
I challenge you to save them if you can

Author's damn fucking note to her merciful great adorable readers:

First of all, kill me with a dagger or shoot me with bullets or poison me in your imagination, I appreciate all of that. Secondly, I beg pardon from all of my kind readers as I disappeared suddenly without any notice. I had a few things to sort out and I was also out visiting Cox's Bazar(The world's longest sea beach), that was a sudden trip, and after that study books are poling me everywhere into sucking the life outta them. Therefore, my final exams are also knocking at my door.

I thoroughly understand that it is really irritating for readers if the writer goes missing all of a sudden. I did not want you guys to be left hanging in the middle of nowhere. But it will take me some time to come back to the track. I know that because of my insincerity, our readers are lessening. Still, I would never ever forget to mention and love the support that you guys have given this kiddo.