
Aftershock, Part Nine

Gida pointed. "Look, that must be Akasan!"

Makoto watched as the Kalma descended from the skies. "I don't think we have time to worry about that now!"

Gida clapped his hands. "Imps, come here!!"

The majority of the Imps immediately came to his aid. Gor'yak and Khev'ra stood next to him. "Of course!!"

Haruna's eyes glowed. "Looks like we have some fighting to do."

Lance turned his attention to the Kalma. His eyes glowed green as wind violently swirled around him. "Let's fight together everyone!!"

The Kalma screamed out as they hit the ground in an eruption of black smoke. The barrage was relentless. A nonstop barrage of soldiers.

Akasan streamlined for Tuoni. "I don't care who you are, or why you're here, just leave us alone!!"

"I can not do that. You are an anomaly in this universe. I have been tasked with erasing you. Concept of Death."

Akasan charged up his fist. "Galaxy… FLASH!!!"