
Aftershock, Part Four

Ten sat up against a tree, out of breath, and bleeding from his head. "I've been in here for six months now from my calculations. The first three months I wasn't able to even move from the sheer gravity of this place. Now it takes nearly all of my strength just to sit up. Even breathing hurts my chest."

Three humanoid creatures walked up on Ten. They had rough black skin and yellow eyes with black slits for irises. One of them held a wooden club on its shoulder. "See? I told you the human would still be here!"

They snickered.

Ten looked up at them out of one eye. He grinned. "Ah, my favorite lowlifes. Do you three still roll around in your own filth?"

The demon with the club smacked him across the head.


Ten fell over, blood covering his face.

"Bobo!! You're the one who can't even move!! If anything, I'm surprised that you haven't died yet!!" They started to laugh again.