

Baphomet sat on a throne in a dark castle. Light from the outside shone in from gaps in the construction.

On the ceiling and walls were green vines that grew along the gray stone.

Beautiful women fanned him down at his sides.

Footsteps were being heard tapping in the distance.

Baphomet looked at one of the women. "Who allowed someone to enter? I wasn't expecting anyone today."

The women shrugged.

Baphomet saw who it was. "Tekkyon? How'd you get in?"

Tekkyon looked up at him. "You don't think your guards are gonna keep me from coming in do you?"

Baphomet chuckled. "I suppose. So what brings one of the generals here?"

Tekkyon frowned. "Zeus was confirmed dead. Along with all of his children. I know you have something to do with this. You said you'd planned on dealing with the King of Titania. And you're the only one who knows the location of that realm.."