
A Lust For Blood

Akasan actually felt fear, but only for a moment.

The man in the room with him was clearly mentally insane. He wanted to kill him. And something told Akasan that he wasn't getting away this time.

Akasan squinted as he looked at the writing on the man's restraint jacket nametag.


"Shi? Is that your name?"

Shi looked up at the ceiling and started breathing heavily. He was drooling now. "Ahh, I want to kill him so bad... please let me do it mother, please let me kill him!"

Akasan didn't know what to expect.

The man was in restraints, so all he could do was roll around and sit up.

Suddenly Shi let out a short moan. He hung his head over, his black messy hair falling in front of his face. He slowly looked up at Akasan with a big, narrow toothed grin that went from ear to ear.

Akasan's heart jumped.

"Mother said yes."

Right after saying that, Shi's aura became ten times stronger.

Blood leaked from the holes in his restraint jacket, soiling the fabric red. He started tearing the jacket apart with brute force, ripping up the restraints.

He was a slim man, he wore no shirt or pants. All he wore were black boxer briefs.

Veins pulsated throughout his body. He took his nails and dug into his stomach. He scratched all the way up his chest, leaving five large scars. No blood came out.

Instead, a red mist started rising out of his body.

In that dark room, all Akasan could see clear as day, were his eyes. They were completely red. All over.

Akasan felt the bloodlust intensify. He braced himself.

Shi disappeared and reappeared crouched down on Akasan's left side. He faked the uppercut and instead did a sweeping kick to throw Akasan off balance. He grabbed Akasan by the face and slammed him into the floor with a loud crack. He was breathing hard, like he was enjoying this immensely.

Akasan raised his legs and wrapped them around Shi's neck. He put his hands on the ground and tossed him to the other side of the room. Akasan quickly got up and brought out his crimson flames.

Shi had hit the wall and fell to the floor. He got up and cracked his neck to both sides. He let out a bloodcurdling scream and leapt towards Akasan.

Shi constantly jumped and sent lightning fast kicks to the head, all of which Akasan dodged successfully. Shi could leap seamlessly just with a twitch of his foot.

Shi jump kicked again, then rolled backwards on landing and dashed towards Akasan.

They engaged in close combat.

Akasan was having trouble seeing in the dark, but Shi was perfectly fine.

On every hit that Shi connected, even the ones that were blocked, Akasan felt a madness rush through his body.

This was insanity.

Shi was roughly the same speed as Ryuga, faster even.

The hundreds of blows being exchanged by the two was driving Akasan crazy. He was smiling along with Shi now, sinking into the madness.

"Come on, come on, come on!!" Akasan said. "You'll have to try harder than that!!"

Shi started laughing manically. "Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!!!!!"


Shi connected a clean punch to Akasan's face. It knocked him into the wall.

Shi started laughing even more.

"Hey." Akasan said dryly.

Shi looked over to him with open eyes and a big smile.

"Were you just laughing because you thought you'd won, you rat-faced bastard?"

Both of Akasan's eyes were purple. "Come on. Let's do that again. You'll die this time."

Shi screamed once more and dived towards Akasan.

Akasan took a knuckle and jammed it into Shi's chest, stopping his heart for just a moment, then he jammed his knuckled fists into his throat, his stomach, and both lungs, repeatedly.

Then he grabbed his face and slammed it into the wall. "How do you like that?! Huh?!!"

wham! wham! wham! wham! wham! wham! wham! wham!!

Shi's face was bleeding all over now. He looked like a horse had trampled all over him.

Akasan took his left fist and punched him in the stomach over twenty times. Then he slammed Shi's head into the ground and stepped on his back.

Shi's spine snapped.

Akasan's eyes reverted back to normal. Then it sunk in. "What just happened? What did I just do?"

He dropped to his knees. "I couldn't control myself!! Again!!!" He hit the floor with both hands.

Shi was unmoving.

Akasan regained his composure. "I have to get out of here. I can't take this."

He got up. But he couldn't move.

Shi's hand had grabbed his ankle. "kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... mother... won't... forgive me..."

Akasan jerked his foot away and fell to the floor on his back.

Shi jumped off the floor using only his arms and leapt towards him, screaming.

Akasan curled up and put his feet on Shi's chest and flicked him over his head. Shi was thrown out of the door and into the darkness.

Akasan could hear his bloodcurdling scream as he fell to the bottom.

Akasan stood up. He had felt it that time. Fear. And a whole lot of it.

Akasan walked to the doorway and looked out. The room was barricaded with debris above him, and there was only darkness underneath him.

Akasan took out his sword and jumped onto the wall opposite him and slid his way down. He held up a small Sirius Star as a light source. He looked around for another door.

There was a open doorway with no door. "There!" he exclaimed. He jumped off the wall and dived into the room.

Only Akasan quickly found out that it wasn't a room. It was a hallway. And it branched off on both sides at various points.

Akasan felt the sickening energy that he felt outside, only stronger now. He followed the energy, only going down the paths that were giving off the energy the most. He walked through that maze for almost thirty minutes until he came to a door.

The hallway continued, but the energy he felt was behind this door.

Akasan swallowed. He turned on his Eye of Creation. Mainly to get rid of his fear.

He kicked the door down and walked in. "Who's in here?!!"

He looked up at the screen on the wall. One of the sections showed him at the door right then, another one showed Shi's dead body, and another showed the tea shop at the top floor.

"You've been watching this whole time?" Akasan asked.

The man in the top hat turned around in his chair and stood up.

Akasan took a step back. He didn't like this situation.

There was something about this man, this person, that he hated with every fiber of his being.

This energy made him sick to his stomach.

It was purely evil, with no hope of ever changing.

The man was dressed formally. A black top hat with a black trench coat. He wore black boots and a black vest as well.

The man was brown skinned, and wore black gloves on both hands. The only skin you could see was his face. And his eyes... both eyes held a spiraling pattern of black and yellow.

The Eyes of Realms.

He took a few steps towards Akasan.

Akasan stepped back.

The man spoke. "Ah. What wonderful eyes. But why do you only have the Eye of Creation in one eye? You have yet to fully mature. No matter. It will be mine soon."

Akasan took another step back into the hallway. "Yours? Why do you want my eye?"

About seventy-five hooded figures showed up behind Akasan.

The man stepped out into the hall as well. "Have you ever heard of the Kamigen?"

Akasan slowly shook his head. He continued backing up as the man kept walking towards him.

"The Kamigen is the result of a person who wields the Eye of Creation, the Eye of Destruction, and the Eye of Realms. I've heard wonderful things about it. Kamigen can be translated into 'God's Eye' or 'Eye of God'. I need that power. The power to rule over the world."

Akasan got a bad feeling and started running. He broke through the crowd of Freedom members, ran down the hall and turned the corner.

He needed to leave this place. He shouldn't have come alone.

The man walked out of a hallway in front of him.

Akasan stopped abruptly. "How did you...?"

The man stared into his eyes. "I control the very space we call reality. There's nowhere I am not."

Akasan looked to his left and saw another hall. He started running again.

He had to get away.

The man again appeared out of another hallway in front of him. "At least let me introduce myself. My name is Jack. I'm sure you've heard of my old alias, The Ripper."

Akasan's heart leapt out of his chest. He ran some more. "It just keeps getting worse and worse!! I've got to find a way out!!"

Jack was now behind him. "So you're just going to ignore your father?"

Akasan came to a halt. He turned around. "What did you just say?"

Jack smiled slyly. "You heard what I said. I'm your biological parent. What a twist, am I right?"