
The Fabulous Five

A little over two hundred years later, all of Amun's children were now dead, and his power was no longer available exclusively to his bloodline.

A pure-blooded angel and human would give birth to a boy named Sirius.

Sirius was born into the Royal Family of the First Order. He showed promise as a warrior from an early age. His energy was bright blue, and resembled a star's burning gas. This energy was never seen before, so everyone knew he was special.

Sirius would go to an academy to learn and train with other children, where he impressed there as well. During his free time, Sirius would notice a kid who always sat by himself. His skin was glossy and pitch black, he had a head that resembled a dog-like beast, but his body was of a human. No one talked to him because rumors spread that he was a monster.

Sirius tried talking to him one time.

The boy's name was Anubis. He first thought that he was going to be picked on, but Sirius genuinely wanted to be his friend.

It wasn't long before Sirius and Anubis became best friends in the academy. Sometimes the two would spar, and Sirius found out that Anubis equaled him in strength. The two were at the top of their class.

Sirius loved making friends, and he inspired everyone around him to work harder. Soon, there were three other kids under him and Anubis that were close to them in power. Ai (girl), Tema (girl), and Loki (boy).

The five of them all became friends, and would train and spar with each other often— so much so, that they were in a league of their own compared to the rest of the children. Their teacher would often call the group 'The Fabulous Five', a name that stuck with them as they grew up.

When all five of them turned thirteen, they joined the ranks of the Knights of the First Order.

As usual, new recruits almost always started out as Deltas. Deltas are like Knights in training, represented by a green badge, and they only get easy, tedious tasks. But being the fighters they were, Sirius and his friends quickly moved up to Gamma. Gammas get missions like helping the Police Force catch D and C-rank criminals, or escorting clients to different cities or provinces. They are represented by yellow badges.

Soon, the Fabulous Five gained popularity, and they were often a client's preferred choice when hiring escorts. At age fifteen, all five of them were in the Beta Squadron. They were the youngest ever to be promoted to Beta or higher. Betas deal with B to A-rank criminals, and they're allowed to patrol the country and do free work (free work is finding jobs suitable for their liking by themselves, whenever they want, though pay is not guaranteed). They are represented by blue badges.

Even though the Fabulous Five was popular, no one in the group was as well-loved as Sirius. He had a perfect record, no failed missions, always over-performed when he succeeded, and was greatly admired by the citizens.

At age sixteen, Sirius was given access to Amun's Library (later renamed to The World Library). After studying the books, Sirius would teach himself how to use Sen.

Sen was an energy discovered by Amun. It was an energy based on the life force that the planet naturally contained. Sen could be blue for positive life force (Shoudan), red for negative life force (Houdan), and violet for a mixture of both (Kyoudan). A Sen user always had the upper hand in battle against inexperienced fighters, its energy is more dense and powerful than the average pure spiritual essence.

Sirius would also unlock the Eyes of Creation, giving him the power of Ultimate Creation.

Anubis on the other hand, was respected as a part of the Fabulous Five, but he wasn't nearly as popular as Sirius. People usually found Anubis scary or frightening, someone who was unsafe to be around… a monster. At age sixteen he mastered dark energy and unlocked the Eyes of Destruction, giving him the power Ultimate Destruction. He would always be Sirius' number one rival.

Ai was known as the "cutest" member of the Five. She had childish mannerisms and always seemed to be positive and cheery. She was a master of magic, able to use magic spells up to the ninth tier. At age sixteen she unlocked the Lunar Eyes, giving her advanced defensive spells and a higher affinity for water and plant-based spells.

Tema was a weapon user. She could make weapons out of her own energy, and make them as big as she wanted, and as many as she wanted. It's called the Ultimate Weapon skill.

Tema was a fierce fighter. Though she used weapons, she was adept at combat from any distance, and wildly fast as well. Unlike the other four, she unlocked an ocular power at fifteen, the Mystic Eyes.

The Mystic Eye gives the user access to mystic energy (if they couldn't already use it before). Mystic energy is colored black or white. The black mystic energy has a property that attracts, while the white mystic energy repels, though when the energy emits from the body, it only appears to glow white.

Loki developed a reputation as a trickster. His style of fighting dealt with illusions, making his opponents see or feel things that don't exist. He unlocked the Eyes of Realms when he was sixteen, allowing him to create an infinite number of realms. These spaces could be as large or as small as he pleased, as long as the size and number of realms was relative to his own power. This ability is extremely useful for quickly leaving and re-entering spaces.

All of the ocular powers also give boosts to speed, strength, reflexes, and thinking speed.


Not long before the Five turned seventeen, they were advanced to the Alpha Squadron. Alphas are given missions that may require capturing S-rank criminals, or traveling abroad. They are also allowed to do free work. They wear red badges.

At age twenty, the Fabulous Five at last became Omegas. Omegas almost exclusively partake in free work, only they have permission to travel to any country that isn't part of the Seventh Order. Represented with a platinum badge with a black 'omega' insignia on it, Omegas are called in for missions concerning war, S-rank criminals, or threats concerning the fate of humanity. Additionally, only Omegas are allowed to escort any member of the Royal Family, especially when they must leave the country. The Fabulous Five would continue servicing the First Order over the next ten years.


Anubis eventually grew tired of the animosity towards him based on his demeanor, and the body he was born with, while Sirius continued to be one of the most well-loved men on Earth.

Anubis would often go off on his own doing free work in other countries to ease his mind. He was on the southern border of Titania once when he came across a man by the name of Jasper.

Jasper was a Phantom.

The Phantoms are three special people hand-chosen by Nyx herself to receive a portion of her energy. They can be recognized by their bright, pure red eyes that glow brightly even in broad daylight. They are incredibly powerful.

Jasper was collecting rare herbs at the time Anubis ran into him.

Jasper recognized Anubis immediately. As he carried on with his work, he warned Anubis that it wouldn't be a good idea to tell anyone that he saw him. A war between the Seventh Order and anyone else wouldn't end well for them.

Anubis thought about taking him on until he felt the spiritual pressure emitting from Jasper's body (spiritual pressure: a force with the effects of gravity that signifies how powerful a person's spirit is). He could clearly tell that Jasper was way out of his league.

Jasper took this chance to tell Anubis that Nyx actually welcomes him into the Seventh Order if he wanted to feel more appreciated for his work. She had the power to make him a god.

Anubis was taken aback by the suggestion at first. But Jasper didn't receive a no for an answer, so he gave Anubis a half smile and told him to take some time to 'think on it' as he left without a trace.

Anubis returned to Zedan with a lot on his mind. Joining Nyx would mean betraying his friends and the First Order as well. Staying with the First Order meant that he would have to continue to put up with the hateful prejudice from the people. He put the thought to the back of his mind; he didn't want to leave his friends. But as more and more years passed, Anubis seemed to get left behind by them. Sirius became the next King of Zedan at age 37, Ai became an academy teacher. Tema remained a Knight out of her love for combat, and Loki found a wife and moved away to the Jade Islands. The Fabulous Five was no more.