
Kitsune Hero to Villain

I'm a kitsune, I was part of the hero's party to stop the end of the world. I fought with them until then, but I got scared of dying this day. Because I sensed my death was coming with my power that makes me see into the future. Because of me the Demon King won, he ascended to a stronger version of himself when the world got destroyed. I betrayed my friends to not let my life get taken and in doing so, we couldn't stop it. Then, after that, the Demon King took me under his wings as his right arm in his reign of terror. I felt happy and at the same time desperate, even after what I did I could still smile. This story is about my life as the demon's king lackey and how far will I go with my new and intimidating leader during this adventure. Tags : #Demon #Witches #WeakToStrong #Gods #Kitsune #Werewolf #Magic #Corruption #Power #Villain

Nehel_Whiteheart · 奇幻言情
47 Chs

Chapter 7 : Are you out of your mind ?

Before doing anything, we get close to each other in order for me to see Plutaria's facial expressions clearly, the weather is hot, the wind is a nice breeze of fresh air in this desertic area that we stand in, Plutaria seems to like the hot temperature in here and I do too since winter is my most hated season.

"Why would I use my full power against a weakling ? It was merely un avant goût."

she said with her french accent

"Great... can you show off please ? I need to know what you're capable of." I ask by winking at her.

Since she is so strong, I might learn a thing or two from her.

"You want to see how powerful I can be ? I'll show you power." she says with a serious tone implying that she will not do anything funny.

"Thanks." I gaze into her reddish eyes.

She summons an army of monsters next to her in silence without saying or moving which is impressive by itself, 20 of them, all protected by a dark cloak, a thing that only darkness magic users are able to create, these cloaks reflect attacks, I know that because of my past experiences with my friends against these kinds of monsters that can be countered.

The monsters are in fact a bunch of snakes of different size, from little like a cat to big like an orc, she made sure that they were in line and symetrical, they don't move an inch until she orders them to.

"I'm about to enjoy you." Plutaria says with oblivious intentions.

"Why..." the tone of my voice showing how disappointed I am.

"Because you have a nice skin. I can barely hold back." she licked her own lips like a vampire drinking blood would as she said that.

"Keep your fantasies to yourself." I fastly reply not wanting to involve myself into her fantasies.

"Pleeaaaase." she cries like a little girl with her crocodile tears.

"Don't ever kiss my lips." I answer sharply.

"But if an ugly guy shows up ?" she asks out of curiosity.

"Do it only in this scenario." I reply confident.

"Not funny, I want to kiss you and your dead body." she jiggles as she ends her sentence.

"Oh weird I think I saw my master near this place." I say on a whim in order to make her shut up.

"Let me marry you. I will keep you safe from any danger that we might encounter." she tells me getting her face closer like it was her dearest wish.

I look up at the blue sky with lot of birds flying towards the north, they are probably migrating.

Blood scattered all over the place when Plutaria snapped her fingers, the grey birds that were flying in the sky got instantly killed, falling like it was raining, I didn't count but she did, 120 birds died falling at my feet and in front of her, I'm cornered by their blood and dead corpses.

"I already see where the danger is coming from." I say just by looking at her nose which is mostly hidden by her black hair.

"But I did kill you, so tell me what I want to hear." she orders me to with envy.

"I admit it, you're strong and stubborn, you are also incredibly crazy and your common sense isn't common." I answer honestly.

"Obviously, I'm not a commoner." she replies proudly putting her hand on her chest close to her heart.

"That's not what I meant !"

"Then what do you mean ?" she asks innocently.

"Killing people without any reason behind it is bad ! You get nothing in return !" I argue with a little bit of anger, frowning at her.

"I get to enjoy them running in fear, slowly dying, screaming until death finds the way into their heart. Plus I can get their corpses for research purposes."

She smirks.


I'm imitating the delivery girl now... at least she wasn't crazy like this so called princess, but she do gives the vibe of being a princess just by looking at her dress and makeup and also the fact that she keeps calling me a commoner.

"Prove that you are a real princess !" I order her to.

"Not knowing about me proves that you are a commoner ! How could you ever call yourself a hero !?" she answers being disappointed in me.

"I saved thousands of lives." I proudly answer.

"By yourself ?" She asks, mocking me that way.

"I had my friends to help with that." I admit.

"You see, right now I am for you what the gods are for me. In other words, I'm at god level and you are a worm." she says, making fun of me with her tongue like I was a newborn baby.

Yes, gods are said to be the strongest being in the universe, capable of giving life, resurrecting people and even summon people of other worlds, but they can't kill or they lose their status and can never get it back, that's why the gods make childrens, they use them like tools in order to kill everyone they hate, it's a common knowledge among the world I put an end to... It is also said from history books that they watch over us, but it is unknown who they favor at war or what are their true desires, by this I mean that Plutaria Nekretia is the tool of a god in some way and I may be the tool of one of them too.

"Could you be nicer with words ?" I ask kindly.

"You are lucky, daddy gave you such an insane power after only a few hours. I've been trying to get one from him for years." she says out of jealousy.

"Is that so ?" I taunt her with a cunning smile of mine that I only do when I win an argument with Naomi my best friend, the wolfgirl that was my leader, we are kind of family to each other.

"Yes. Since I'm a princess and the child of a god, he looked after me and tried to kill me." Plutaria replies not getting angry at my remark.

"How did you survive ?" I ask curious, my smile evaporating.

"I tricked him but he saw through me and I was forced to watch some of his memories. I managed to resist his deadly move the Reaping Soul after awakening my powers in the middle of his attack." she says, trembling in fear just remembering, putting her arms close to her chest.

"How badly did it turn for you ?" I ask definitely curious about the mistery of why my master keeps her alive.

"I lost and swore to help him get his revenge on the gods, that includes my dad, I never liked him anyway." she says as she is being honest towards me and put her arms down.

She giggles, getting herself covered in a dark aura that protects her from offensive magic, hugging me tightly, her lips were too close and our eyes met with the wind making her hair fly away, her hands slowly descending to reach my ass that she presses her hands on while talking to me with a sensual voice but I didn't sense anyone coming here, I have to work on smelling others.

"Fatty is coming to us. Let's enjoy ourselves." She declares with an happy tone and adding to that a cunning smile of her own.

As soon as she is finished with her sentence, she uses her sweet black lips to kiss my pink ones that are dry because of the heat, going for a lot more than what I expect, I don't like it but compared to the other possibility it is refreshing to be kissed by this horny princess while her skirt might be lift up due to the strong wind especially since I'm a commoner and I've always wondered how would a kiss feel, it feels sweet.

The fatty probably left after seeing this, he can't have seen my face, I for a brief instant think that she is tricking me into kissing her, but the noises are the ones of someone walking towards us, the noises couldn't be heard after twelve seconds of us kissing.

I close my eyes while she kisses me and I kiss her in return in the hope she stops doing it, instead she keeps going and shows me what she is capable of, playing with my tongue without my consent and giving my ass big slaps while sometimes touching my tail.

Because I'm weak, I only have 1 tail, the strongest of my kind had 9, he died of sickness due to a rare disease, it was my great father,.

She spanks me hard for fun with her malicious smile, it hurts so much... then she stops abusing me after a few minutes of enjoying every moment of it while I couldn't defend myself since I always use my magic offensively, drool flowing from our mouths.

"So, how was your first kiss with a first class noble demi-god ?" the princess asks while playing with her dress.

"You took advantage of me !" I say going mad, my cheeks turning red.

"That's what a bad girl like me would do." she replies proudly while stretching her arms.

"If you hadn't forced me, I would say it wasn't that bad." I answer, closing my eyes.

"I'm the Princess of Darkness, I give the best smooch !" she is very honest about it.

"No, you are the princess of horny. Go to jail already !" I answer immediately opening my eyes again, trying to give her a slap that she dodges at the last second by lifting her head down and lifting it up right after as I put my hand close to my hair.

"You peasant. I gave you my first kiss and that's how you talk about it ?" She hereby declare since she is angry at my remark but remains calm.

"You're quite experienced for a first-timer." I tell her just thinking about it.

"That's right ! A great princess should know what she does ! Don't tell daddy that I had fun with your body." she taunts me.

"You hate your dad." I declare.

"Daddy is your master. I've heard a rumor, you are really horny right now !" she said with obviously dark intentions.

"No, I'm not !" I disclaim her statement.

"You can improve a lot with me. I will not ask for you consent. By having sex with me." she is being serious.

"You're just making this up." I say as I turn my head, looking behind my back.

But if it were to be real, does that mean that gods get more powerful with making love to one another ? If it happens to be the case, I might have to do it, but of course I wouldn't do it with just anyone, gotta find myself a good boy once I'm an adult and one day have childrens, she interrupts my own thoughts with her voice being so loud and very annoying to hear.

"You will improve that way, it's my oath to you. I have every right to do so. And if you didn't understand... Daddy will not stop me from doing you. I do understand why you are against it, you don't want to get sick." casually says this young adult.

"I will never ask for it." I'm getting serious, my tail staying put.

"I bet one thousand lives that your need for power is gonna give you a hard time resisting the temptation." she says as she tries to make me fall into her trap.

"I don't need it." I strongly disagree with her and walk around not putting myself in danger to forget about it and she follows me.

"Once you come back to me... You powers will increase no matter what. Think about it, I'm the child of a God. While you are just a mere Kitsune." the horny princess is saying with a dignified stance like she is rewarding me with a sword.

"No matter what ?" I ask Plutaria, not understanding what she means.

"Nothing." she says, hiding her hands behind her back.

We go for a walk to the east, she starts running, showing me her middle finger from her right hand and I follow her by running, knowing what she is up to, I do my best catching up with her but she is way too fast for me...

She stops running when getting close to a town, my eyes looking at her athletic legs, she actually has a nice figure, I then walk and go next to her, watching over the big town from such a high place in the desert, we can see all these houses made of solid sand from here, they all look the same, square shaped and Plutaria keeps an eye on me, starting a topic.

"Ever heard of this place before ?"


"It's where are located the ones trying to mimic my powers. Because they got my blood, they are now able to control them." She adds in all seriousness.

"And we have to kill them..." I say not being happy about it.

"By the way, except pink flames and transforming into your fox form, what can you do ?" she asks me for no apparent reason.

"I can see my own future. But only the future where I'm awake." I say it as I lower my eyebrows.

"Good to know. Use it right now." I can't see her eyebrows, but

I do as she says, in a very close future, I'm watching a fight from afar, humans that are wearing green military jackets are fighting monsters by summoning dark creatures, they get killed in horrible ways by them, blood dropping out of their bodies.

After that I see a group of beasts, the orcs with their big weapons are looking for food but instead they find something else, end of it.

"Humans die to monsters, soon after some orcs shows up." I state this as obvious as it is.

"Ohohoho ! I know exactly what they're up to. So, don't approach them. They would kill you and then eat you." the princess says with a serious tone coming out of her mouth, her face showing a bit of worry.

"But the others !" I shout at her as I want to save them from such a terrible event.

"They only care about one thing when they are in heat, doing some elves." Plutaria says making a wide smile similar to witches from fairy tales.

"We have to save them !" I say with an heroic tone.

"It's either you or them. Are you out of your mind ?" she claims this as she knows what I feel.

"This happens today. Help me save them !" I scream at her, starting running towards the village entrance not far away.

She summons a shadow clone of herself to block my way and take me by the arm, making the clone disappear. The second that follows, the princess of darkness use her other hand to lift up her hair and give a gaze into my eyes, her worried face going pale for a moment.

"Don't. Orcs can suppress any magic coming from werewolf, kitsunes and cat." she states without hesitating.

"Like I'd believe you !" I scream effortlessly, trying to put her hand off of me but she holds my arm firmly.

"That's what I thought you would say. Enjoy this dream you have of me." she answers sharply.

She punches me in the face by surprise, making my head go dizzy before punching me a second time, the second time Ibam knocked out this rapidly being unconscious....

When I wake up I am at the same place of where the future I saw, in this safe spot where I can see through a window the men in their green military outfits with their shotguns getting killed by monsters, they are Plutaria's.

I can't see her anywhere near them and the monsters eat the arms and legs off of the soldiers with their green outfits, they die due to blood loss, in this place I have no strength for some strange reason... I can only watch.

A few moments later, the orcs shows up with their big weapons that seem to be wooden sticks and wearing nothing but little leather clothes that are already stinky and with scratch on them, orcs stinks the most out of any living being, I can even smell it from here even so the window is closed.

I see them going into the closed houses by destroying the doors with their brute force, then they take the elves and take the women to do dirty things with them that I don't even dare to watch by looking anywhere else.

I then look at myself, checking if anything asides of the punch happened to me while I was unconscious, I do see water under my feet and I was undressed during my sleep. Right now I'm half naked with just my underwears on.

Why can't I get up ? Where did she go ?

The only thing I'm able to do is hear the screams of elve women being raped by orcs...

It lasts for about an hour before I recover and they leave the village around the time I get up.

I leave this place by opening and jumping off the window, that isn't an high place so I can't get hurt, I'm searching for my clothes because they are nowhere to be found.

I have to find her before she does anything more, If I let her do whatever she wants then that means I can't do anything by myself.

I find her after running in the village searching everywhere for at least 10 minutes, there was no one but her, her hands, hair and dress covered in blood, she turns her head around being surprised of seeing me, her face hadsblood spilled over it.

"What did you do to me !? Why didn't you help the elves !?" I ask in a desperate manner, my tail moving on it's own.

"You wet yourself. I just put some water around you after I undressed you and burned everything." she isn't joking when answering to my question.

"And you had the power to save them !" I scream being devasted by what she did.

"These elves may look like angels, but they made an enemy out of me. I lured the orcs here in order to make them understand their place." she answers boldly.

"Free them at once !" I order her, going really mad.

"Would you free someone who tries to kill you ? Going by that logic, I made them pay. Thankfully orcs dicks can turn any elves into sluts that don't care about anything but having sex." the black haired girl answer

"That's horrible ! But... You are right, I would have ended up like meat..." I sadly say, understanding that she warned me from the danger.

"Perfect. You seem to finally understand. The only thing they are scared of is bears. Since you are 15, your body isn't fully developed yet. Don't ever have sex with anyone at that age. Once you are 17 you can go all you want, but I'd advise that 18 is the starting point for most girls." she tells this a good life advice and she went too much in-depth about it.

"Is there anything I can do to improve ?" I ask respecfully.

"Some guys have escaped, kill all of them before they get too strong. I don't do that just for me, I need to protect my citizens." she answers like an hero would do, with an honorable intention.

"Do they hate me ?" I ask worried about my life.

"No, they hate elves. And they have the particularity of being very horny." she says sincerely, putting her hands together.

"Is your mother ?" I ask out of curiosity as my eyes are blinking.

"No, no, no. No way she is. The plan is simple, if you fail at killing these mortals, I kill you. We repeat that until you win." Plutaria puts her hand on her back where is located her medium axe made of metal and no magic in it.

"Wait a minute ! I can't control my eye yet ! And there is a better way to handle it !" I shout worried about being useless on the battlefield.

"Fine... why do you have to be such a letdown... Their level of strenght right now is at my weakest state, you definitely can win. Just kill four of them or is your hero's past in the way ?" she asks with caution.

"I will not let myself lose to my past."

I am serious about it, I will definitely kill these bad guys for the sake of protecting the citizens !"

She doesn't bother answering to this last sentence of mine, instead she points her finger at the north and the opposite of where we are, she runs at such a high speed not waiting for me and I run too in order to catch up with her, that lasts a long time before we arrive, once we do, we're both covered in sweat but the blood on her hair is gone, we stop at a river, very long river with pigs around eating herbs, a lot of sunflowers in a grassy field, while I stop myself I breath heavily, my heart is racing and putting my hands on my ankles like Plutaria does even so she isn't tired of it, so that's why she undressed me !

She tells me that this is the last stop before we go find the humans militaries that could flee from her, in order to train me so I can be able to kill them even if I regret it, but in order to get stronger and reach the title of god, one must be willing to kill.