
Battle In Diamond City

Jive went back to where Akasan and the others were, but he stayed hidden.

What should he do? As an Enforcer, he should be fighting alongside his king. But something was pulling at his heart that he was doing the wrong thing. And he knew that, but what was the right choice?

Apollo powered up. His entire body glowed with orange and yellow energy that burned like fire. His spiritual pressure was far more potent than Lazuli's. He was a god.

Akasan's body was reacting to him. His mind became hazy. He was standing still, frozen, unable to think straight.

Usagi ran up and grabbed his arm. He snapped out of it. "Are you alright?" she asked him.

Akasan shook his head. "Yeah I'm fine, thanks."

Owl blew one more cloud of smoke and then threw his cigarette to the ground.

Lazuli prepared her Hellcat.

Akasan ignited with crimson fire. He frowned as he looked up at Apollo. "Hey, Owl. I thought there was a restriction on flight in this country."

Owl looked up at Apollo, who was mid-air awaiting their move. "There is. But it doesn't affect him. The king can fly at will."

"Tsk. That's just gonna make it harder for us."

Owl looked on the ground and searched for a small rock. He found one and picked it up, tossing it up and down in his hand.

Lazuli was impatient. She was the first to attack. She dashed in, swinging her blade every which way.

These attacks were easily dodged and blocked by the god. He frowned at her.

Owl casually threw the rock at Apollo, who saw it coming and moved his head to the side.

As if it were a magic trick, Owl and the rock instantly switched places.

Akasan and Usagi watched as the rock next to them fell to the ground.

Owl was now behind Apollo. "Zero Wing Attack!"

He swung his arm and cut Apollo in his side.

Owl was still dissatisfied. "Tch. That was meant to take off his head. I've gotten lazy."

Apollo turned his attention to him. He held up a hand. A fiery orange mass of energy about twice the size of a volleyball formed. He sent it at him.

Owl activated his ability again and switched places with it. The energy hit the ground behind him and exploded.

Lazuli and Akasan jumped up to rush Apollo at the same time.

Apollo quickly flew higher in the air. The others dropped to the ground. They couldn't fly.

Owl looked up at Apollo. His pupils constricted. He instantly switched out with the god.

Lazuli immediately swung her Hellcat at him.

Apollo blocked with his hand coated in his energy.

Akasan jumped over Lazuli and tried to kick Apollo from above, but he blocked with his other hand. He pushed the both of them off, along with a shockwave of fire energy. It left a crater in the ground.

Apollo looked at Akasan. "Dark Angel! What's your business here in my country?"

Owl dropped to the ground. He scowled in suspicion. "Apollo isn't the type to talk. What is he trying to do?"

Akasan answered. "I want to end the unfairness this country holds against demihumans."

Apollo had a disgusted reaction on his face. "The demihumans? You want me to associate myself with those monsters?"

Akasan shook with anger. Apollo kept going. "Demihumans are half human, half beast, therefor they count as only half of a human. In the social ladder, even the lowest of gods count as at least ten humans, but demihumans count as half of one. The more vulgar the creature, the smaller that fraction will be. However! Demihumans do make amazing workhorses. The males are nearly twice as strong as humans! But they can never live amongst them. Especially when someone like me, a god, is in their presence. Once a demihuman forgets their place in life, we must kill them! So naturally I must also kill those three vulgar beasts that are with you. Vile, disgusting creatures! Do you get it? Of course not, absydian blood runs through your own veins doesn't it?"

Usagi was hurt by Apollo's words. Lazuli fought back tears.

Black-purple mist slowly rose from Akasan's body. Usagi knew what was happening. She knew deep inside herself that she should be stopping him. But she wanted Apollo to pay. She wanted to defeat him as badly as she ever wanted anything in her life.

Akasan's markings covered his arm and the entire right side of his face. "I'll show you what runs through my veins." he said in a demonic voice. His canine teeth grew sharper, and his hair spiked on the top of his head. The black mist rose from his body even quicker than before.

Apollo's eyes grew wider. "Yes! That's it...! Show me the beast that you are!"

Owl watched from a distance. "So he wants to fight Akasan at his best. This could get messy, and fast. But at least it looks like there're no civilians in range right now. We'll be fine."

Apollo started charging himself up. He was covered in fire, and the ground started to break apart.

Owl looked over at Usagi and Lazuli. He looked around himself and found two rocks. He covered the rocks with orange energy and threw them at the girls. He kept eye contact with Usagi and Lazuli. Even though he threw the rocks, there were two orange balls of energy in his hands the size of them. He dropped the orange balls to the ground. Usagi and Lazuli then teleported to him.

"Huh? What happened?" Usagi asked.

Owl answered. "My ability. Switch. It isn't safe for you two over there. Come. This way."

Owl started leading them away from the scene.

Lazuli looked at Usagi. "What's wrong with Akasan? You seem worried."

"I don't know. It's some kind of dark power that only activates when his emotions spin out of control. I've never seen it this bad before."

Owl led them into a back alley.

"Why here? An alley?" Lazuli asked.

Owl nodded. "It's secluded, far from the scene, and out of sight." He looked at Lazuli, who seemed to be genuinely worried about Akasan. He sighed. "Lazuli."

She turned around. "What?"

Owl looked away. "Why are you with that man? He's dangerous. If you wanted to retake the country, this wasn't the way to do it."

Lazuli crossed her arms stubbornly. "At first, of course, I didn't see much in him. He just looked like a regular guy. Then I fought him with a challenge to put his own life on the line. And he didn't accept out of blind confidence. He knew full well that he took a risk. His purpose for fighting me wasn't even self-serving, like most humans are. He fought with the intention to recruit me and to free my people. He was strong. The strongest I've ever fought. But not just in power, in spirit. I couldn't help but feel like he's such a vital person to this world. I'd follow someone like that to the ends of the earth if I could."

Usagi blushed. "I-I feel the same way. He's become a special person to me. His actions are only based on his feelings, he doesn't have ulterior motives like the other humans do. He's so simple, but that's what I lo- l-like about him."

Lazuli looked at her and smiled.

Owl sighed in irritation. "Tch."

Lazuli yelled at him. "Hey!! You're the one who asked!!"

Owl sat in thought about their words. "Follow to the ends of the earth eh? Not gonna lie that sounds like a lot of work."

He stood up. "Stay here. I won't be long." He suddenly disappeared.


Akasan's rage felt no end. He was lost in anger. The right side of his face was completely covered in black-purple energy. "I'll kill you."

Apollo grinned. "Give me a splendid fight."

Akasan disappeared and appeared above Apollo.

Apollo guarded with both arms as Akasan punched him.

The ground cracked ferociously. The pressure from the energy shot out and broke all of the windows on every building on both sides of them.

Akasan flipped backwards as Apollo fired a multitude of flaming energy blasts at light speed.

Crimson fire enveloped Akasan. The fire blasts disintegrated as they touched his aura.

Apollo scoffed. "Tch, he's not even fully conscious. This is just unadulterated rage."

Akasan's eyes showed a pure white as his pupils were not visible.

Akasan used his crimson fire aura as a cloak. The aura swelled at his arms and made them bigger. He now had two large crimson fire claws at the end of his arms. He disappeared again.

Apollo looked around him. Akasan appeared higher up in the air and made a giant crimson fireball between both of his hands.

Apollo made a large sphere of flaming energy. "I can't go head to head with that fire. It's too dangerous. I'll simply..."

Akasan threw the ball at the ground. It exploded and burned everything in its path.

Apollo, moving at light speed, flew over Akasan and pushed his ball of energy into his side, flinging him into the side of a building.

Apollo waited for a few seconds, then purple light emitted from the building through every hole and crack.

The entire building was obliterated by Akasan's energy as he screamed out in a fit of rage. All of his top clothes were now ripped to shreds. He breathed heavily as he stared directly at Apollo.

"W-What is this monster?! That last attack wasn't the most destructive, but it had enough power to kill a full-fledged god by itself! My Godflame ability touches its victim, then spreads throughout the body, burning every cell as it destroys them from the inside out. If he's still unscathed, then that means his power far outweighs my own!! That's not possible!!" Apollo clenched his fists.


Owl suddenly appeared next to Jive, who was sitting on the edge of a skyscraper, watching the fight between Apollo and Akasan.

Jive looked at Owl. "How'd you find me?"

"I have the ability to teleport to one person that I know the name and image of."

Owl walked over to Jive and stood on the very edge of the building. "What's on your mind?"

Jive looked out into the distance. "I guess I'm questioning my own actions. I was just confronted by a person who wanted to do the right thing, and by default, I obeyed my orders, even though I acknowledged his righteousness."

Owl looked at him. "What will you do?"

Jive looked down. "I don't know... I followed the path I thought was right ever since I was a child."

He remembered it like it was yesterday. Jive was twelve years old. He lived alone with his father, who was an Enforcer in Gem City. He was almost never home.

He served the country as a law enforcer and defended it at all costs.

As a result of his father's absence, Jive would always try to find a way to fit in. He always knew that he wasn't meant to be a leader. He simply wanted to be of use to someone.

He'd gotten involved with some random street thugs one time. They knew he had powers. They wanted to use him to fight another gang.

Jive was happy just to help, so he got himself involved in a gang war.

He came back home that night to see his father back early.

He looked Jive up and down and saw him all beat up. "Where were you all day?"

Jive told him about the group of guys he ran into. His father frowned. "And for what reason were you fighting?"

Jive looked at his father. "To help them."

"And for what reason were THEY fighting?"

Jive thought about it, trying to find an answer. "Um. I think because they wanted to prove themselves stronger."

His father knelt down. "And they were using you to prove that right?"

Jive nodded. His father patted his head. "Jive. Use your power for good. Don't waste your talent on mere thugs. Train yourself so that you can protect others. Like the people of this city."

Jive felt inspired by his father's words. It was the first time that the two of them had a heart to heart talk. He believed those words with all of his being.

A year from then his father allowed him to go to work with him.

Jive got to see what his father did on the daily.

On that specific day they were walking downtown, his father patrolling the streets. Then someone yelled out and some people screamed.

"He's a monster! Someone! Help! A demihuman is loose in the city!!"

Jive watched. He saw a man, likely homeless. His clothes were ragged, and his face scruffy. Apparently they found that he had dog ears.

But to Jive, he saw a human with a different set of features.

His father rushed to apprehend the man.

Jive looked on as his father wrestled the man to the ground and beat him half to death until the police came. They handcuffed the demihuman and sent him away.

Tears streaked down Jive's face. His father returned to him, proud. "Did you see that son? Isn't your father amazing?" He noticed him crying. "Hm? What's wrong Jive?"

Jive wondered what he should say. He answered. "Why did you beat up that man? He didn't do anything wrong."

His father stood up, a stern look on his face. "Jive. Demihumans don't count as people. They are part animal. Worth slightly more than livestock. They aren't allowed to intermingle with us. As an Enforcer, if I should see one, I am to arrest the beast."

Jive couldn't understand. "But that's wrong. They should be treated like everyone else!"

His father's expression darkened as he turned around and began walking away. "Jive. That's how the world works. Those are the rules. Do not bring this up to me again."

Jive panicked inside his mind. He made his father disappointed in him. That was the last thing he wanted. So Jive worked hard to perfect his abilities so that he could become an Enforcer.

When Jive was fourteen, Apollo became king and took over the throne.

Apollo soon met Jive's father and didn't like him. So he killed the man.

Jive was severely heartbroken for a long while after he heard the news. But he wasn't given time to mourn properly.

Apollo called for the man's son to meet him.

So there Jive was, in front of the king. He was shaking in his boots.

Apollo took a good look at him. "You have potential. I still might kill you, so work for your days to live. That's all."

Jive didn't even care if he was killed. He was angry. Angry at Apollo for killing his father, angry at the world for being so unfair. Angry at himself for not being strong enough to do anything about it. But he remembered what his father told him. "That's how the world works."

So Jive dedicated his life to live in his father's words. Even if it meant putting down the demihumans one by one.

He had nothing else to live for, and he had nothing else to strive for. He couldn't lead the charge to overthrow the city. He wouldn't even know where to start.

Stuck in an endless cycle of rules and orders, with two phrases leading him through a dark endless hallway.

"That's the way the world works."

"Use your power for good."

In the Jade Islands, those were two contradicting phrases. He realized that.

Now, he was forced to choose for himself for the first time in his life.

Jive looked back out at the fight. Akasan and Apollo were still battling.

Multiple skyscrapers and buildings were demolished.

It looked like a warzone.

What should he do? He could go help his king and defeat Akasan, then he would be praised, and probably paid handsomely.

He still hadn't used his full power. He could easily defeat Akasan with Apollo fighting at his side.

There would be good reason to do that.

But if he turned traitor, especially along with Owl, Apollo might fall. But what merit was there in that?

The entire country would hate him, and the demihuman laws could be changed. That could be a good thing, but there was nothing he would gain from that. He struggled with this decision.

Jive stood up. "I'll choose when I get there." He jumped down the tower and started shooting his way to the battle scene, darting from wall to wall.

Owl disappeared and reappeared by Lazuli and Usagi. They were sitting down opposite each other in the alley when he got there. "Good, you two are still here."

"Why wouldn't we be?" Lazuli said sarcastically.

Usagi looked up at him. "Will Akasan be okay? You'll help him right?"

Owl turned around. "I dunno. Maybe."

Usagi abruptly stood up. "No! Promise me you'll try your best to help him!!"

Owl was slightly taken aback. Usagi's eyes gleamed as she stared in his face. Like she could see through him.

Owl closed his eyes for a moment and sighed. "Fine, I get it already. You have my word." He then disappeared a third time. He reappeared closely behind Akasan.

Akasan was huffing and puffing. His rage was fueling everything he had.

Jive just arrived at the scene as well. He stood between Akasan and Apollo. He looked both ways.

Apollo clearly had a hard time fighting. His clothes were torn, and his body was bruised in multiple areas.

Owl walked up to Akasan and placed his hand on his left shoulder. "Hey. I don't really know how to say this, but you have to pull yourself together. You can't let this... thing, this energy... whatever it is, fight for you. Fight and think with your own head. Find another use for the rage."

The human left side of Akasan looked at Owl, teeth clenched. He stared at him for a few seconds and then finally calmed down. His left eye turned into the Eye of Creation.

Owl smiled at him. "You mean a lot to those two girls, whether you know it or not, it's not really my business in the first place, but I'm sure they don't want you to die here. Not like this."

Akasan's black mist halted. The black-purple energy started moving towards his face, swirling into his right eye. His markings returned to normal, and the swirling energy turned red and compressed itself into his iris. It split into four parts.

When the energy cooled, Akasan had a brand new Eye of Destruction. He looked ahead at Jive and Apollo.

Owl let go of Akasan's shoulder. "Better."

However, Akasan still wasn't talking or showing emotion. He had simply calmed himself down.

Jive looked at Apollo. "If I help you defeat them, what would happen?"

Apollo looked at Jive. "The city would be saved, and we'd have power over all of the other countries. There'll be a huge price on the market for the Dark Angel's body. It means this country and its people will prosper."

Black mist just barely started rising from Akasan again.

Jive turned to him. "If I help you instead, what happens?"

Akasan stared into Jive's eyes. "I don't care if you help me or not. Nothing changes. I won't go home until the demihuman laws are gone. Whoever's in the way of that is an enemy."

Jive looked both ways one last time. His goggle lenses glowed. He disappeared.

Jive reappeared next to Owl.

Apollo scowled. "You... traitor!! You served me for years!!"

Jive smirked. "This was the first time I've ever made my own choices in life. I feel like Akasan's motives are pure. He's doing what he feels is right. And frankly," Jive looked at Apollo's injuries. "I'm more afraid of getting on his bad side than yours."

Apollo was immensely irritated. "I should've never left you alive!"

Owl smiled to himself and pulled out a cigarette. "Well. There you have it." He took a drag and blew out a cloud of smoke.

Akasan started flaring up with a large amount Sirius energy that covered his whole body, the first time he was ever able to do so.

Owl and Jive prepared themselves.