
Anubis, God of Death

Seeing his friends moving on with their lives, Anubis felt that he was being left behind. He had no clear goal in mind. With Sirius becoming king, he knew that he couldn't keep following him his entire life. So, Anubis put out a formal resignation from the First Order, and sought out Nyx in the Underworld (an underground civilization of gods and lesser mortals, located underneath Olympia).

Upon finding her, Anubis told her he'd listen to what she had to say. Nyx proceeded to tell him that she would essentially make him a God of Death. He would rule over her Underworld, do whatever he liked there, and he would have the utmost love and respect from his worshipers. Her one condition; destroy the First Order. Anubis was prepared to do anything she wanted, and so Nyx granted Anubis her phantom energy, giving him the boost he needed to become a god. From this point forward, he was Anubis, God of Death and Ruler of the Underworld.

A few days later, he set out to destroy his homeland. He felt no emotional ties to the people who never truly loved him. Living up to his new title, he brought death wherever he went. He would feast upon the souls that escaped from the corpses, making him stronger with every kill. It wasn't long before Tema from the Knights of the First Order was sent after him. She desperately tried talking sense into him, but there was nothing she could do— they had to fight it out.

Tema would fight Anubis with everything she had, but he killed her anyway. Anubis then absorbed her soul, a much more powerful soul than the rest. He only grew stronger.

A furious Sirius joined the battlefield. He had witnessed Anubis kill Tema just moments before. He was enraged.

Anubis had never seen Sirius get angry like this. He wasn't the type to become overwhelmed by emotions. But on this day, Sirius' hair and eyes glowed bright blue with tears streaming down his face. He knew that he'd have to kill his best friend… or the First Order would end.

The battle between the legend Sirius and the god Anubis shook the country.

In a clash, Sirius asked Anubis why he would switch sides after all they've been through. Anubis answered saying that Sirius didn't know what it was like to be loved by no one. Sirius then exclaimed that Anubis was too blind to notice that Tema had already loved him all this time, that she could've been enough. Even still, Anubis said that it didn't matter anymore. He had already killed her, and he was already a god.

No turning back.

After a fight that lasted hours, the both of them were too exhausted and beaten to continue.

A black portal then opened. Jasper would step out of it. He mentioned that if he wanted, he could finish the job and annihilate everyone in the country with ease, but Nyx insisted that it must be Anubis who did it. So he took Anubis with him into the portal, which then closed, leaving Sirius in intense pain, more emotionally than physically.

The very next day, a half-rested Sirius woke up. He went to tell his son, Callux, and his wife Maria, to take as many people as they could to Arbok.

The First Order was falling.

Sirius was going to the Underworld to try and slow down the process as much as possible. He warned that they may never see him again, and with that he left for the Underworld to settle things.

Every low-level creature that stepped to Sirius was mercilessly obliterated in one blow. He was heading straight for Anubis.

In finding a healing Anubis, Nyx was also present. Sirius found himself in a two-against-one situation versus two of the strongest gods on Earth. But, as all heroes should, Sirius didn't look back. He gave this fight everything he could offer.

In their battle, Sirius couldn't believe how amazing Nyx was. It was almost like she was untouchable. Her spiritual essence seemed infinite. Along with Anubis, the odds against Sirius were impossible. Still, he fought on, looking for just one opening, one chance, to change everything. Against Nyx's Stasis, it seemed impossible to reach her, but over time, he found a weakness; Stasis had a recharge time of five seconds, and once activated, it lasted three seconds. This meant that Sirius had a two-second window of opportunity before Nyx activated her ability another time, and the source of her godly abilities were her eyes— the Eyes of Nyx.

Sirius began using a skill called space-skipping. Space-skipping allows a person to move behind space and reality and reappear anywhere within a distance that their energy reserves allow them to. It's like making a wormhole between two points. With this skill he was faster than the both of them.

When Nyx would activate Stasis, Sirius would space-skip to a point further away where her power could not reach him. Once he figured out her pattern, he made his move. Sirius managed to get Anubis off of him for a split-second, then he used space-skip to get to Nyx. He let off a Sirius Star attack (a bright blue ball of Sirius energy, it has the appearance and potency of a small star) to force her to activate Stasis. At that moment Sirius space-skipped again to get away.

Once reappearing, Anubis charged him. Stasis lasted exactly three seconds, so he had two seconds to get back. After three seconds exactly, Sirius used the remainder of his spiritual essence to hyper-skip (a quicker space-skip) back to Nyx, catching her off-guard. He got there so fast that she had no time to react.

Sirius used this opportunity to reach into Nyx's eye sockets with his fingers and crush her eyes completely.

Now Nyx couldn't see him, nor could she use her Stasis powers.

Anubis immediately sent a blistering blast of energy into Sirius, sending him far back. He was knocked into a rock wall.

Anubis went to check on Nyx, while Sirius attempted to retreat. He began flying away, but Anubis desperately chased him down. Sirius attempted to slow him down by creating obstacles, banging his fist against the rock ceiling and walls. He made it outside, but not long after Anubis sent a shot of phantom energy at him, burning his backside to the bone, resulting in a gaping hole.

Sirius no longer had the strength to fly away as Anubis walked towards him. The two exchanged words. Sirius' only regret was not realizing how pained his friend was, and not being able to help him.

Anubis prepared to kill him.

Sirius' last words were "Thank you for being my friend." as he smiled. He died from his injuries before Anubis could kill him.

Anubis stared at the corpse of his first friend. "Thank you for being mine." Anubis said as he carried the corpse back to the Underworld.