

Frost casually walked out of the prison's main entrance into a snowy blizzard.

The prison was now up in smoke and flames, all of the guards on the inside dead.

Prisoners from the other cells ran out of the entrance behind him, thanking him and running, even though they all had nowhere to go.

They were cold.

Frost looked up at the gray sky. He exhaled cold air.

He didn't feel cold at all. This was home. This was nothing to him.

When Frost first left for the Northern Territories, he willingly let himself be imprisoned. He wanted to feel at least a little of the suffering that the rest of the people had to go through.

So he spent his years meditating, keeping his body's temperature at a near perfect zero, training for this very day.

Currently Frost was in the middle of North City. There were prisons and asylums everywhere. He'd only destroyed one of them.

There were at least 40 of them in the territory he was in now.

Sirens blared throughout the city, warning the other guards and officers that Frost had escaped, and so have dozens of other prisoners.

Frost became the center of attention. He looked off into the distance where a mob of roughly two hundred officers were charging towards him.

He inhaled, then blew out a furious cloud of frosty wind. The cloud blew all of the officers away and froze them solid.

Frost disappeared, jumping up into the air, then crashed straight down through the roof of another prison. He immediately took out all of the guards in that building too and freed the prisoners.

He did so for all of the 40 facilities in General Zhao's territory in no more than an hour.


From a high tower, General Zhao himself stared out at the commotion through a wall of windows. He wore a dark green military uniform with a wide array of badges on his chest.

Two lower-ranked officers walked into the room. They saluted. "Sir! All of our forces are nearly wiped out! Permission to send out Plus and Minus?"

Zhao didn't bother looking at them. He simply nodded slowly.

The two officers saluted again and walked away.

Zhao took a brooding sip of his coffee. "Frost... I let you go once before... I won't allow you to leave again."


Frost jumped out of the rooftop of another prison as it exploded up in flames. As he landed on the snow, two streaks of energy hit the ground in front of him, one pink and one blue.

The pink one was a teenage boy, and the blue was a teenage girl. They were twins.

They grinned and cackled evilly.

The blue one had minus signs in her eyes, and the pink one had plus signs in his.

The pink one spoke. "Hey, hey, Minus!"

"What is it, Plus?!"

Plus pointed at Frost. "Looks like we've got some scum who thinks he's tough!!"

Minus laughed. "Brother, brother! What should we do with him?!"

Plus' and Minus' eyes started glowing. "Let's kill him!"

Minus' devilish grin grew wider. "Yes, yes... I like the sound of that!!"


Akasan was at home sitting down at the kitchen table with Kagami. They had just finished eating.

Akasan put down his empty bowl of rice. "Kagami..."

Kagami put down her bowl with a puzzled look on her face. "Hm? What's up?" She could clearly tell something was bothering him.

"What would you do if you knew about something going on that was really bad?"

"Well what do you mean? Did something happen on your trip?"

"Yeah. All around the world, demihumans are being born into the world as slaves."

"What? That's horrible... I don't know what I'd do... but I have a feeling of what you're thinking of..."

Akasan stood up abruptly. "No one else will raise a finger. But I have to save them. Every last one! I won't stop until I do. I'm gonna make the entire world work together. This has to stop!"

Kagami traced the rim of her teacup with her finger. "Akasan... I was thinking, I have nothing to do with myself all day since I'm just in the house most of the day, so... I'm gonna start training to become part of the Police Force. I can get closer to the people of Zetsubo that way. The officers we have now won't even look their way. It's something I have to do... so I understand where you're coming from now..."

Akasan had a serious look on his face. He nodded. "Okay. We probably won't see much of each other then from now on. But I trust you. You'll be great."

Kagami smiled. "Yeah, I'm going to try my best! And... I trust you too! I don't like seeing you get hurt so often, but I think that you're strong enough! You'll change the world someday!"

Kagami stood up and high fived Akasan.

Akasan went upstairs for a few minutes and came back down in his regular black clothes.

"It's only been a day since you got back, sure you don't wanna rest?" Kagami asked.

Akasan gave her a smile. "I have to keep working towards my goal! Or else it'll never get done!" His jacket flowed behind him as he left the house.

Akasan's determination was stronger than ever now. He didn't care who was coming his way, he had his sights on someone bigger.

The root of all evil in the world - Nyx.


In Olympia, a fiery streak came down from the sky.

Jasper was outside awaiting it.

As it got closer a circular pod could be seen falling from above. Its landing spot was a snowy forest.

The pod slowed down before landing safely on the ground.

The door on the pod snapped open, steam leaking from the inside. It then slowly opened all the way up.

A woman in a dark blue jumpsuit stepped out of the pod. She was tall, beautiful, and had long flowing dark blue hair that matched her cold gaze. She took in the world around her and took a deep breath.

"It's been so long..." she said. "This crisp, cold air... I've missed it so much."

Jasper took a small bow out of politeness. "Queen Andromeda, we have been expecting you. I'm glad to see that you've arrived here safely."

Andromeda looked at him. "What's your name?"

"Jasper." he said, giving her a sly look as he stood straight up again.

Andromeda wasn't impressed. "Hm. I would've expected someone more... spectacular. You don't look like the powerful type. You must be her dog."

Jasper chuckled. "I am her Majesty's closest aid. I understand that my looks are more that of a butler rather than a warrior, but I assure you..." Jasper's eyes glowed bright red. "Other than my Queen there is no one that exists on this planet stronger than I."

Andromeda smiled. "Hmph. I see. So that's how it is."

Jasper's eyes dimmed down. "Would you like to meet her?"

Andromeda started walking. "No need, show me the way. I want to hurry and meet this man."

Andromeda's eyes screamed with determination. "The reincarnation of the man who hurt my mother."

Jasper closed his eyes. "Yes. Right away ma'am."

Andromeda turned around. "Don't call me that. Please." she said irritatingly.

Jasper smiled and bowed slightly. "Do you plan on killing him?"

"Yes. I plan on fighting him to the death. If he's Sirius' reincarnation then he must be powerful."

Jasper started walking away. "I will show you the direction, but don't get your hopes up, I believe the person you're looking for is but a child."

Andromeda started following him. "Hah, child, woman, or old man, I will kill him."

"You are not worried about dying yourself? You run an entire galaxy do you not?"

Andromeda smirked. "It's not all it's cracked up to be. Earth has more potential than every planet in the universe. I was getting bored. Honestly I might've just destroyed the entire galaxy had I not come back here."


Frost measured up the two in front of him. They seemed arrogant, but he could tell that they weren't all talk. He jumped back.

Frost exhaled some mist, dropping the temperature to far below freezing.

Plus and Minus were still smiling. "Hey, Minus!"

"What's up, Plus?"

"This guy thinks that we're weak!"

"Well then, let's how him how it's done!"

They both started running at him.

"They don't look too fast..." Frost thought.

They both attacked him at the same time.

Frost easily dodged and blocked their attacks.

Minus kicked him in the arm.

Frost quickly shifted far left to create some space, but then he felt a heavy blow in his side. "Tch! When did I get hit?!" He slid back.

Plus and Minus started chuckling.

"Come on! Come on! What's wrong, Mr. Snowman?!" Minus yelled.

Frost waved his arms around wildly in alternating circular motions, blowing the snow into the air like a smokescreen. He jumped in the air and made a Diamond Storm. He threw it at he ground.

It caused an explosion.

When the snow cloud cleared, Plus and Minus were still standing there with their arms crossed.

Minus spoke, "Did you really think that would do something to us?!"

Plus chuckled. "Watch this, Icicle Man!" He held out his fist towards Frost.

Plus grinned evilly, "Watch closely now..."

Frost frowned. "What are they doing?" Then he felt another heavy blow to the same side of his body. He choked up blood and fell to the ground.

He slowly got back up. "What the hell... I'm sure neither of them moved from their spot. My body shouldn't be damaged this easily... who the hell are these guys?!"

Plus and Minus were laughing hysterically now. "Hey, Minus!"

"What, brother?!"

"Did you see the look on his face?!"

"Yeah, yeah! It was too funny!"

Frost was breathing hard. "I'm sure he didn't move, that's a fact. The temperature in the air didn't change. Was I hit with an invisible force?"

Plus started moving to the right unnaturally. His feet weren't moving. It was like he was being dragged across the snow.

Minus moved the same way to the left.

They then moved towards Frost with blinding speed at the same time.

Frost could tell where they were. He caught both of their punches on both sides. But Plus and Minus were still cackling with laughter.

Frost was getting annoyed. "Nnnngh... what's, so funny?!"

Minus spoke. "You."


Frost was hit from both sides with the invisible attack. More blood was coughed up as his knees buckled. He hit the ground face first.

Plus and Minus laughed some more.

"Brother! Brother!"

"What is it, Minus?"

"I could do this all day!"

"So could I, sister!"

Frost slowly got on one knee. "Magnetism. Is that it?"

Plus and Minus stopped laughing. They grinned at him. "Yeah, that's it, how'd you find out?" Plus asked.

Frost held up his hand in front of him and opened it. Black crumbs were floating in the air. "My Diamond Storm contains carbon bombs. The carbon that I use has magnetic properties. After I detonate the bombs, the carbon dust remains. When you two started moving around, the carbon followed you two. The particles between the both of you remained stagnant, even when wind blew over them. So the power you both use lies in a magnetic field. Plus and Minus... one is attracted to the other. The invisible hits you guys had on me comes from you bending the magnetic field and hitting me with it at high speed. But I can't figure out... how is that possible?"

Minus and Plus started laughing again.

Minus spoke. "You're really sharp for a fugitive, aren't ya! Here, I'll reward you! When we first attacked you, I was the last to hit you. Your body became part of my magnetism, so Plus' magnetization was attracted to you! You like to stay cold at freezing temperatures, but that only makes our magnetism stronger!"

Minus and Plus started laughing some more.

Frost started laughing with them.

Plus and Minus stopped. "Huh? What's so funny?" Plus asked.

Frost had a smile on his face. "Oh, nothing. It's just that this is the first time I've been outsmarted like this. But now that I know that you guys use magnetism," Frost's expression turned cold, "You won't get a hit off me again."

"Huh?!" Minus exclaimed, "Don't start talking big because you know how our power works! Either way you're dead!"

Frost's skin was glowing bright orange from underneath his skin. "One thing you should know about my power... is that while I can produce the coldest temperature possible, if I supercharge my own energy, I can rebound that temperature to the hottest possible temperature! And if you didn't know..."

Minus and Plus had worried expressions on their faces now.

Frost was smiling as he glowed brighter and brighter, "Magnetic fields don't work on temperatures past a thousand degrees!! Reverse Chill: Overload!!!"

Frost's entire body became a bright source of orange light. He blew up with a fiery explosion, affecting half of the entire city.

Everything within the explosion completely melted.

The general couldn't believe his eyes from his tower. "A ball of fire?! I thought he could only freeze things?! What is this madness?!"

The flames caused the cold air to superheat at light speed, causing an almost nuclear explosion.

Shockwaves of lightning emitted from the fire cloud, making waves over the rest of the city, destroying all buildings and facilities, even knocking down Zhao's tower.

As the tower fell, Zhao was knocked around and hit his head on the metal walls. The force from the shockwave obliterated the walls and hit Zhao head on, causing fatal injury.

After some minutes, the damage was done.

Frost was in the middle of it all, body still steaming from overheating. "I can only do that once." He dropped to one knee, "Now I don't have any... energy left."

Plus and Minus both died instantly, and so did anyone caught up in the explosion.

Most of the innocent people had already fled the city luckily.

Frost coughed up another heap of blood and fell on his back. "Ah man. I really overdid it that time."