
Memento Mori, Pt. V

The golden light was no longer affecting the Mirror Plane. It was now bright blue from the sheer amount of power Tekkyon poured out.

The two were fighting inside of one of Tekkyon's Supreme Magnetars.

They fought at blazing fast speed at the star's core, at temperatures surpassing 18 million degrees Fahrenheit (nearly 10 million degrees Celsius).

Tekkyon backed away and shot out his hand, fingers curled. "Starquake!!!"


Akasan was hit with a giant crack inside the magnetar. There was a violent rumble, and he was lit with a nearly white-hot blue flame. "AAAAUUGGHHHH!!!"

Tekkyon thrusted his hand out again. "Starquake!!!"

Akasan screamed out some more as another crack appeared inside of the star.

Tekkyon pulled his arm back again. "STARQUAKE!!!!"

Akasan screamed louder this time as the star exploded. He fell down into the depths of the Mirror Plane.

Tekkyon watched him fall.