
CH 1

If you had one wish what would it be?

Most would wish to be the richest of the world.

But what's the fun in that when you can wish for something more fun, like an Isekai!

Kio : "Isn't that right, miss goddess?"

Goddess : "Indeed, so what kind of power would you take?"

Kio : "I would like to be able to summon anything from a game called Girls' frontline!"

Goddess : "Your power has been granted, and remember that you lost your humanity for it. Don't make me regret it."

As I black out I only imagine how much more fun my life will be here.


As I wake up to see I'm in a wooden bed and a blanket and wearing a hospital gown and sunlight going strait for the eyes through the window I annoyingly sit up.

Kio : "…Status!"

It's something everyone would say if they get isekaied.

To none's surprise there it was, the iconic… Orange? hologram.

Kio : "Wait, why is it orange? Isn't it supposed to be blue?"

Confused as I was I ignored it for now and saw what's inside it.


[Status] [MAILx2] [Inventory][T-DOLL]

LV : 1/10

AP : 20/20

MP : 100

Class : T-doll summoner

Gender : female

Atk : 5

MAtk : 5

Spd : 5

Def : 5

MDef : 5

Charm: 10




{Kitsune commander} : fox traits. The more tails you have the more T-dolls you can command (1/1).


{Goddess Giah's Last Warrior} : No racial limits, can't get lost with a map.




{Re-Supply} LV : 1/1 : Can summon a package containing one of the following options :

Ammunition / Food / military gear

Cost 1AP/use.


Kio : "So this is the basic stats."

It's truly a Isekai!

First let's see what the two mails I got before anything else!


[MAIL no.1]

Welcome to Tower of Babel, a tower made by humans to fight against gods!

At first the tower was to prove humans could reach gods but later gods cursed the tower to make humans open their eyes to the truth "Humans can't fight god's power." but some gods out of boredom made the tower into their entertainment, making humans climb the tower's 1000 floors and who ever does will be rewarded with a tittle [NEW BORN GOD] making them immortal and having control over a few galaxies.

Of course other smaller gods give some people powers to fight for them. The reward for the god sponsored will be divided in 3-7 in the god's favor.

Good luck, you will need it.


Kio : "Well that's the things I heard from the goddess, so I already know that."

[MAIL no.2]

From your Goddess.

AP or action points are used in every skill you use but don't worry, they regenerate after 10mins.

Now I shall explain how to use your powers.

Think how much MP (machine parts) you will sacrifice and a random character from the cost you spent will be summoned to your location in 10 sec, and will be permanent with 100 affection until they die, and you could also use MP to upgrade the T-dolls you have summoned.

Good luck, and please win my last warrior.


Kio : "Well that saves some time, lets go try it out."

I think hard of using all 100 MP even if I don't know how to get them I know it's not the last time I'll see it at 100.

As I think hard I see that all 100 MP disappeared from my status.

Kio : "I wonder who will summoned from 100 MP… maybe a shotgun?"

As I say with a loud boom the ceiling got a hole leaving me roofless.

Kio : "What the fuck!?"

All I see is a metal pod? In front of me opening up revealing a girl with white hair wearing tactical armor with a very commonly known gun besides her hips.

Kio : "AK-12?!"

Ak-12 : "Ak-12, At your order."

In front of me I have the leader/alpha of 'Wolf pack'!

In game she isn't the best but lore says otherwise, after all she is strong enough to tank a few explosions.

Ak-12 : "Is everything ok? You seem shocked to see me. I'm I that beautiful?"

She said with a playful tone.

How could I forget her teasing habit… specially towards HK416.

Kio : "Well, since you're here why don't you go explore the surroundings? I'm sure you will find something fun."

Meanwhile I will be looking at what you can do.

Ak-12 : "Activating radar."


[Status] [Inventory] '[T-DOLL]'


Lv : 1/100

AP : 29/30

Type : AR

DMG : 18

FR : 15 (15 bullets per second)

CRT DMG : 50% (How much more dmg it will do if hit a weak point)

DEF : 11 (Can negate that much dmg)

PEN : 15 (armor penetration)



{Leadership} : Increase DMG by 25% and RF by 15% of all units of 'DEFY'.


{Alpha} : Increase DMG by 50% and DEF by 35% when fighting canine type enemy.




{Eye of the snow wolf} LV : 1/10 : Increases DMG, FR and CRT DMG by 35% but disables emotions.

Cost 1AP/min. (Open eyes to activate)


{Radar} LV : 1/10 : can scan for living or mechanical creatures within 1km radius.

Cost 1AP/2min.


Kio : 'It's quite different from the game?'

I guess reality has something to do with it?

Anyway AK-12 came down from the roof to inform me of something.

AK-12 : "We are in a dense forest which is full of weird unknown signals."

Kio : "Have you checked the house?"

AK-12 : "There is a basement which has nothing same with all the rooms except this room which has a bed."

Kio : "Well, if there is nothing let's just go. By the way did you see a road or even a cliff near us?"

AK-12 : "Yes there was a road over that direction."

Kio : "That direction? Is that east, west, south?"

AK-12 : "My directional compass is behaving weirdly and the sun does not move from the center so I do not know."

Well seems like the tower's walls are made of something magnetic.

Kio : "Ok let's go there."

Standing up I suddenly feel heavier behind like something was pulling me.

Looking back I see that it was something new, a tail.

Kio : " I forgot about that!"

I fell back into the bed, making Ak-12 give off a smirk, which felt bad to be the receiving end of it…

Ak-12 : "Oh my, are you ok little fox?"

I could hear the silent laugh. I swear I'll pay this back tenfold!

Kio : "Wait, have I introduced myself?"

Right I forgot to introduce myself all this time.

AK-12 : "No, you didn't but I come with knowledge of you."

Kio : "Well I'll introduce myself either way. My name is Kio, died from cold in the streets, but I was given a chance with a fun adventure by Goddess Giah. Let's get along."

Ak-12 : "AK-12, Nicknamed Misha. Hope you won't bore me to death."

Ok introductions are done so we leave the hut behind and go towards the road and hope for a city!