
Memento Mori, Pt. XIII

Miyagi opened her eyes in Beatrice's room. "Where am I…?"

Yuna and the rest of Miyagi's little siblings immediately ran over to her. "Miyagi!"

She sat up. "How long was I out?"

Beatrice raised her hand. "About twelve hours."

"Damn. I didn't expect myself to be gone so long."

Sloth, who was sitting against the wall, frowned. "That General brought you here. He didn't have any energy, but apparently he could still absorb things. Somehow he drained the energy out of the Verse and became something crazy."

Miyagi looked his way. "Seeing you're still alive means he must've had a change of heart though right?"

Sloth closed his eyes. "Hmph."

Beatrice stood up and grabbed a pear out of the fruit basket. "I'm running out of fruit Miyagi. I need more."

"Sorry. A war is kind of going on outside."

"It's just about over actually."


"Yeah. The small fry are all fighting each other, but that Akasan kid is fighting Nyx right now. The winner will be decided soon."