
Kiss From Death

Death itself was a God. A dark God believed to be responsible for all misfortunes, seeks vengeance from its counterpart, the famous Goddess herself, Life. A single but forbidden kiss thousands of years ago between both Gods, the price of that kiss was paid by their favorite creation; mankind. Sea monsters, the dark hole, and other abominations crawled out from their sleep to eat and destroy whatever Life and Death created. While Life remained seated on her high throne obsessing over the attention she was getting from her creation, Death walked the earth fighting monsters, answering the prayers never dedicated to him in secret, and growing his powers to destroy Life and restore what was stolen from him. What he didn't expect was to be attached to a human who aroused his interest and had the same face as his nemesis.

Peridot_writes · 奇幻言情
140 Chs


"Come on, please just do this for me. You are going to die soon anyway."

Death cocked his eyebrows at Lucy. "What's that supposed to mean?"

The Dream Killer just stood gently at a corner as he watched two titans argue about his redemption. He has been keeping himself and being well-behaved ever since he was freed from the tree the second time and promised a chance to live right again, genuinely this time.

He has been trying hard these past few months. Suppressing his curse and monstrous side and giving good impressions to people as Lucy advised. He has suppressed his urge to prey on humans considerably and basically just being an angel.

He saw his guardian sigh as she rubbed her temples, being overwhelmed with the street lately. They have been on this talk for the past two and a half weeks now begging him to break him free from the curse so that he could be who he was before. A beautiful man that loves to write. The dream Killer couldn't wait for that to happen and brag about his appearance to the demon friends he has made during his stay here.

"You know what I mean. You chose to die and leave us all alone, expecting us to be fine after your death. Well, that's what I am trying to do. Preparing myself to be fine after your departure. Break his curse now. We might not get the chance to do it."

Death shook his head at the devil in astonishment. "Why do I get a feeling that you want me dead sooner?"

Lucy scoffed, folding her arms across her chest with her chin held high. "Ever since I figured out that I would be fine once you're gone I have been hoping for your demise."

Death couldn't help but smile at her childishness. Since he said that to her in the heat of the moment she has decided to taunt him with every opportunity she has with those words. "You know I didn't really mean that, do you?"

"Like I care whether you meant it or not. The fact remains that you said it, and I can't wait until you're gone. But before you exit our dear lives for good, do the right thing. Like you promised me." She frowned at him with eyes daring him to refuse her again. Death rose to his feet with a sigh and rounded the table to meet with them. He urged the luckiest monster alive to come forward, and he did as quick as possible.

"Give me your hands," Death said, and the dream Killer presented is mutilated hands towards him. Its beastly heart pounding heavily in its chest as he awaits his long-expected transformation. Death touched where his thumbs were supposed to be before bringing his hands close to his face and blasting it with the breath of life. The Dream Killer closed his eyes as he felt a new kind of energy seep through him.

Lucy watched from the background as the monster's bald head brought out health dark locks of hair that fell on his shoulders. His abnormal height adjusted to the normal height for a human. The bones on his face snapped as they began to reshaped into angular jaw lines and fine pointed nose. His lips filled up, and they returned to their normal breadth with well-proportioned teeth.

The offensive odor from him disappeared along with his old rotten self and finally, his dear thumbs stretched out as a new skin wrapped around them along with the rest of his body. Death paused and let go of his new hands. "You can open your eyes now."

He opened his eyes and was wowed by how clear his vision was now. He blinked and brought his hands to his face as tears of happiness streamed down his face at his new thumbs. He wiggled them and smiled when they responded. He touched his face and body and noticed significant changes in him.

He has been reborn.

He turned around to the person who stood by him and fought alongside him to make this come true. He approached her quickly and pulled her into a tight hug in the history of hugs whispering words of appreciation to her.

Death noticed the bright smile on the devil's face as she patted him in the back, telling him he is most welcome. After a long time, he pulled away with a gigantic smile on his face.

"So, how does it feel to be born again, Do Min-ji?"

He parted his lips at the lovely name she gave him. "I feel good. Beyond good! Greater than good! I feel amazing again and myself! Thank you so much! This wouldn't have been possible without you."

Death cleared in his throat and they both turned to him.

"And of course, you too. You are the reason I want to believe in divine beings again. Thank you so much, I vow to use this life you've given me honourably." He went on his two knees and lowered his head before Death.

That single action flattered Death a lot. Lucy noticed and quickly pulled Do Min-ji up to his feet. "Why don't you go show the others your new look and throw a party for you later at night?"

"You will… really do that for me?"

"Of course, it's nothing. It's the least I could do for you."

Do Min-ji nodded with a smile before running off to show his friends his new look.

Lucy turned to Death and said, looking elsewhere apart from him. "You did the right thing."

Death laughed, staring at her subtle way of saying thank you. "It wouldn't hurt you to go down on your knees to show me how eternally grateful you are for what I did." He teased.

Lucy eyed him from head to toe before scoffing again. "As if. You are not invited to the party tonight. I will walk you out, should, I see you there."

"When have I ever attended any of your parties?"

"It shows how much you're missing. You can come if you want, but please do pretend as if we've never met before. I am not going to introduce you to the people I know only to have them explain to them why you choose to die instead of living the next time we meet." She said sparing him another disappointing glare before walking out.

Death folded his hands behind his back as he watched her live, having this knowing feeling of being the next person he is going to regret leaving behind after his human.