
Memento Mori, Pt. XVII

Nyx took on a black aura along with her normal one. "I've decided that you can't be allowed to live. If by chance you didn't die from my previous attacks, I was going to make you my General, but as we fight, you evolve. You adapt to any situation and rise above it, getting stronger each time. That's a scary ability."

Akasan still had white wisps swirling around him. "It took a lot of hard work and training."

Nyx closed her eyes. "No, you should thank the demon blood within you, as well as my own. You're one of my descendants, naturally it's my job to put an end to you."

The spiritual pressure between the two of them grew so intense that space ripped apart right there in a blast of bright pink.

Immediately, both of them summoned their swords and clashed against each other a innumerable number of times.

Nyx got rid of her sword and sharply kicked Akasan in his chest. He flew back in a bright blue trail like a comet.

Akasan suddenly appeared behind Nyx and kicked her in the head.