
The Mission, Part XIV

Gentry slid back. More and more tree roots shot out of the ground. He started vanishing back and forth to dodge the blows.

Fargus moved out of the way, but any roots that got close to him softened and limped as if they were drunk themselves.

Leo dodged with his speed alone.

Steam leaked from Hanami's mouth. She growled.

Gentry held his hand out. "Cotton World!"

Endless sheets of cotton dispersed from Gentry's hand and spread out all over the tree roots and the ground. Any new roots that tried to come up would be trapped by the cotton and rendered immobile.

Leo threw a silver fireball at Hanami.

Hanami kicked it away in one swift movement. She blew out a cloud of poison smoke.

The cotton that surrounded the area was now quickly deteriorating.

Gentry jumped back. "What's happening?"

Hanami had her hands out. "This is cotton. The new gas I put out contains enzymes that I bioengineered to feed off of it."

"That's gonna get annoying real fast..." he muttered.