
Hanami, the Beautiful Flower

Akasan woke up not too long after he fell out. He lifted his head up, feeling his wounds open up again and winced in pain. He laid his head back down.

Yukio noticed him move and called out. "If you cross that orange ring there you'll die." he warned.

Akasan had just noticed it. He looked at the ring. He was hurting too much to care.

Fumiko soon came back with someone else by her side. It was the brown-haired assassin girl that was with King Dabi before.


Hanami looked down on Akasan. "Why are you protecting him? He's our target."

Fumiko turned to her. "I don't want to kill him. He's special."

Hanami frowned. "Fumiko. We don't have time for this. Remove the circle."

Akira slowly stood up. "I agree... with Fumiko. Leave him... alone."

Hanami sharply looked at Akira. "I at least thought you were better than this. As a Bloodhound, our job is to kill the target, nothing more, nothing less. And for you of all people to suggest such a thing..."