
Dawn of a New Order

"What should I name this realm?" Akasan asked. "The 'Nine Layers of Hell' doesn't really fit anymore..."

Beelzebub shrugged. "Beats me."

"Same here." Azael said.

Tiamat raised her hand. "Well, how do you want the realm to appear?"

Akasan looked at her. He cocked his head to the side. "Hmm... I want it to be the home of the Abyss Empire. The land would probably be made of inorganic compounds for the most part, so there should be large amounts of water to balance that out."

"So the basis for the realm should be an ocean?"

Akasan nodded. "Freshwater."

"Then how about the name Highwater?"

"Highwater? That's pretty basic though..."

"It has a nice ring to it." Lilith said.

Akasan looked at the little cloud-like organisms that formed across the realm. They were slowly transforming. "Is that... a fetus?"

"Ew." Lilith said.

Azael got closer to it. "It kinda looks like one doesn't it?"