

Gama and some people from Yinying Village was helping Akasan and the others with loading their ship. Han arranged to give them enough food, water, and supplies to last the journey.

Gama set a crate down.

"Hey." Akasan said.

"Yeah?" Gama replied.

"Is Vera really that good of a sailor?"

"Sure is. He used to sail a lot as a kid, I heard."

"Hm. You sure that you don't wanna come with us?"

"Ah, well. I do owe you for saving our country, so I'd love to set sail with you all, but... I don't want to leave everything behind just yet. I'm not ready. After all, this is home for me."

"I see. Take care okay?"

Gama nodded. "Of course."

On the voyage home, Makoto stared out into the open seas. "I've never been off the mainland before... this is... wow...!"

Gida was also staring out into the water. He had a serious, clouded expression on his face.

Makoto hit him lightly on the shoulder. "Gida. You okay?"