else can do it, I'll just stick to the original plan and destroy the First Order myself."


The next morning, Akasan found himself waking up in his house. He frantically looked left and right, inspecting his surroundings. He took a sigh of relief.

"Was it all just a dream?" he said.

He sat there for a while in thought. "No, it couldn't have been. It feels all too real. That blue energy..."

His room door opened.

"Akasan? You awake?" Kagami walked in the room. She saw Akasan sitting up. "Akasan!!"

She ran over to give him a hug from the bedside. "Idiot, you had me worried all night and today!"

Akasan was just glad to see that Kagami was safe. It meant the world hadn't ended yet. "What happened?" he asked.

"A man with yellow eyes knocked on my door yesterday afternoon and dropped you off here. He told me what happened to you. What you did."

"Like what?"

Kagami had an angry expression on her face. "Like what? Oh, like maybe how you went off in the middle of a freaking WAR and killed not one, but TWO gods, putting your life on the line, talking about you're out there 'being a hero'."

Akasan looked confused. "Why are you mad? I'm a Beta now. It's what I have to do."

Kagami became exasperated. "No it's not what you do Akasan! Did you forget who we are? You can't be out here in the middle of wars fighting GODS! You're only twelve! I didn't know they let kids like us go to war! I heard less than ten people came back ALIVE. Of course I'm mad! You could've died. I wouldn't have been so on board with you being a Knight if I knew this is what you were getting into!"

Akasan lowered his eyes. "Kagami. I decided for myself that I would be prepared for all of that. I'm going to change the world someday. And I mean the entire world, all of it, not just Zetsubo or Arbok. We can't be the only kids who went through what we did. I have to get stronger and see the world for myself and change it. There's no other way."

Kagami stood up in frustration. "Yes there IS another way! Leave it to the adults! Let them handle it! You can't fix everything and you can't beat everyone!"

"Kagami. I owe you a lot. You gave me everything I could've asked for. I want to keep you safe. I have to keep getting stronger to do that. But we also need money. Me becoming a Knight was our way out. And our way into a more comfortable life. But I have other motives too. I want to protect everyone. I can't have this power and only use it for myself."

Kagami had tears in her eyes. "Akasan why won't you understand! You've been like this for as long as I can remember! You don't have to play hero!!"

Kagami stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut.

Akasan got out of the bed. Deep down, he knew that Kagami was only mad at him because he'd gotten hurt, but that only made him more determined to get stronger. "I have to be strong enough to where I won't get injured. I'm still weak..."

Akasan found some new clothes in a paper bag. The bag had a label that had Agaki's name on it.

Inside was his normal outfit, but brand new. He put the clothes on and threw the ragged ones in the trash.

Akasan opened up his window and stepped on the ledge. He looked behind him before hopping out.

Akasan ran all the way to the Royal Palace. After getting in he asked to see the princess.

The escort showed him to her chambers, where she was sitting on her sister's throne reading the book she got from the archives.

The Royal Guard members that lined the walls and behind the throne eyed Akasan suspiciously.

"Akasan? Akasan!" Narumi put down her book and ran towards him and gave him a hug. "It's so great to see you doing well. What brings you here?"

Akasan chuckled. "Hey Narumi. I wanted to talk to you actually."

One of the guards scoffed.

Akasan and Narumi looked at him.

The guard was eyeing Akasan. He had blonde hair and blue eyes with a broadsword on his back.

"Who's he?" Akasan asked Narumi.

"That's Oliver. He's my number two man in the Royal Guard."

Akasan smiled. "Oh. Well I wanted to talk to you in private. Come on Narumi! It's important!" He tugged at her arm.

Oliver scoffed again and grunted. "Alright I can't take this anymore!!" He strutted over to Akasan and looked down at him. "I won't allow this behavior!"

Akasan was puzzled. "Huh? What I do? I just need to borrow Narumi for a while."

Oliver pointed at him. "That! Right there! How dare you address Her Majesty by her first name? You should be more respectful towards our princess! And to think, you're just a Beta member who so arrogantly walks into these doors, not even with a bow or paying your respects, and you want to borrow her? I should have you expelled!"

Narumi put her hand on Oliver's chest plate and moved him back a few inches. "Oliver. What are you doing?" she asked flatly.

Oliver stood up straight. "Your Highness! I am simply correcting this ignorant boy on how to address you properly. I couldn't sit back and watch you get addressed so informally by this... commoner."

Narumi glared at him with an annoyed face. "Oliver. Akasan isn't a commoner. He's my friend. And he's stronger then everyone in this room."

All of the Royal Guard members in the room were greatly insulted by that statement.

Narumi continued. "I will personally let someone know if I feel like they should address me a certain way. Akasan is one of few people allowed to call me by my name. See to it that you remember that. Next time you interrupt me will be your last moments in this palace. Are we clear?"

Oliver quickly stepped back in line. "Yes! I understand completely Your Highness!"

Narumi looked back at Akasan. "Sorry about that, we can talk in my room."

Akasan nodded and followed her out the chamber.

Oliver glared at Akasan as he left.

Akasan followed Narumi into her room as she closed the door behind her.

Akasan sat on her bed.

Narumi turned around and crossed her arms. "You wanna know right?"

Akasan looked up. "Hm?"

She pointed at his arm. "Your powers. You're curious aren't you?"

Akasan nodded eagerly. "I need to know, it's been bugging me."

Narumi smiled. "Well I've been researching your crimson fire for a while now, and seeing that blue energy just confirmed my findings."

Narumi leaned back against the white wall. "Basically it all started after the Great War, a war that involved all of the world's most prominent races; the Gods, Humans, Absydians, and Angels. After the war was ended by the Sorcerer Amun, all four races stopped fighting amongst one another and lived peacefully. Over the next couple years, the races started having children with other races, mixing the bloodlines. And only one time in history did all four races cross paths in the genepool. That person was born with the power of crimson fire. It's the strongest possible fire that one person can make, it overpowers all other elemental abilities, even water and other fires. That person disappeared, and the bloodline ended there. Since then it turned into a legend or a fairy tail of sorts. But now you came along and showcased your crimson flame at the tournament. Word spread that the legend actually existed, and now the people call you the Dark Angel. Though I don't know why, the name doesn't make any sense, because historically, angels-"

"Narumi." Akasan interrupted.

Narumi caught herself. "Whoops, got off track there. Anyways, the fact that you have the crimson flame means that in your blood, there is a god, a human, an absydian, and an angel. Now. My family's main branch originates back to Sirius, the most famous hero in the entire world. I'm sure you've heard his name by now. Sirius was half angel, half human. His child was born to a pureblooded angel named Maria. Their son's name was Callux. When Callux grew up, he and his mother traveled to Arbok from their homeland of Zedan. In Arbok, Callux had a child with an unknown woman. Now, as royalty myself, I know for a fact that we do not just have children with random people, and Callux was not in Arbok long enough to fall in love so deeply. This must mean that Callux had a child with someone who wasn't human. The evidence points towards this woman being an Archangel. This is the only possible time where all four bloodlines could cross. There's no other family in the world with angel, human, and god genes. There have been seven gods born to our family since Sirius' death. If Callux and an Archangel had a child, it would have crossed all four bloodlines."

Akasan spoke. "But that doesn't make sense if there's only been one user of crimson fire. There would have been a whole lot of them other than me?"

Narumi laughed mischievously. She pulled out a slip of paper from her pocket. "When I visited the First Order's archives, I read through Maria's diary, well, a copy of it. But as I read through it, this loose leaf of paper fell out of it."

Narumi pulled out a folded piece of paper. She opened it up.

"It has my mother's handwriting on it. Most of it isn't useful information, but near the bottom it says, 'Callux's child had a dead gene'."

Akasan was completely lost now. "A dead gene? What's that supposed to mean?"

Narumi went on. "It means that the child of Callux did not have an awakened god gene. In order for someone to be a god, they have to have an awakened god gene, or the child will not have power. There are plenty gods that bypass as human because we can't tell the difference. Without godly strength, they aren't gods. Make sense? Doesn't matter. The point is, because you have the crimson flame, one of your parents carried all four genes, and your god gene was an awakened one."

Akasan pointed at himself. "So I'm a god?"

"Just partially. A tiny fraction most likely."

"But how do you know all this for sure? I could be anyone's kid."

Narumi pointed at his arm. "The blue energy. It's Sirius Energy. A bright blue energy that burns like fire. It's literally the exact same thing. No one in history has had that energy other than Sirius himself. That means that you're a descendant of Sirius, and somehow, the god gene awakened his energy inside of you. Technically that makes us distant cousins, but it's more like a common ancestor. Either way you and I are family."

Narumi smiled.

Akasan's mind went blank. It was so much information to take in.

Narumi got close to him. "You'll be allowed to marry into royalty when you turn fifteen you know."

"Huh? Wha... ?" He blushed.


Kyo, Ako, and Agaki sat in their meeting room, quiet.

It was a deafening silence.

It seemed so empty without the others.

The heavy sound of footsteps came closer and closer to the door.

Kuro stormed into the room, swinging the black office door open, still in his hospital clothing. "What are you all doing in here?!"

"Kuro. You're up..." Agaki said.

Kuro glared at him. "Of course I'm up, but the question is why are you three down?"

Kyo scowled at him. "You know why... don't play dumb with me."

Kuro growled. "I already heard what happened. Trust me, I'm just as hurt as the three of you. I knew Maki before I even joined the Knights. I wasn't even able to fight when she was killed! If anyone should be moping around it's me!! I heard from Agaki that Akasan is the one who saved you two. Akasan is a BETA!! Everyone here in this room is an Omega Knight!! PATHETIC!!!"

Ako and Kyo were caught off guard by that statement.

Kuro continued. "Think about that for one second! Both of you were able fighters, and you gave up before you were even able to put your lives on the line. Two Omega Squadron warriors, said to be the strongest Knights in the world, drowning in their tears because two of their friends died in the line of duty. GROW UP!!!"

Kyo immediately got up and aggressively grabbed Kuro by his shirt. "Why are you doing this?!! YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL!!! WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT WHAT WE WENT THROUGH, YOU WERE UNCONSCIOUS!!!"

Kuro didn't flinch. He stared Kyo in the eyes with intensity. "I was unconscious because I made the decision to risk my life. In hindsight, maybe it was the wrong call, but I'm going to live with that. The last time I froze when someone was in danger my father died. At least I was a child. You and Ako are adult Omega Knights and you got saved by a twelve year old child!!!" He shook Kyo off of him and punched him in the face. "THINK ABOUT THAT!!!"

Kuro was breathing heavily now.

Kyo looked at his face. He could tell that Kuro was holding back tears.

Kuro continued his outburst. "I couldn't even seriously damage Ryuga in Form L!! And you mean to tell me while I was knocked out from my own weakness, Akasan managed to pierce him twice?!! With a regular sword!! We didn't give him a custom blade like mine! He had a regular, entry-level sword that you can find anywhere in the world!! I'm mad at myself too!! But this isn't the time to be sad!! Be depressed later!! Did you all forget that NAESRIO COULD BE ON HIS WAY HERE AT ANY MOMENT?!! Get your tail out your ass!! If we can't defeat him, ALL OF US WILL DIE! And then Tenma and Maki will have died for nothing!"

Kuro picked Kyo off the ground by his shirt with both hands and stared him in the eyes. "And I won't let them die for nothing. Even if I have to fight Naesrio myself."

He let Kyo go and stormed out of the room, not even closing the door.

Kyo stood there, thinking about his actions.

Agaki got up. "Kuro's right. We don't have the time to be sad. We have to keep fighting. For the future. We're Knights of the First Order. Frost left with full confidence that we'd win this war." He turned to leave.

Kyo grabbed his shoulder. "Wait."

Agaki looked back.

"After what happened, I'm at the point where I never want to fight again. All I'll be able to think about is a painful memory. But I'm willing to fight this one last time. For them."

"I feel the same way." Ako said.

Agaki nodded and left the room after Kyo let him go.