
Endgame, Pt. I

Moss was still sitting down, next to Miyagi's body. He stared at the ground between his legs. "What am I supposed to do…? If my sister has to die then I'd rather die with her…"

< "He's carrying the tides of fate on his back right now. Since the end of the Golden Era of this planet, impending doom has been hanging over Nyx's head, and she knows it. This world will be propelled into a new age, a new dawn of time, and you're fighting on the losing side." >

Moss sighed. "You've gotta be kidding me…"

Jasper and Jack stared each other down.

"And then it was two…" Jasper said slyly.

Sand stated blowing off of Jack's body as more and more cubes of earth rose into the sky.

Jasper looked around. "What's all this even for?" A cube of earth rose up right next to him.

Jack smirked. "Oh so you haven't noticed?"

Jasper frowned. "Hm…?"

Jack held out a hand. "Try pushing on that one next to you."

Jasper looked at the cube and shoved his hand into it. "It's… not moving."