
Deciding Battle, Pt. VII

Jasper and Jack were fighting at breakneck speeds.

Jasper sent a punch at him, his fist glowing blue-white.

Jack's eyes glowed as he sent his black fist right back.


There was an explosion of red.

Jasper slid back. "How you've fallen, Jack. Never would I have thought that you would work with your son that imprisoned you years ago."

Jack rolled his neck. "Who cares about all that?!" he said with a smile. "I'm here for one reason and one reason only!" He crossed his arms in front of him, palms facing the ground. "To kill the woman responsible for ruining me."

Jasper pulled out his sword. "How futile."


Jack dodged the deadly slash as a black mass formed underneath his hands. "Universal Sphere."

This time, Jack's Universal Sphere was larger than the one he used in Britannia.


Jasper vanished, yet the attack still followed him.

As Jasper blitzed through the air, he glanced behind him. "A homing attack?"

More and more giant cubes rose from the earth.