
(Part 10)

"Hurry up with your breakfasts we are already running late!" called Cassiel. "We are hurrying!" called Heber and Ezekiel together. "Really, you were the last to wake up. You brat!!" Mikael and Feng smacked Ryan's head at the same time. "Ouch! That hurts!" Ryan cried annoyed.

"Looks, like Ezekiel is all awake today." Ebraham pointed. "Yeah. He sure does look pumped up." smiled David. "All thanks to captain Helios." The two of them whispered together.

The middle schoolers getting ready tied their shoelaces lining up at the door. "You aren't forgetting anything or are you?" Kenzo asked. "No nothing!" the boys replied back. "Did you take all your gears?" Kenzo asked once more. "Yeah!" they once more replied together.

"Oh! I forgot my ball." Said Azazel. Kenzo glared smacking his head, "Then who's gonna take it? Me?! Go get it already! Why don't you forget yourself here?" "I'm sorry…!" cried Azazel heading back inside.

"Kenzo is really hot headed today…" Helios whispered to Seraph. "Yeah… he sure is. After all, he is the one representing all of us after Hugo." Seraph replied. "I agree on that…"assed Damian.

All prepared the boys at last stepped outside, shutting the dorms gate behind. "It's finally time…" whispered Ryan. "Yeah… best of luck all of you!" cheered Christopher, Mikael and Faris together.

"Thank you." Poseidon smiled while Ezekiel, Adam and Heber nodded. Rushing towards the stadium the boys looked around.

"Are you sure it was a right idea not to wake the highschoolers up?" asked Seraph perplexed. "It was, we aren't their servants, they should be aware of that more than us." replied Kenzo as Helios nodded.

"Moreover, I wanted to see the look on their faces when they turn out to be late, Hehe…" Kenzo grinned evilly. "You're right on that." endorsed Ryan joining him. "Yeah…hehe…" Adam copied out of nowhere.

"I really suggest you don't do that Adam." Cassiel said. Azazel, Xavier and Heber smiled.

Reaching the stadium, the boys halted before the entrance. Turning around the fourteen boys faced each other while the others stood behind gazing at them wondering. "Alright then, the time's finally here." Kenzo spoke.

Helios, Seraph, Xavier, Gabriel, Poseidon, Ryan, Adam, Cassiel, Heber, Azazel, Feng and Ezekiel stood stern. "And, for the next moment I have nothing in my mind but one thing to say to you all… let's give it our all and make sure to quaver the very ground beneath all their feet! Got that?" Kenzo declared.

The boys eyeing each other agreed. "It's obvious. No need to remind that to us, you fake king!" commented Ryan stepping inside. Veins popped on Kenzo's forehead. "Of course! Your highness. We will do as you say!" called Heber and Azazel together clapping their hand following Ryan.

"Yeah! Even if you are a fake king, we'll surely win this! Right Seraph?" asked Adam joyously. Kenzo eyed him pissed, "Quit it already!" "Yeah, we will. Right Cassiel?" Seraph asked patting Adam's head.

"Indeed. We will!" Cassiel claimed. The three of them heading inside next. "Wait for me Ryan!!" Adam rushed towards him.

"Don't worry, we'll handle this." Helios assured Kenzo patting his shoulder. "Who's worrying?" Kenzo asked annoyed. Helios smiled. "However, I am expecting an exceptional performance coming from you." Kenzo continued. "Hmph, leave it to me. My arch nemesis…" assured Helios heading inside.

Upon his words Kenzo smirked whispering, "This word doesn't suit at all without Hugo…" "I will also make sure to give it my best too!" Poseidon followed. "Yeah… since, Captain and Vice-captain are going to give their all. I don't have a choice or do I?" asked Ezekiel behind Poseidon.

"Let's do it." whispered Gabriel heading inside next. Feng called, "Yeah, let's do it! Come on Vice-captain Xavier!" Xavier walking towards Kenzo smiled, "Say, do you have any words for me? Or should I say something instead? Your highness?"

Kenzo staring at him asked, "You hated me didn't you Xavier?" Xavier blinked his eyes surprised. "After Hugo got hurt because of me in the tournament matches, you really resented me since then right?" he continued to ask.

"Hm… I did." Xavier replied smiling, "But not anymore."

"Your eyes of the past when you looked at me that time… will you show them to Alan today?" Kenzo asked. "Hm? Did I look that scary at that time?" Xavier asked surprised.

"Who knows… all I could remember at that moment was that, I couldn't move an inch from my place for a few minutes." Kenzo recalled. "Now that seems hard…" Xavier replied, "But, I'll still try. Anything else?"

"Yeah… Show it to me. Your evolution." Kenzo whispered. Xavier hearing his words stood stunned for a moment. "Of course… it'll be my pleasure. Your highness." Xavier replied patting his shoulder heading inside. Soon stopping in between his steps, Xavier called, "Kenzo."

"Hun?" Kenzo asked back. "Can I ask the same from you as well? Let me see it as well, your glorious reign." Xavier asked. Kenzo blinking his eyes for a while smiled, "Yeah… this king will show it you." Xavier headed inside.

"Really… he's such a…" Kenzo thought however stopped in between. "Come on, you all. What are you all waiting for?" he asked eyeing the others who stood wordless. "Oh nothing! We're coming!" called Christopher and Mikael together.

"For some reason… I am glad to see them working together like this." Said Damian. "Yeah… looking at them like this, I'm sure they'll win." stated Zac. Heading inside the middle schoolers entered the vast stadium.

To their surprise everything was ready. The pitch was polished and the coaches were settled on the audience's seat. At the very center of the audiences seat Nidou settled with Rauf and Evandor, and looking downwards all the highschoolers were found seated in different places on beside another.

"Ah, they're here." pointed Noah smiling.

"Eh!!? The highschoolers are already here?!" asked Adam surprised. "So they weren't asleep however, they left before we even woke up hun… how cleaver." Cassiel jotted out. "Hehe… such a surprise." Poseidon praised.

"Indeed." replied Xavier as Seraph nodded. "Tch!" Ryan and Kenzo clicked their tongues annoyed. "Jinx…" Heber and Feng teased.