
Emerald City

Akasan and Usagi were walking through the grassy plains. She was leading him towards Emerald City.

"Can't we just fly to Diamond City?" Akasan asked.

Usagi walked backwards as she talked to him. "Fly? Flight isn't permitted for travel here. You'll be fined or arrested."

Akasan frowned. "Huh? Why?"

Usagi shrugged. "King's rules."

They walked some more. Akasan noticed that Usagi's ears were hidden in her hair again. "Why do you hide your ears?"

She turned around again. "Demihumans aren't exactly liked by humans. They think we're freaks. So most of us try to blend in as much as possible."

"I don't think you're a freak."

Usagi turned back around. "You don't have to lie to me, I saw your reaction when we met. I'm used to it, don't hide it."

Akasan jumped in front of Usagi and turned around. He looked at her. "I don't tell lies."

Usagi looked in his eyes. His eyes were dark gray, but she felt something deeper, something she couldn't recognize. But she could tell he wasn't lying. "Am I the first demihuman you've seen?" she asked.

Akasan nodded.

She kept going. "The farther south you travel, the more of us you'll see. But any territory dominated by demihumans are almost guaranteed to be poor areas. I just came back today from visiting my family in Hampton."

"Your family huh... sounds nice."

Usagi smiled sadly. "It would be normally, but Hampton is the slave capital of the world. The demihumans born there are slaves."

Akasan's expression dropped. "Slaves?! I thought slavery was illegal?!"

"Slavery is abolished only in Arbok, Titania, Cell City, and Zedan. You can find them pretty much anywhere else."

Akasan balled his fists. "It's not fair. Why are demihumans specifically made into slaves?"

"Because we're worth less than any other intelligent species. It's just how the world works."

Akasan was forcing himself with all his might from raging out right then and there. "People shouldn't be judged based off of their differences. That's evil. I like your ears. They make up a part of you who you are. You don't need to hide them."

Usagi looked at him questioningly, then decided it was okay. She let her ears pop back up. She started walking with an upbeat attitude. "To tell you the truth, I feel much freer when I can relax. It's a wonderful feeling."

Akasan smiled, but on the inside he was furious. He couldn't bear the idea of enslaving the demihumans. Or anyone for that matter.

They were nearing their first destination. Usagi pointed. "There it is! Emerald City!"

It was a city the size of Arbok City, sitting in the middle of the plains. The tall buildings had a soft green glow when the sun reflected off of them.

They entered the city walls.

Now that Akasan was on the inside, he realized that Emerald City was much more developed than Arbok City was. There were many more skyscrapers and offices.

"Let's find a hotel or an inn to stay at for the night!" Usagi said.

They went into a hotel that looked moderately nice. When they walked in everyone was giving Usagi nasty stares.

Akasan could hear them talking to each other in private, saying things like "What is the Dark Angel doing with that... thing?".

It aggravated him. Usagi kept to herself. Her ears drooped out of embarrassment. She told Akasan she was used to this kind of stuff, but clearly it was a front.

The desk clerk told Akasan that demihumans weren't allowed service in their hotel.

Akasan gave her an irritated look and left.

They looked around for hours, but no one would accommodate Usagi.

It was getting dark now. Akasan and Usagi were walking down a main road, looking for another inn.

"See? I told you I should've hidden my ears, now you won't get a good enough rest." Usagi said.

Akasan was walking casually with his hands behind his head. "Nah. If they won't accept you for who you are then I don't wanna sleep there. I'd rather sleep in the jungle."

Usagi looked sad.

They walked through a more crowded area. Usagi was still getting dirty looks. She was now walking with her head down in shame and self-pity.

When they got out of the crowd, they heard someone; "Get out of our city, you monster!"

Some man in a group threw a rock at Usagi's head.

The entire crowd was watching now. Akasan ably caught the rock without needing to look.

Usagi was surprised at his reflex speed.

Akasan turned his head towards the person who threw it. His black markings had crept up to his eye and overlapped it, making his right eye bright purple. "What did she ever do to you?" he said darkly.

The man got scared. He said nothing, holding back his hateful words.

Akasan crushed the rock and let the dust fall from his hand. "Try something like that again and see if you still have an arm to throw with."

The man started running away in fear.

Usagi touched Akasan's shoulder. "Akasan, are you okay? You seem... different."

Akasan looked at her. His markings went back down, turning him normal. He shook his head. "Sorry. Lost control over my emotions for a second. Let's just get away from here."

Soon they got into one of the poorer parts of Emerald City where demihumans were a bit more common, but still mistreated. They managed to find an inn that accommodated people like Usagi. Though the owner made Akasan overpay for the room, and would only give him one.

Akasan didn't care at this point. He took what he could.

He opened the wooden door to their room. There were two beds, and the bare necessities. All he needed. He didn't bother turning on the light. He simply flopped himself on one of the beds and laid on his back.

The moonlight cast a soft white light in the center of the room.

Usagi calmly sat on the other bed.

"So what kind of place is Sapphire City? Are demihumans more common there?" Akasan asked.

"Not particularly. I usually hide my animalistic qualities and blend in."

"Something has to be done about this." Akasan yawned. "Every country in the world should be a place everyone can call home. For you, Usagi, I'm gonna flip this country over."

"Why would you go so far just for me?"

Akasan closed his eyes. "Because I want to."

Usagi was tearing up. "No! I want a reason! You're well known here! You could have easily gotten a room in this city's best hotel for a great price. But we went on a wild goose chase all afternoon, and now we're in one of the worst inns in the city, not to mention we got overcharged! Why are you doing this?!!"

She started crying. "I'm used to being treated like this. It's normal for me. But you're not like the others, and it makes me feel horrible!! I'm ruining your first visit to this country!! I should've just minded my own business instead of dragging you down with me..."

Akasan looked over at her. "What are you going on about? I feel like my experience here is great right now. We managed to find a room to stay in, we got to at least eat some decent street food, and I made a really great friend along the way. And we're still not even remotely close to Diamond City. I have a feeling that this trip will be worth it."

Usagi looked up at him. "Huh? Friend? Did you mean that? Do you really consider me a friend?!"

Akasan closed his eyes again. "Yeah of course. You're a super nice person, you offered to help me even when you knew that I was a foreigner, and now that I think about it, the rabbit ears are actually cute on you."

Usagi blushed. She didn't know what to do with herself. She wiped the tears from her face and slowly laid down on her bed. She had a big smile on her face as she fell asleep.


The next morning, Usagi woke up to find Akasan missing from his bed. She jolted up, searching the room for him, but he was nowhere to be found.

She ran downstairs to the first floor, and heard a commotion going on outside. She ran out to find Akasan standing in front of a mob. They were yelling to have Usagi leave.

"She doesn't belong here!"

"Would you let an animal stay in your home?!"

"Give her to me! I can sell her for a good price!!"

"We know that monster's in there!!"

Akasan stood in front of the inn's doorway with his arms folded.

Usagi noticed that the mob kept themselves away from Akasan by a slight margin, careful not to overstep any boundaries. They knew he could wipe them all out easily if he wanted to.

Usagi slowly crept out from the corner of the doorway to peek out. The mob noticed her and got even more rowdy.

Akasan turned around. "Usagi, you're up. C'mon, we gotta go. Hop on." He bent down, motioning her to hop on his back. She did, and Akasan leapt over the entire crowd and started running.

The mob tried chasing him but he was much too fast. Usagi's hair blew in the wind as Akasan sprinted away from the area.

After a short while he stopped, running into a line of armored police officers aiming at him.

The two officers in the middle stepped forward, then to the side, to create a gap. An old man stepped out of a large truck.

The truck shook and rattled. Something was in the back of it.

The man walked through the gap in the officers and stopped. He looked at Akasan. "I am Doctor Gamma. I consider myself a biologist. I study all forms of life. Boy, what you are carrying on your back is not allowed in this country. The Jade Islands is not a demihuman-friendly zone. I can allow all of this to go very smoothly if you hand the beast over to me. I will take very good care of her." He smiled slyly.

Akasan frowned. "No. Let us go!"

Dr. Gamma's smile left. "Boy... if you try to take that demihuman away from here, we will stop at nothing to make sure that the both of you will not leave this country alive."

Usagi was getting scared. "Akasan... don't give me to them... please."

Akasan looked at Usagi out of the corner of his eye, then back at the doctor. "There's no way in hell I'm gonna let you take her away!!"

The doctor lowered his head and shook it slowly out of pity. "Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk. I had hoped that the Dark Angel of Arbok would have had more common sense. Have it your way boy." He turned around and gave an order to one of the officers. "Open the truck."

He nodded and obeyed.

Dr. Gamma looked back at Akasan with a big smile on his face. "I think you'll like my latest creation. Beasts should fight other beasts, don't you think?"

The officer pulled out a key and took off the lock.

A green eight foot tall monster came out of the truck. It seemed to be humanoid, but its head was long at the top, and it had four arms, two green ones, and two blue ones that came out of its back. The monster was very muscular. It calmed down and slowly stomped its way next to Dr. Gamma.

The doctor gave him an order. "Rebmecede (pronunciation: rehb-mee-seed). Attack that boy and the demihuman on his back."

Rebmecede roared, and then attacked. But the monster was much faster than Akasan thought it was.

It quickly moved to him and smashed the ground.

Akasan jumped backwards. He actually was trying to fly away, but something was blocking his flight.

"Did you try flying away?" Dr. Gamma called out. "Giga Island is covered with anti-flight magic! There's no getting away here!"

Akasan was in a bind. "Usagi, can you fight?"

"Not really. At least not up close, only from a distance."

That didn't help at all. Akasan knew that the police officers had their guns aimed at Usagi, so if he ever dropped her, they'd likely shoot on sight.

Currently Akasan was constantly maneuvering and leaping around, dodging the beast's power attacks. "Usagi! I need you to hold on as tight as you can! I have to use my hands!!"

Usagi desperately wrapped her arms around Akasan's neck. "Okay!!"

Akasan removed his arms from behind his back. "Eye of Creation." His right eye immediately lit up. His black sword manifested in his hand.


He instantly darted behind Rebmecede, but the monster had amazing reflexes. As soon as Akasan left its sight, it jumped in the air. The arms on its back made green energy balls, one in each hand. It threw them at Akasan.

Akasan dodged. "Arrgh!! I don't have time for this!" He jumped in the air and quickly got in front of Rebmecede. He spun around. "Usagi!! Hold on!! Crimson... Flare!!"

Akasan kicked Rebmecede in the chest with a big wave of crimson fire.

The beast let out a cry of pain and fell to the ground.

Akasan landed as well.

The beast stood back up and chased Akasan some more.

Akasan managed to get behind the beast again.

It jumped, but this time Akasan got on top of it before it could get away. He sliced off the back blue arms with two chops of his blade.

Blue blood spurt out.

Usagi screamed.

Rebmecede yelled out.

As they fell, the monster turned around and grabbed a hold of Akasan with both of its arms.

Akasan couldn't move. "How... strong... is this thing?!!"

Dr. Gamma raised his arm. "Soldiers!! Fire!!"

A line of twenty-six soldiers fired bullets at Akasan and Usagi while they were falling.

Usagi was exposed.

Akasan's markings climbed up to his eye, making it purple. "You've gotta be kidding me!!"

Akasan's entire right arm was now glowing a black-purple. He quickly pushed off the beast and swung his arm.

A wave of near invisible purple energy exploded from Akasan, pushing back all the bullets, breaking the windows of the buildings on both sides, and knocking all of the officers over along with the cars and trucks on the sides of the street.

Akasan landed on the ground, catching his breath. "Tch, I didn't want to use this again..." He walked up to Rebmecede and forced his sword into its heart to kill it. Blue blood squirted from the wound.

Usagi was still hanging on to Akasan's back. She looked at him and thought to herself. "I knew it. His demeanor changes when his right eye turns purple." She could feel his heartbeat calm. "And in his eyes... there's no glint of being human. They're cold and dead. Merciless."

The officers were currently rendered unconscious. The doctor was the only one still standing. He hadn't moved from his spot. "Tell me boy..." He removed his lab coat and shirt. "Why do you have that energy?" He took off his shoes and threw them to the side.

Akasan looked back at Usagi. "The officers are down. Hide, now. Scream if something happens. I'll be right there."

She nodded and ran off to hide.

Dr. Gamma was actually extremely fit, his muscles were swollen, veins popping out all over him. His muscles tightened as he assumed a fighting stance.

Akasan's markings grew some more, covering the top corner of his forehead down to his ear. The canine tooth on the right side of his mouth sharpened. He looked at his sword and casually tossed it away. It wafted off as energy.

Akasan also took off his jacket and vest, throwing them to the side. He remained in a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His right arm was glowing black-purple. It would glow neon purple for a few seconds, then darken again. The markings had his entire arm covered. "Old man... I don't know what you're on about."

Akasan grinned evilly. "This is who I am."

Dr. Gamma frowned. "I haven't seen Nil since I worked in the labs back in Olympia... something's not right here. Come on boy, I'll put you to rest."

Akasan tilted his head and dashed. He moved in a blur.

Gamma kept up though. They traded multiple blows, each connecting hit causing a blast of wind pressure. They both fought at blazing speeds.

Gamma jumped back. "His energy reserves are magnificent..." he thought. "You truly live up to your name, Dark Angel!"

Akasan stood straight. He tilted his head back slightly and chuckled in an evil manner. "I'm gonna kill you."

Dr. Gamma got into a boar stance. His body charged with red and green energy. He moved both of his hands near each other and charged energy between them. The energy made a vibrant glow of light.

The ground began to rumble.

Akasan held up his fist. Black fire ignited it as the arm glowed purple.


A golden arrow of light shot into Dr. Gamma's arm, breaking his concentration. His attack stopped.

The arrow vanished, and blood leaked from the doctor's arm. He stood up straight.

Akasan looked behind him.

Usagi was holding up a bow made out of energy. It vanished from her hands. "Akasan, this isn't you! Please!! Stop this!"

Akasan frowned at her. He turned his gaze back to Dr. Gamma. The markings slowly went back to their original state.

The shine came back to Akasan's eyes. He looked around him. "Agh, my head hurts." He found his clothes and put them back on. He turned to Usagi. "Come on, we gotta go."

Usagi hopped on his back again as he ran past Dr. Gamma.

The doctor turned around to watch Akasan leave. "He's too dangerous to be left alive." He went to his lab coat and took out his cell phone. He tapped the screen a few times and put it to his ear. "This is Gamma. Yes. Tell Jive that the Dark Angel is coming. He's strong. And if the demihuman girl is captured she is to be brought back to me. Dead or alive."

Akasan continued running until he was out of the city. He ran into a forest.

Akasan leaned against a tree and sat down, catching his breath.

Usagi sat across from him. "What was that back there?" She noticed Akasan was shaking.

Akasan stared at his hands. "I don't know. It just manifested not too long ago. But my personality changes and I can't control my own emotions. It's scary."

They sat in silence for a few moments.

"Are you still going to Diamond City?" Usagi asked.

Akasan looked at her. "I have to. They want to take you away, and I won't let that happen. This injustice against demihumans has to stop. It has to."