
In the Heat of the Moment! Training at Mount Vulcan!

Akasan reached the base of Mount Vulcan. He looked up at the top, where smoke consistently plumed out of the volcano's spout. He took a deep breath and started jumping up to the top.

When he reached the apex of the landscape, he looked below him. The orange glow of magma shone on his face as he peered into the endless depths of the lava.

Amun suddenly appeared on the edge opposite him. "Relaxing, isn't it?"

Akasan was sweating. "Why are we up here exactly? I thought we were training for Nil."

Amun chuckled. He looked down at the magma below. "This volcano smokes every once in a while, but it will never erupt. Do you know why?"

Akasan shook his head.

Amun continued. "This volcano belongs to a special... someone. I do not know of the whereabouts of this person. But without them, this volcano can and will not erupt. The lava below believe it or not is supercharged with energy. A very pure work of art if I do say so myself." He looked at Akasan and pointed below. "You will jump."