
Struggle to No End

As Hikaru and Frost trudged through the cold, a sudden shockwave of energy hit the both of them.

Hikaru rolled backwards and slid to a stop. Frost fell on his back.

Hikaru looked out in front of him to see two red eyes glowing in the darkness. "Who's there…?!"

It was Mikael, one of the Three Phantoms. "I'm just here to clean up the trash. Ven was kind enough to send me your location."

Frost slowly stood up. "Hey, what's your name scythe guy?"

"Hikaru. I'm from the Elite 12."

Frost smirked. "I've been lacking in my training these past years. Looks like I'm way behind. Catch."

Frost threw something shiny at Hikaru. He caught it. "What is this…? A pocket watch?"

"Not just any pocket watch. It's the only one of its kind. Anyone with it can claim the throne of the Northern Territories."

Hikaru looked back. "Why are you giving me this?"