
Andromeda's Arrival

Akasan was walking outside headed for the Royal Palace to train some more.

A familiar carriage rolled past him.

"Huh? That's..." He ran after it.

When the carriage stopped at the Royal Palace, a familiar face stepped out.

Akasan called out. "Hey! Narumi!"

Narumi turned around. "Akasan! You're back already?"

He nodded. "I got back yesterday."

Narumi nodded her head. She quickly put on a suspicious face. "I see. Well, I just heard news that the Jade Islands went through a coup d'etat not too long ago. Something to do with you?"

Akasan explained what happened.

Narumi sighed. "Honestly. You're going to give me a lot of trouble if you continue on like this. You're lucky this time, but what if you'd have tried to do the same against a country with allies?"

"What do you mean?" Akasan asked.

Narumi held up a finger. "Britannia for instance. The country is known as the Third Order now, but it has heavy ties with Olympia! Messing with the Third will draw attention from the Seventh, get it?"

Akasan nodded. "Got it."

Narumi headed inside.

Akasan followed her. "What about Atlantia?"

"Atlantia disappeared a long time ago. It's none of our business. Same with Alfheim."

Akasan had never heard of that country. "Alfheim?"

Narumi looked back at him. "You've never heard of it? It's ancient. Hasn't been seen since Nyx rose to power."

"Wait, the entire country is gone? Like gone gone? Not even underwater?"

Narumi shook her head. "According to history, the entire landmass disappeared without a trace. But it's not our business, so don't go digging too far into it."

Akasan was silent for a moment, then he asked another question. "Do you know anything about a man named Dante?"

Narumi stopped. She turned around with a grim look on her face. "Why do you know that name?"

Akasan was caught off guard. "Uh, he came to me in my dream, he called himself the Demon King. I was just curious."

Narumi had sweat starting to drip down the side of her face. She got closer to Akasan, talking in almost a whisper. "That name is taboo. We don't speak of it. I can get expelled from my position as princess if someone finds out I even spoke his name. But I will say this to you, never, and I mean never, tell anyone I told this to you. Okay?"

Akasan nodded quickly.

Narumi looked around her before continuing. "There's an extinct race that used to be on this planet. Demons. They're rumored to have been stronger than the gods themselves. Dante the Demon King apparently lived in Alfheim with the elves. He was a merciless and ruthless monster. Like global threat to our existence monster. See why we don't speak of him? That's all I know. But for real, don't even say his name anymore. I don't know how you even got a hold of his name, but zip it. Got it?"

Akasan nodded again.

Narumi turned around and walked off to her chamber.

Akasan was just trying to process everything. "Demon King? But why would... no, don't think about it. It looks like Narumi would be in huge trouble if anyone found out she told me. Investigating would bring the heat on her."

Akasan went to go train. He stepped into the facility, but he didn't even get to do anything. He stopped at the doorway. "God energy... it's coming, and fast!"

Akasan sensed an enormous amount of god energy coming his way from the south. Whoever it was had zero intention of hiding their presence.

Akasan activated his Eye of Creation so that he could better sense it. He felt it clearly now. This energy wasn't normal.

Akasan felt his body tense up as what felt like cold wind rushed through the insides of his body.

His eyes widened. "She noticed me!"

The energy was locked on to him. It knew where he was.

Akasan quickly rushed out of the palace and ran as far as he could to the entrance. But he didn't make it.

Andromeda landed directly in front of him. "I move pretty fast, don't I?"

Akasan was panicking. "What do you want? You're Andromeda aren't you?"

Andromeda smiled at him. "So you do know who I am... good. That makes this easier. Put simply, I'm here to have a fight with you. To the death."

Akasan grit his teeth. "To the death?! Why?!"

Andromeda chuckled. "You're Sirius' reincarnation. Sirius is responsible for taking my mother's eyes. As her daughter I am inclined to battle his descendant. If you didn't know, I have never known true competition. All I wish is to have a battle to the death with the man whom I am tied to by fate."

Akasan took a deep breath. "Is there any way I can convince you to change your mind?"

Andromeda smiled. "I'll admit. You're a handsome one. But if you won't fight me then I'll wipe out your city. With or without you."

Akasan balled his fists. "So I have no choice..."

Andromeda rested her head on her hand. "Nope, none at all." she said in a sweet voice.

Akasan looked around. "I have conditions."

Andromeda stood straight up. "Which are?"

"We have to fight away from the city where no one will get hurt. And if I lose you have to promise to leave the city alone."

Andromeda stared into his eyes for a few seconds. "His resolve runs deep."

She sighed. "Fine. I will humor this request. Lead the way."

Akasan frowned and walked to the entrance with Andromeda following close behind.

Narumi was running up behind him, she turned the corner. "Akasan!! There's a god nearby-" She froze when she saw Andromeda behind Akasan.

Andromeda paid no mind to her.

Akasan looked back and gave her a convincing smile. He walked out of the entrance and took flight.

Andromeda quickly followed.

Narumi just stood there, feeling hopeless.


Frost was awoken to someone shaking his shoulder. He slowly opened his eyes and looked to his right.

It was a girl, close to his own age. She had brown hair and bright green eyes. She was on her knees, trying to wake him up. "Mister! Mister! Mister!" She noticed him wake up. "Are you okay?"

Frost's head was all fuzzy. He could barely remember what happened. He sat up. "My head hurts."

The girl gently pushed him back on the ground. "Here, you should rest, don't push yourself."

Frost was slowly remembering what happened. He looked at the girl. "Who... are you?"

The girl bowed her head. "My name is Yui. I was one of the prisoners you freed."

Frost frowned. "You were here the entire time?"

Yui nodded, pointing at her eyes. "I can protect myself with a forcefield that's indestructible. I've also replenished your energy."

Now that she mentioned it, Frost realized that his energy reserves were filled up, but his body was still exhausted.

Frost smiled to himself. "You have some special power."

Yui nodded. "It's the reason why I was imprisoned. But you saved me, so I am forever grateful. My power belongs to you."

Frost let out a slight laugh. "Belongs to me? That isn't fair to you."

Yui took hold of Frost's hand with both of hers. "It's what I want. If you're going to reclaim the country, there's nobody better to have by your side. I can help."

Frost saw nothing but pure sincerity in her eyes. He sighed, "Fine. Do what you will." He slowly sat up again.

Yui was worried. "Wait! You're still not a hundred percent!"

Frost stood up. He stumbled for a second, but he regained his balance. "Don't worry about me, I'm tougher than I look." He started walking away.

Yui ran after him.

They walked through the melted remains of North City.

They left the city and started walking through the snowy desert.

Frost looked back at Yui. "Aren't you cold?"

She shook her head, "No, this is nothing, I can handle it!"

Frost thought about it. He looked back ahead. He exhaled air, making the temperature around them seventy degrees while they walked.

Yui straightened up. "It got warmer..." She looked at Frost, who was paying her no mind.


Akasan flew far enough from Arbok City where he couldn't see it anymore. He stopped flying and landed.

Andromeda landed about fifty feet behind him.

"A fight to the death..." Akasan thought about it.

Ryuga warned him that she would come for him, but he still didn't expect for it to be like this.

Akasan covered himself in his crimson aura.

Andromeda let out her own aura. It was dark blue with a white glow. "How many years has it been since I've fought seriously? Five hundred? Six hundred? Ah, it doesn't matter. Today decides whether either of us lives, or dies. That is the meaning of a true battle."