
Conflict Before War

The screams of Bahamut once again terrorized the outer limits of space.

Methusylah, halted its closing in on the Earth. One of its eyes suddenly shot open, the stone iris glowing a spectacular gold. It was looking directly at Bahamut.

"I see. You're not just some puppet." the dragon said, its voice bellowing through the cosmos. "You're a sentient being."

Methusylah opened her other eye, a furious expression on the statue's face.

"To act on your own in response to my presence... do I frighten you? Are you afraid of what I can do?"

On Earth, Dagda, Ma'at, and Imaranth stopped their battle and looked to the skies.

"It can't be...!!" Dagda exclaimed. "Methusylah is moving on her own?!"

"This has never happened before..." said Ma'at. "In theory, the only time Methusylah could override our commands is if Lord Shiva himself were in danger...!"