

Agaki directed the workers around. "Leave that right there. We need to make sure that the stage has enough room."

Agaki was in Starlight Square making preparations for the festival.

Narumi and Mayumi walked up to him.

"How's it going?" Narumi asked.

"Just fine. Right now I'm trying to figure out the safest way for the people to see the stage. I don't want them too close, but not too far either."

Mayumi scanned the scene. "We can keep them within fifty feet of the stage. Have someone fill the gap with some stone to match colors. We'll cast protective magic over the crowd so that nothing will hit them. Sound better?"

Agaki looked at his clipboard. "Uh, actually, yeah. That's perfect. Thanks."

Narumi put a hand on his shoulder. "You excited?"

"Hm? For what?"

"You haven't seen him in what, five, six, years?"

Agaki smirked. "More or less."

Akasan walked into the Mess Hall. "Did I miss breakfast?"

"Not at all! Still plenty of food left!" David said.