
Unforeseen Alliances, Part Three

< Haruna stood as a little girl, in the middle of a bright and playfully-decorated room, with images of sunshines and rainbows plastering the walls. She was holding on tightly to a brown teddy bear, worn and tattered, with one of its eyes missing.

A doctor opened up the metal shutter that acted as a door to enter the room. "Haruna, come with me dear."

She nodded and obeyed.

Not much later, Haruna was outside in a sandy field surrounded by tall brick walls lined with metal poles that sparked with electricity.

Somewhere else close by, a team of doctors watched her from a secure room where they could monitor her movements via security cameras, and talk to her over the megaphone.

General Dupree entered the room and bent down near the microphone. "We clear to go?" he asked the doctors. They nodded.

Dupree pushed a button. "Haruna. Can you hear me?"