
The Library, Part II

The librarian tugged Bell into a house and threw him inside. She closed the door behind her.

Bell put his hand up to his ear, tears in his eyes. "What was that for?!! If you're thinking of kidnapping me then—!"

"Then what? You're going to attack me, blow my house up and cause a commotion? You'll lose your badge, you know."

Bell clenched his fists. "What's your deal, you, you—"

"Katheryne. That's my name." She read the words that appeared over Bell's head. [Analysis Complete. WARNING: SPATIAL ANOMALY]

"How peculiar. I wonder what it means…?" She folded her arms in thought.

Bell became uneasy. "W-What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I have this hunch telling me something. But I won't say anything for now. Follow me."

Katheryne walked off into her house. Bell hesitated, but decided to follow her, making sure to keep some distance between them.