

Akasan brought his back off the tree. "I trust Azael. No matter what happens from here, I'll judge people with my own eyes. We still have a long road ahead of us."

"I'm only warning you." Gaia said. "You can only see the surface with your eyes alone."

Akasan smirked. "My eyes see beyond that."


Akasan made a visit to his manor in Arcane City.

Upon opening the door, he saw Beatrice floating upside down through the halls. She looked his way. "Akasan."

"Yo. It's been a while, where've you been?"

"Everywhere. Nothing special really."

"Okay. Is my mom still here?"

"She's probably out in town right now. You looking for her?"

Akasan shook his head. "As long as she's fine. I'm counting on you to watch things over here."

Beatrice's face dropped. "Ehh...? Who said I took orders from you?"

Akasan walked past her. "I did."

As he walked down the halls, a shadow leapt from the walls, attacking with a knife.